Hey fellas I am Yash Makan back with another article. Today we are going to embark on a journey where you and I are going to create a complete WhatsApp application from scratch. Yup, from the very start till the end. If you don’t know about the WhatsApp application then basically it’s a social media messaging application where users can send messages to their friends & family. It also has features like video calling, status sharing and much more. And if you are thinking, are we going to develop all these features?? then the answer is yes my friend... Also If you are tired of reading and want me to get out of your mind then I’ve got a video covering all this just watch the youtube video below.
Source code
A new Flutter application.
Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
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Twitter: @Yash_Makan
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Top comments (1)
Hi, I'm Pankti and I work for a Market Research agency called MarketVistas.
For a research, we're looking to speak to a few profiles that might be similar to yours. You shall certainly be reimbursed for your time and effort. Please see below the different profiles we need. Please hit us up if interested!
We promise you, we're legit!
~5 Software developers that develop tools/add-ons for WhatsApp (unofficially, or in a capacity not directly related to Meta/WhatsApp)
~1-2 Software architects or designers that work on development projects on WhatsApp (same scope as above)
~1-2 Other members of a company or development team that work for a company that does specific development for to WhatsApp. Ideally, this would maybe be the CEO of a small development firm with 10-50 employees. Would likely have a lot of development in their own background.