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Sri Vishnuvardhan A profile picture

Sri Vishnuvardhan A

A Tech Enthusiast who loves to learn & integrate multiple technologies and keen to find the innovative solution of it to solve the existing challenges!!

Location Greater Coimbatore Area, TamilNadu Joined Joined on  Email address github website twitter website
Face Recognition System for provisioning AWS instance using Terraform scripts and generating Mail & WhatsApp alerts

Face Recognition System for provisioning AWS instance using Terraform scripts and generating Mail & WhatsApp alerts

3 min read

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JavaScript: The Company use cases

JavaScript: The Company use cases

2 min read
Setting up Fast & Secure Globally scaled Content Delivery Network with high availability using AWS Cloudfront & S3

Setting up Fast & Secure Globally scaled Content Delivery Network with high availability using AWS Cloudfront & S3

4 min read
Network Topology Setup in such a way that System A can ping to two Systems B & C but both systems not able to ping each other

Network Topology Setup in such a way that System A can ping to two Systems B & C but both systems not able to ping each other

4 min read
Setting up your own High Availability managed WordPress hosting using Amazon RDS

Setting up your own High Availability managed WordPress hosting using Amazon RDS

Comments 2
8 min read
How to limit the size of contribution as a data node in HDFS cluster?

How to limit the size of contribution as a data node in HDFS cluster?

6 min read
An Impact of Confusion Matrix on Cyber Security

An Impact of Confusion Matrix on Cyber Security

3 min read
Create, Crop, Swap and Collate a BGR image using Python

Create, Crop, Swap and Collate a BGR image using Python

4 min read
Launch a GUI Application inside the Docker Container

Launch a GUI Application inside the Docker Container

2 min read
Providing Idempotence property to HTTPD Service restart using Ansible handlers

Providing Idempotence property to HTTPD Service restart using Ansible handlers

3 min read
Launching the Web server and deploying the code on top of the Docker by using Ansible Playbook

Launching the Web server and deploying the code on top of the Docker by using Ansible Playbook

4 min read
Setting up your own Network that can ping Google but not able to ping Facebook in the same system without using a firewall

Setting up your own Network that can ping Google but not able to ping Facebook in the same system without using a firewall

5 min read