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Waylon Walker
Waylon Walker

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What Did You Learn This Week --May 8?

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waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker • Edited

This weekend I started learning kedro hooks. They are so intuitive to create its almost insane! They allow you to hook into catalog_created,pipeline_run, node_run(nouns). With a before, or after (adjective). This really reminds me of reacts lifecycle hooks, that let you hook into various state of react web components. This is going to make kedro so extendable by the community. I am super pumped to see what the community is able to do with this ability.

Example - kedro preflight

Here is one that I wrote to check if all pipeline inputs exist before the start of a run. Much of the code here is just constructing a good error message if it fails.

brainless profile image
Sumit Datta

Hey all,

So this week I went through mostly lower hanging fruit to hit my weekly targets. I would not say anything as interesting as Debian packages, but I used:

  1. Connected React Router (connected with Redux)
  2. Reading up and finding possible shallow/deep copy issues with the Spread syntax in JavaScript

Nothing fancy on the Python side (backend) this week.


kailyons profile image

This week I learned

  • How to make a debian package (and be consistent building it)
  • How to hunt down Makefile errors
  • How to test debian packages without uploading them to launchpad
waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

That sounds super cool. I have used wsl debian for a few years now, but never created a package for it.

ktkaushik profile image
Kaushik Thirthappa

This week I learnt a lot about GitHub Actions for a number of things. Here is the guide if you want to get started.

I managed to set up separate jobs to be run on adding different labels. Moved all of CI CD to GitHub actions.

So pleased to have this all automated that the team has deployed over 20 times to staging in the past 2 days itself.