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Nikita Sobolev for

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Higher Kinded Types in Python

Originally published in my blog:

dry-python/returns@0.15 is released! And it means that now anyone can use our Higher Kinded Types emulation in their projects.

In this post I will explain:

  • What Higher Kinded Types (HKTs) are and why they are useful
  • How they are implemented and what limitations there are
  • How can you use them in your own projects

Without further ado, let's talk about typing!

Simple types

Typing is layered. Like a good cake. There are at least three layers that we are going to cover.

Simple (or flat) typing, like x: int = 1. This allows us to express simple types and their transformations. Like int -> str:

def stringify(arg: int) -> str:
    return str(arg)
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A lot of languages like go and php do not go beyond this line. And they still work pretty well! These types are also sometimes called *-kinded. It can be understood as "a place for just a single type argument".


Generic level is required to express "nested" types. For example, you have a list of integers. In Python we annotate it as List[int] or list[int] in Python 3.9. This allows us to have types with other types as arguments. List can receive int or str or even another List as the type argument. This way we can nest type and types start to have their own structure.

Generics are much more interesting than simple types. And they can have multiple type arguments:

  • List has one: for values, so it has a kind of * -> *. It can be understood as a type transformation List -> T = List[T]
  • Dict has two: for keys and values, so it has a kind of * -> * -> *. It can be understood as a type transformation Dict -> K -> V = Dict[K, V]
  • And so on!

This would be very helpful for us in the future, I promise.

We can also write transformations for generic types:

def stringify_list_items(arg: List[int]) -> List[str]:
    return [str(item) for item in arg]
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But, that is where things begin to be quite complicated.

How can this function work with other iterables like set, frozenset, tuple?
We can express this in Python as easy as:

def stringify_iterable_items(arg):
    return type(arg)(str(item) for item in arg)
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But the typing part would be quite challenging. Let's try several things.

Common interface

The first obvious thing to try is Iterable protocol. It is builtin into Python and does what we need.

from typing import Iterable

def stringify_iterable_items(arg: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[str]:
    return type(arg)(str(item) for item in arg)
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Let's try it out:

reveal_type(stringify_iterable_items([1, 2, 3]))
# Revealed type is 'typing.Iterable[builtins.str]'

reveal_type(stringify_iterable_items({1, 2, 3}))
#  Revealed type is 'typing.Iterable[builtins.str]'

reveal_type(stringify_iterable_items((1, 2, 3)))
#  Revealed type is 'typing.Iterable[builtins.str]'
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You can see that a part of our typing information is lost. We pass List or Set or Tuple and always get the Iterable back.

Sometimes - this is ok. But, in some cases, this is not enough. Let's try some other technique!


One can say: we are all using Object-Oriented Programming! Why cannot we just create a new method for each type we need? And specify the exact return type there!

Well, it is a possible solution. But, there are some reasonable problems:

  • You cannot add methods to existing types and extend them with this approach. Only create new ones, probably via subtyping, and add new methods there. In our example you would have to create your own versions of List, Set, and Tuple. Which is not desirable in most situations
  • It really starts to be messy if you have a lot of methods to add. A type with more than X (choose the number yourself) methods starts to be really complex to read, understand, and use. Instead, using separate functions is much easier, because we don't have to put everything into a single namespace

Let's try something else.


Another solution that might solve our problem is using the @overload decorator with proper types for each required case.

from typing import List, Set, overload

def stringify_iterable_items(arg: List[int]) -> List[str]:

def stringify_iterable_items(arg: Set[int]) -> Set[str]:

def stringify_iterable_items(arg):
    return type(arg)(str(item) for item in arg)
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Let's test it:

reveal_type(stringify_iterable_items([1, 2]))
# Revealed type is 'builtins.list[builtins.str]'

reveal_type(stringify_iterable_items({1, 2}))
# Revealed type is 'builtins.set[builtins.str]'
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Awesome! Looks like we've achieved our goal, haven't we? But, there's a new problem. We have to manually list all possible cases in a function's signature. This works for cases when all possible arguments and outcomes are known in advance. But, not in this case. In Python Iterable is a protocol. We can use this function with any type with __iter__ method defined: with both builtin and custom types. So, the number of possible arguments and outcomes is endless.

To illusrate the problem, let's see what happens for Tuple which is not listed in the function's overloads:

reveal_type(stringify_iterable_items((1, 2, 3)))
# error: No overload variant of "stringify_iterable_items" matches argument type "Tuple[int, int, int]"
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We, in dry-python used this technique with @overload decorator for our previous versions. This allowed us to write correct definitions of functions working with generic types. But, they were limited to the pre-defined set of our own types. And we wanted to allow our users to create their custom types based on our interfaces. With the full existing code reuse.

