DEV Community

William Nguyen
William Nguyen

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Embarking on My Coding Journey

Hey community and readers,

My name is William, and I am excited to share my first post on here. I am writing this blog to document my journey to becoming a software engineer.


I am a third-year Computer Science major at York University. This year has been particularly exciting because I finally got accepted into the co-op program. Joining this program is a significant milestone in my academic journey, and my primary goal is to immerse myself in learning various tools, languages, and technologies. By expanding my skill set and gaining practical experience, I aim to secure my first co-op work term and build a strong foundation for my future career in computer science.


The purpose of this blog is to:
• Share my learning experiences
• Document my journey
• Hold myself accountable
• Connect with fellow students and aspiring software engineers

Why I chose to study computer science

Growing up and see all the technology help us in our day to day lives I knew it was something I want to pursue a career in. The idea of creating something with only line of code and readily accessible to anyone with a computer and an internet connection.

In high school, I was first introduced to programming through a course on C#. Learning C# was a transformative experience for me. The structured syntax and logical flow of the language made it an ideal starting point. I had a lot of fun learning and experimenting with different projects. From creating simple applications to developing basic games, each new project was a learning opportunity that deepened my understanding and appreciation for coding. The sense of accomplishment I felt after successfully completing a project was incredibly rewarding and solidified my decision to pursue computer science further.

Current Progress

From the month of May I have coded everyday from learning to building out personal projects which I hope to share in my future posts. So, this month I plan to take it a step further share what I have learned and a reminder for the step I’ve taken for myself.

Goals for This Month

My goals for this month are:
• Continue learning Python and SQL
• Start developing a portfolio website
• Add more project under my belt
• Grind leetcode
• Refining my use of power bi


Thank you for taking the time to read my first blog post. I’m exciting to start this next chapter in my life. Feel free to connect with me on Linkedin, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Top comments (1)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Good luck with the co-op!