Hey dev.to community!
BxJS Weekly Episode 67 is now out! 🚀
Listen to the best javascript news of the week in a podcast form right here.
Here's all the mentioned links (also found on github):
Getting started:
- Build a GraphQL + React app with TypeScript
- What is an Abstract Syntax Tree
- Interactive Charts with D3.js
- Create a Custom useFetch() React Hook
- How to Use the Web Share API
- When should you be using Web Workers?
- Error handling - The missing piece of your node.js architecture
- How to do scroll-linked animations the right way
- Why ['1', '7', '11'].map(parseInt) returns [1, NaN, 3] in Javascript
- CSRF in Action 🎭
Articles & News:
- The problem with web components
- Micro Frontends
- You (probably) don’t need ReCAPTCHA
- Ask HN: Old guys, what do you miss about development in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s?
- Chromium and the browser monoculture problem
- The reduce ({...spread}) anti-pattern
- Software below the poverty line
Tips, tricks & bit-sized awesomeness:
- Web Request and Declarative Net Request: Explaining the impact on Extensions in Manifest V3
- Vue RFC: Function-based Component API
- "Why did this render?" a new React DevTools feature
- Array#{flat,flatMap} are available in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Node.js!
- Chrome Incognito mode is no longer detectable (as of Chrome 76)
- Apparently JavaScript is awesome (surprise) and as such it's possible to iterate ranges of numbers using the three dot operator
- Promise combinators
- React Native Open Source Update June 2019
- Pica CDN: Introducing a CDN for modern JavaScript
- The state of GraphQL by Reddit
- PR to Node.js to port rimraf to core
- styled-components v5
- Stencil v1.0
- Atom 1.38
- React-redux v7.1.0
- VuePress v1.0
- React Native 0.60 RC1
- Webhint browser extension
Libs & demos:
- restated
- threads.js
- javascript-questions
- react-leaflet
- use-debounce
- react-resize-detector
- react-teleporter
- apple-auth
- passport-apple
- lebab
- readme-md-generator
- chessboardjs
- npmfs
Interesting & silly stuff:
Any feedback is appreciated 😁
Additional stuff:
Social media links:
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