Higher Kinded Types

That's where the idea of Higher Kinded Types becomes useful. We need HKTs when we want to change the inner structure of generics with full type information preserving and openness to the extension. In theory, you can write something like:

from typing import Iterable

T = TypeVar('T', bound=Iterable)

def stringify_iterable_items(arg: T[int]) -> T[str]:
    return type(arg)(str(item) for item in arg)
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And this would solve our problem! What happens here is that we abstract away the Iterable type itself. And then ask mypy to figure this out for us.

This way we can potentially have stringify_iterable_items working for any Iterable type, but with the exact same type returned back without any information lost. And it would work for all types.

reveal_type(stringify_iterable_items([1, 2]))
# Revealed type is 'builtins.list[builtins.str]'

reveal_type(stringify_iterable_items({1, 2}))
# Revealed type is 'builtins.set[builtins.str]'

reveal_type(stringify_iterable_items(MyCustomIterable(1, 2)))
# Revealed type is 'my_module.MyCustomIterable[builtins.str]'
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Unfortunately, it is not supported at the moment.


Turns out we are not alone in this situation. There are multiple languages where Higher Kinded Types are not natively supported yet. But, they can be emulated:

And now with Python too!

There's also an original whitepaper for ones who are interested.

The core idea of HKT emulation is that we can write types the other way around: not like T[int], but rather like Kind[T, int] (which is absolutely the same thing).

This way we can transform the inner structure of generics, but maintain the simple context without reinventing TypeVar with type arguments. And our function's type signature will look like: Kind[T, int] -> Kind[T, str].

Let's see the implementation.


TLDR: here's the final working code with all the logic, all the hacks, and everything. In this article, we going to write and explain it step by step.

We would need a better example to test our implementation. Let's build two types: a Box and a Bag. Box is defined by its size, while a Bag is an item of fashion: it has a brand name and a model name (I have a wife, I know this stuff!).

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, Generic, TypeVar

_ValueType = TypeVar('_ValueType')
_NewValueType = TypeVar('_NewValueType')

class Box(Generic[_ValueType]):
    value: _ValueType
    length: int
    width: int
    height: int

class Bag(Generic[_ValueType]):
    value: _ValueType
    brand: str
    model: str
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And we can create Boxes and Bags of different types, because we can put different things inside them:

box = Box(value=10, length=1, width=2, height=3)  # Box[int]
bag = Bag(value=5, brand='Fancy', model='Baggy')  # Bag[int]
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Now, we need a function with a type transformation. Let's say we want to apply a function to the value inside boxes and bags. Let's use fake BoxOrBag type for now to illustrate our intent:

from typing import Callable

_NewValueType = TypeVar('_NewValueType')

def apply_function(
    instance: BoxOrBag[_ValueType],  # fake type for now
    callback: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType],
) -> BoxOrBag[_NewValueType]:  # fake type for now
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It is going to work like so:

assert apply_function(box, str) == Box(value='10', length=1, width=2, height=3)
assert apply_function(bag, bool) == Bag(value=True, brand='Fancy', model='Baggy')
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We only need to change current fake BoxOrBag type to a real HKT. We would need to define a new Kind type to make the emulation:

_InstanceType = TypeVar('_InstanceType', covariant=True)
_FirstTypeArgType = TypeVar('_FirstTypeArgType', covariant=True)

class Kind(Generic[_InstanceType, _FirstTypeArgType]):
    """Used for HKT emulation."""
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One pro-tip about Kind: it won't not exist during runtime. Only during type-checking.

Now, let's change apply_function to use Kind:

_InstanceKind = TypeVar('_InstanceKind')

def apply_function(
    instance: Kind[_InstanceKind, _ValueType],
    callback: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType],
) -> Kind[_InstanceKind, _NewValueType]:
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And last, but not least: we need an implementation for apply_function!

def apply_function(
    instance: Kind[_InstanceKind, _ValueType],
    callback: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType],
) -> Kind[_InstanceKind, _NewValueType]:
    new_value = callback(instance.value)  # creating new value
    return instance.with_value(new_value)  # creating a new instance from it
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If we try to run this code, we would see something like:

error: "_InstanceKind" has no attribute "value"
error: "_InstanceKind" has no attribute "with_value"
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This happens because _InstanceKind does not know anything about an interface we are working with right now. We need to bind it to something. And we also need an interface to work with:

import abc

_InstanceKind = TypeVar('_InstanceKind', bound='HasValue')

class HasValue(Generic[_ValueType]):
    def value(self) -> _ValueType:
        """Returns a value property."""

    def with_value(
        self: _InstanceKind,
        new_value: _NewValueType,
    ) -> Kind1[_InstanceKind, _NewValueType]:
        """Creates a new instance with a changed value."""
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Take an extra look at the abstract with_value definition: it is also Higher Kinded Typed. Because the interface knows that we are dealing with the internal structure change of a generic type. We would also need to subclass HasValue and implement the with_value method for both Bag and Box types. The good thing about subclassing HasValue is that HKTs as well as regular types will protect us from defining incompatible methods and properties.

