After the "Show off Your VSCode Setup" it's time for Terminal setups. So I will go first, here is my setup:
// Detect dark theme
var iframe ...
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(drop down) terminal: tilda

font : MesloLGS NF
prompt: powerlevel10k
for files and directories icons lsd
Oh the colored permissions 🤩 I need this 👍
you can use lsd for that :)
Yup looks dope
That theme looks so cool 😎
I had never felt the need to go beyond a basic ohmyzsh setup, but this is making me change my mind!
Hahaha that was the intention 😅
Theme name?
its a custom theme.
Can you share config?
These are some really cool setups. Lately, I have been using this COOL RETRO TERMINAL app for Linux.
I kinda prefer the default amber colour with disabled glow line ;)
what theme is this? i can install in any terminal?
It's an app, COOL RETRO TERMINAL. You can install it using snap for Ubuntu
I think that’s an app
Wooahh vintage stuff. 🤯💥
This would be the most ordinary terminal in the world. Not for the program but for the setup. For the program I am using. I in fact quite like it. There's error highlighting if the command is not successful as well
Terminal: warp
OS: Kubuntu with some xfce remains. It was xubuntu before I accidentally changed the desktop
I had never expect that other people's terminal have so many things on them...
I do only use a sober oh-my-zsh (with zsh obivously) on Termius.

Can you link your dotfiles? Want to recreate this setup for myself.
I don’t have dotfiles, it’s the default theme of the Termius local terminal with default oh-my-zsh.
Looks cool 😎
This probably is the simplest config here since everything is almost at its default ^^
Minimalism 🧘
Terminal: Xfce4-terminal
Font: Hack Font
Moc sounds cool is it available for MacOS?
I am not sure if it is available for MacOS.
It's not just checked 🤷🏻♂️
It is open source maybe someone can port it over to MacOS.
I wish 😅
Minimal as always.
Terminal Emulator: iTerm2
Zsh theme: PureZSH (Rust Variant)
ITerm2 Color Scheme: New Moon
Font: Monaco
Will, Definitely try this New Moon thing.
𝗧𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹: Kitty
𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲: Custom, I called "rubber-enhanced" (colors). Inspired by vscode-rubber. Prompt is also custom, it's a "cheap copy" of pure
𝗙𝗼𝗻𝘁: Whatever the default is.
That theme is so dope ✨💯🚀
Terminal app: Gnome Shell (sometimes I use Kitty for font ligatures)
Terminal font and theme: Solarized dark with Jetbrains Mono (I use Pragmata Pro in Kitty and VSCode)
Terminal emulator: zsh + Oh my zsh (and the powerline-ish theme)
Terminal + IDE setup. 🤯🚀✨
My gnome-terminal font ligatures has no effect, but other editors, such as gedit and goland, support font ligatures. How did you do it? My current system is popos22.04
Terminal: Windows Terminal
Font: Cascadia Code PL
Prompt: oh-my-posh (custom theme)
Shell: Powershell
Woahh which theme is it?
Its customized :) . Specifically, a mix up of Agnoster and some components from JanDeDobbeleer with my own styles
Damn, Thanks for sharing 🚀✨💥
𝗧𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹: Konsole
𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲: zsh agnoster
𝗙𝗼𝗻𝘁: Hack 14
hi-res screenshot
In VSCode:
hi-res screenshot
What’s the link to the font?
I think you will find it here?! github.com/source-foundry/Hack
But it was built-in in arch linux/KDE Plasma
I set up something like this back in the olden days but I do not remember how I did it.

Wow this make so much sense. 💯💥✨
You gotta remember how you did this! ;p
I like how this stresses old commands less, not taking away the attention!
Here it is. lol
ty for sharing~ woohoo~
I knew I should have pushed that code to Github before the hard drive crash. Lol. I will start working on it. It was not too complicated.
No worries and thanks for sharing and showing what's possible~!~ :)
With programming you can do almost anything.
Terminal: iTerm2
Theme: midnight-in-mojave
font: Press Start 2P
GitHub powered by 'Oh My Zsh'
Looks cool
It's simple but you can get a lot out of sime PS1 editing!
For interested, the PS1 is:
Looks cool.
Terminal: iTerm2
Prompt: Starship
Theme: who theme's their terminal? I want practical, not pretty. :p
Font: Monaco
FWIW, I've blogged about my iTerm setup and Starship setup
Nothing fancy .. just oh my zsh with Monaco + powerline.
Still it works SUPER fast and looks perfect... if I have this terminal on Windows I would not use Mac.. but still iTerm is a nice app.. a lot better then Mac OS Terminal.
Have you checked out Windows Terminal? You should be able to setup everything you have there too.
That’s correct.
Distro - PopOS
Gnome Terminal
Oh My Zsh shell with Zsh
I don't recall what other "configs" or settings I have on it. I know I have transparency set fairly low, Scheme is Tango Dark, and the palette is Solarized
Neat ✨🔥
Terminal: Tilix
Font: customized Iosevka
Prompt: Starship
Color ls: exa
Wow those colors.
I have default terminal in Ubuntu MATE and I like it.
I have default terminal of Git for Windows, and it works ok.
I have default terminal of WSL2 on Windows, and I hate it because the copy-paste key is different.
Life is too short to customize terminals.
Lol, I get it 🦥
OS: Linux (Ubuntu + Cinnamon desktop)
Terminal: kitty
Shell: zsh (with oh-my-zsh)
Theme: candy
Plugins: git mvn docker
I spent a while a few years back customising my terminal and experimenting with new shells. It was fun for a while, but because of the need to do a lot of remote shelling and things breaking when you least expect it, and having to re-install laptops I got frustrated and just went back to using standard bash shell. So much happier.
terminal: Terminator
font: Roboto Mono for Powerline Regular
oh-my-zsh: bira
This is my baby...
I use zsh with starship. I took the screenshot from my iPad logged in my pc through ssh and Blink ssh client.
This is dope. ✨🚀💯
I read about hyper i was suppose to use it, i really like the theme & colors but there are lot of cons so i started with cmdr .
what yo think about Hyper ?
Should i use it for everyday development with git, ssh & node stuff.
It depends on your system actually, hyper is built over electron for performance is an issues.
It's been a while but I guess I'll share mine too, and that's just tip of the iceberg!
find my configs here: github.com/2kabhishek/Dotfiles
Passionate CLI lover's configs🐧❤️
iterm, operator mono lig, dracula theme, fish shell, starship prompt
Simple and clean. Default iTerm
Here's miiiinneee! <3
A video of my terminal. Haha.
Keep sharing!
your HyperLine and Hyper pane links are same
Are those the same thing?
Oh sorry, I added the wrong link. Let me update it.
Tmux + Vim + Dracula theme
Font: Fira Code Regular
zsh-plugin: powerlevel9k, Auto suggestion, syntax highlight
Schema: Tango Dark