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Writeup: HackTheBox Mirai- Without Metasploit (OSCP Prep)

Hello Again All!

Here with another write up and this time it will be Mirai from HackTheBox.

Difficulty level: Easy

So lets begin!


Nmap -sC -sV -T4 -oN nmap.txt

  1. -sC = equivalent to --script=default
  2. -sV = Probe open ports to determine service/Versions info
  3. -T4 = Set timing for faster output (0-5)
  4. -oN = Output to save it to a file

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Open Ports displayed:

  1. 22 OpenSSH
  2. 53 DNSmasq
  3. 80 Lighthttpd
  4. 1185 Platinum

Let's head over to the website to see what is there.

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Nothing appears to display when going to the site so let's try the following.


Right-click on the page.

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Still nothing is displaying.

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Alright, lets check out the other ports open on the box.



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So no luck with trying to just SSH into the machine. I am going to run a nmap Vuln Scan on the machine to check.


Nmap --script vuln -oN vuln.txt

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If you scroll down to the middle of the page there is a reference to something called "Pi-Hole".

I am going to try something else to see if anything comes up.


curl -vvv

  1. Simply curl or command-line tool and library for transferring data with URLs.

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So we can now see again there is something with "Pi-Hole" going on here.

Directory Busting is usually helpful when trying to find hidden directories on a site.



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After a few minuets of this running we come back with a success with /admin/.

Great, lets now head over to the site to see if there is anything there.

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So if you never heard of Pi-Hole or Pihole this is a linux network-level advertisement and internet tracker blocking application which acts as a DNS Sinkhole and/or DHCP Server.

After playing around withthe site for a few minuets I head over to the Login landing page.

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So I tried doing a few things here, attempted to use Hydra to gain access on the site as well as use hydra for the SSH login but no luck. From here I head over to Google.

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So it looks like the Username/Password gets set to pi:raspberry.

I tried using this on the login page but that didn't work so I turned to the SSH login.


ssh pi@

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Looks like we got our first access to the SSH server!


wc user.txt

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Lets run some Sudo commands.

sudo -l will list the allowed and forbidden commands for the invoking user on the current host.


sudo -l

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Welp that is interesting....

Alright I am going to try and switch users.


sudo su-

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cat root.txt

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Looks like someone removed the root.txt from this file and its in a USB stick....

Take the time and go into the files and see if there is anything that pops-out at you.


ls -la

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After some searching I come across the /media location with a usbstick there.


cd media
cd usbstick
cat damnit.txt

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It appears that someone else deleted your files off the usb stick.


df -lh

  1. Df = Will report file system disk space usage
  2. lh = local and print sizes in powers of 1024 Nice cheat sheet on these commands Link

Will show free disk space and lets focus on the /media/usbstick

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You can use Strings to look for characters or you could have used cat as well.


strings /dev/sdb

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Thanks for stopping by!

Retry later

Top comments (2)

wireless90 profile image

Hi a few questions.

-sC = equivalent to --script=default
1) What does default script here mean? So nmap has some internal scripts it runs against the target?

-T4 = Set timing for faster output (0-5)
2) Does faster output impact us? Does faster output means less script is ran?

3) what does the vuln script do? Is it slower and more thorough?

xyzchris0 profile image

Hey, thanks for taking a look at the walk-through. The -sC will run the Nmap Script Engine (NSE) scripts. There are 4 main types of NSE scripts, Prerule, Host, Service and Postrule scripts. For the -T4 you can basically use ranges from 0-5 to speed things up. Timing comes into play when you are trying to hide yourself from a defender on a box because sending too many packets will get flagged. Being that this is a HTB machine I really dont care so I want to go faster.

The Vuln script will run some default checks on the box to see if you have a CVE that you can use. After getting the CVE go to searchsploit or Google to look up the exploit code.

Hope this helps!

Retry later
Retry later