Let's review what we have done so far:

import abc
import dataclasses
from typing import Callable, Generic, TypeVar

_InstanceType = TypeVar('_InstanceType', covariant=True)
_FirstTypeArgType = TypeVar('_FirstTypeArgType', covariant=True)

class Kind(Generic[_InstanceType, _FirstTypeArgType]):
    """Used for HKT emulation."""

_ValueType = TypeVar('_ValueType')
_NewValueType = TypeVar('_NewValueType')
_InstanceKind = TypeVar('_InstanceKind', bound='HasValue')

class HasValue(Generic[_ValueType]):
    def value(self) -> _ValueType:
        """Returns a value property."""

    def with_value(
        self: _InstanceKind,
        new_value: _NewValueType,
    ) -> Kind[_InstanceKind, _NewValueType]:
        """Creates a new instance with a changed value."""

class Box(Generic[_ValueType], HasValue[_ValueType]):
    value: _ValueType
    length: int
    width: int
    height: int

    def with_value(self, new_value: _NewValueType) -> 'Box[_NewValueType]':
        return Box(new_value, self.length, self.width, self.height)

class Bag(Generic[_ValueType], HasValue[_ValueType]):
    value: _ValueType
    brand: str
    model: str

    def with_value(self, new_value: _NewValueType) -> 'Bag[_NewValueType]':
        return Bag(new_value, self.brand, self.model)

def apply_function(
    instance: Kind[_InstanceKind, _ValueType],
    callback: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType],
) -> Kind[_InstanceKind, _NewValueType]:
    new_value = callback(instance.value)
    return instance.with_value(new_value)
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That's pretty much it! I can proudly call this "unhacked" version. In an ideal world, our HKT emulation would just work. But, in our real-life world - we still need some hacks to make this possible.


First of all, let's try to type-check our code to see what will happen:

» mypy error: "Kind[_InstanceKind, _ValueType]" has no attribute "value" error: Returning Any from function declared to return "Kind[_InstanceKind, _NewValueType]" error: "Kind[_InstanceKind, _ValueType]" has no attribute "with_value"
Found 3 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
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Let's think about it for a moment. Why "Kind[_InstanceKind, _ValueType]" does not have attribute "value"?

getattr hook

This happens because we wrote exactly that in apply_function:

instance: Kind[_InstanceKind, _ValueType]  # Kind has 0 methods and props

instance.value  # this errors, because, again, Kind has 0 methods and values
instance.with_value  # the same
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We need to build something that understands our intention: when we use dot access on Kind - in reality, we want to dot access its _InstanceKind type.

Since it can take quite a lot of time, I am going to skip re-implementing this part and give links to the original source code here:

  1. Add __getattr__ method to Kind
  2. Write a custom mypy plugin to catch and modify attribute access on Kind

In the result we would have a working type inference:

def apply_function(
    instance: Kind[_InstanceKind, _ValueType],
    callback: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType],
) -> Kind[_InstanceKind, _NewValueType]:
    # Revealed type is '_ValueType`-2'
    # Revealed type is 'def [_NewValueType] (new_value: _NewValueType`6) -> Kind[_InstanceKind`-1, _NewValueType`6]'
    new_value = callback(instance.value)
    return instance.with_value(new_value)
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There are two more things to solve.

First, since Kind is a type and mypy uses nominal inheritance to check subtyping (I have tried to make Kind a Protocol several times, but it does not work this way for now) it won't be happy that we declare Kind as a return type, but return Bag or Box instead. Since these two types are unrelated in mypy's opinion - we would need to fix that with a direct inheritance from Kind.

class Bag(Kind['Bag', _ValueType], HasValue[_ValueType]):

class Box(Kind['Box', _ValueType], HasValue[_ValueType]):
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Now Box and Bag are both nominal subtypes of Kind and mypy will be happy with that.

Also, notice this notation Kind['Box', _ValueType]: what it means is that we inherit from Kind and pass not-yet-defined Box type inside as type argument. Sometimes it is also called the URI parameter.

Second, since Kind defines __getattr__ we would end up with catching all dot access behaviour during type-checking. For example, box.missing_attr won't raise a type error anymore. But, would still fail during execution. We need to fix that! We can create a intermediate layer called SupportsKind with removed __getattr__ method:

class SupportsKind(KindN[_InstanceType, _FirstTypeArgType]):
    __getattr__: None  # type: ignore
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Yes, this is a bit ugly, but we have to only define it once and then just use it:

class Bag(SupportsKind['Bag', _ValueType], HasValue[_ValueType]):

class Box(SupportsKind['Box', _ValueType], HasValue[_ValueType]):
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Now, we have box.missing_attr fixed!


And the last hack we need is to translate Kind[_InstanceKind, _NewValueType] to _InstanceKind[_NewValueType] in the function's return type. Let's see how it works right now without this transformation:

box = Box(value=10, length=1, width=2, height=3)
bag = Bag(value=5, brand='Fancy', model='Baggy')

reveal_type(apply_function(box, str))
# Revealed type is 'ex.Kind[ex.Box[Any], builtins.str*]'
reveal_type(apply_function(bag, str))
# Revealed type is 'ex.Kind[ex.Bag[Any], builtins.str*]'
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Almost what we need!

We can use a @kinded decorator for that together with one more custom mypy plugin. The idea of this hack is that we catch all calls of functions decorated with @kinded and transform their return type from Kind[I, T] into I[T].

The final iteration of apply_function will look like this:

def apply_function(
    instance: Kind[_InstanceKind, _ValueType],
    callback: Callable[[_ValueType], _NewValueType],
) -> Kind[_InstanceKind, _NewValueType]:
    new_value = callback(instance.value)
    return instance.with_value(new_value)
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And would work as we want:

reveal_type(apply_function(box, str))
# Revealed type is 'ex.Box[builtins.str*]'
reveal_type(apply_function(bag, str))
# Revealed type is 'ex.Bag[builtins.str*]'
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Let's discuss the future of this hacks. Because, we don't want them to stay!


The main limitation, for now, is that Kind uses nominal inheritance and is a custom type. So, for now, it is impossible to work with 1st or 3rd party generics like List, Set, etc. We can only work with types who directly inherit from Kind for now.

The second limitation comes from the fact we can have generics with a different number of type arguments, as I have shown you before:

  • List has a kind of * -> *
  • Dict has a kind of * -> * -> *

So, we would need several Kind alises to work with different amount of type arguments. It would also have a reasonable limit of three type arguments:

class KindN(
    Generic[_InstanceType, _TypeArgType1, _TypeArgType2, _TypeArgType3],

#: Type alias for kinds with one type argument.
Kind1 = KindN[_InstanceType, _TypeArgType1, Any, Any]

#: Type alias for kinds with two type arguments.
Kind2 = KindN[_InstanceType, _TypeArgType1, _TypeArgType2, Any]

#: Type alias for kinds with three type arguments.
Kind3 = KindN[_InstanceType, _TypeArgType1, _TypeArgType2, _TypeArgType3]
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A lot of readers might be shocked by the number of hacks we have to apply to make this work. I guess it is time for me to explain what hacks are temporary and which are going to stay with us.

The good news, all hacks can be solved in the future.

Most of the hacks come from the fact that mypy does not know what Kind is. Possibly, in the future, it can be built into mypy. And @kinded, __getattr__, and SupportsKind hacks would go away. Together with the fact that Kind needs to be a direct supertype of types we want to represent as HKTs.

Variadic generics are also in-the-work right now. You can have a look at the PEP draft. So, in the future KindN, Kind1, and Kind2 would hopefully go away.

Real life use-case

I am going to finish this article with an example I have promised you in my previous article (it took almost half a year of hard work to fulfill!).

Last time we talked about making a fully typed function that can work with sync and async HTTP clients with the same API.

And here it is:

from typing import Callable, TypeVar

import anyio
import httpx

from returns.future import future_safe
from returns.interfaces.specific.ioresult import IOResultLike2
from import impure_safe
from import Kind2, kinded

_IOKind = TypeVar('_IOKind', bound=IOResultLike2)

def fetch_resource_size(
    client_get: Callable[[str], Kind2[_IOKind, httpx.Response, Exception]],
    url: str,
) -> Kind2[_IOKind, int, Exception]:
    return client_get(url).map(
        lambda response: len(response.content),
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When used with sync IO type, it would work as a regular function.
But, it can also work with async Future type.

# Sync:
# => <IOResult: <Success: 27972>>

# Async:
page_size = fetch_resource_size(
# => <FutureResult: <coroutine object async_map at 0x10b17c320>>
# => <IOResult: <Success: 27972>>
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The possibilities with Higher Kinded Types are endless! It shines with:

  • Functional programming, like we do in dry-python
  • Computational libraries, when people type things like Tensor or Matrix or Array


Wow, it was a cool ride! I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did! Working on Higher Kinded Types was super fun and I am excited for you to try it.

P.S. Does your company want corporate training on using types in Python with mypy? We, in DryLabs can help! Drop us a line.

Top comments (2)

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

Hey, thanks for the feedback. This is not an "ideal" HKT tutorial. Because it has too much Python implementation details. So, it is quite understandable. But, I hope people can recreate my path from this post if they are interested in how this works.

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

I love singledispatch! I even wrote a fully typed version of it, check it out:

👋 Kindness is contagious

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