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Michael Morehouse
Michael Morehouse

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Hugo Probably Isn't For You

Yes, It’s Quick Enough to Break Your Neck

As it says on the proverbial box, the Hugo static site generator is fast. Written in Go, Hugo promises blistering speed that it certainly delivers, and I’ve got all the redness, pain, and burning discomfort needed to prove it.

As I’m writing this – in Markdown, using Vim – all I have to do is save the file and the hugo --server process I’ve left running in the background will render to HTML and update my browser window by the time I can shift my eyes over to it. Near instant feedback, even if I’ve made significant changes to multiple posts. Hugo is quick, no question, and once you’re up and running your site will do nothing but benefit from that speed, especially when you’ve built up a significant catalogue of content.


Prepare ship for Ludicrous Speed!

Colonel Sanders

There’s something to be said for the idea that fast isn’t necessarily efficient, and in the hands of the ill-prepared it’s more often than not downright lethal. To get to the point where you could be reading this post I needed to do vastly more than is implied by the quickstart tutorial, and to even do that I had to learn vastly more than I’d originally been prepared for. For months the only thing Hugo actually delivered to me at blistering speed was a blistering headache. To be fair that wasn’t entirely Hugo’s fault – I made several false starts based on my aspirations more than my established needs – but I let my desire for speed and some exciting marketing copy trip me up right out of the gate. Which means I spent most of those months on my face, or often worse. All Hugo really did to help me during that time was fail blisteringly fast; it often did things that hindered me.

Frankly it’s been an agonizing journey. Pray you do not repeat it. Read on, and perhaps you won’t.

A Bit of Background

I am an experienced programmer, but I am emphatically not a web programmer. Before finally deciding to build out my personal site as a home for my technical musings I’d only ever blogged with WYSIWYG tools like Tumblr, and then only sporadically. Professionally I mainly write backend and process automation code for the Visual Effects industry, so it’s charitable to say that I’ve developed the UX/UI design chops of your average wild-born gibbon. The last serious experience I had with HTML/CSS predated the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and let’s just say there have been some plot developments since then.

So I don’t have a lot of experience in web development, but I’m also not seeking to gain that experience. I’ve also got no large back catalogue of existing content that I need to port over, so I’m basically a greenfield blogger who wants to get up and running relatively quickly. I just need to make a choice about how I’m going to do that.

I wasn’t naive about that choice; I knew that any choice I made would involve a learning curve, I just wanted it to be slightly under the slope of, say, picking up Dwarf Fortress, so I tried to approach the choice of tooling critically.

Step 1: Establish Key Criteria

After a fair amount of offline research I’d eventually narrowed down exactly what I thought I wanted out of my Minimum Viable Website:

  • A static site I can host on the free tier of a CDN-backed service like Github Pages or Netlify
  • A responsive, mobile-first theme with syntax highlighting and readable typography
  • Modern markup practices; JSON-LD Structured Data, OpenGraph, and semantic HTML5
  • Reasonable privacy practices; I live in the EU, so I must make a good-faith effort at GPDR compliance
  • Easy social sharing to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, but without unnecessary tracking
  • Some form of commenting on posts, so I can hear from the readers I sincerely hope will arrive
  • Minimal ability to sign up for a mailing list; a lot of people left RSS after Google Reader died
  • Fast load time; I’ve been badly bitten by Tumblr; Google’s AMP pages seemed ideal
  • A decent nod to accessibility; I’m getting older and I’ve got friends that are visually impaired

Now, those nine criteria might seem like a lot – and, in hindsight, maybe they were – but really they can be boiled down to deliverable , discoverable , and readable , and since my visual needs are pretty bare-bones they didn’t seem like too much of an ask.

Of course I’d quicky learn that some of these had natural, even insurmountable conflicts – AMP would eventually be abandoned because it renders commenting and mailing list signup unfeasible, for instance, and social sharing and privacy don’t exactly go hand in hand – but I had hope.

Step 2: Assess the Field

Dynamic tools like Wordpress were obviously eliminated by my first criterion, so I set out to understand the options for static site generators, of which there are many. Though I came across Hugo early in my research I really didn’t want to go in full bore on anything without reading up on the competition, so I set it aside for the moment.

I tried to narrow the field by eliminating generators written in what were, to me, exotic languages. As I’m extremely comfortable with Python – far more so than I am, or ever intend to be, with Go – I started by investigating Pelican, Nikola, and Hyde1. In each case it quickly became apparent that these weren’t the right choice for me, as none seemed either very deep or in very wide use, and I wanted something with relatively broad adoption and a community to help me through the learning curve. No options in my number one language, then, but really how often was I going to need – or want – to monkey around with the generator’s internals, anyway? If the tool worked I shouldn’t need to, I reasoned, though the ability to comprehend how it worked would be nice. Plus, at the end of the day, my itch for speed stems in part from many years waiting on Python, so the siren song of fast lured me a little further out of my comfort zone.

Of course I also checked out Jekyll, the Ruby-written, Github Pages first class member; an extremely solid alternative that’s polished enough to be on its third major release, with a community large enough to demand some level of stability, and which certainly seemed friendly enough. But I’m not at all interested in Ruby, so lingering fear of having to get under the hood at least once, coupled with the – by all accounts quite obvious – speed differential, tipped the balance towards Hugo. Besides, Jeykll felt long in the tooth, with some long unaddressed issues and theme showcases bloated by what certainly looked to me like a large amount of swine and only a few pearls. Even its own website seemed dated and rather dull, which added to the perception that it wasn’t keeping up with the times.

Step 3: Embrace Confirmation Bias

By contrast there was an obvious, churning buzz around Hugo among tech bloggers I admire, a solid amount of recent commit history, and some definitely cool sounding features like Hugo Pipes. As a neophyte to static, self-managed blogging I really hoped for something that might save me from the confusing tide of tooling that seems to inundate the world of web development2, so Pipes looked like a big shiny win.

And, glancing through the theme browser, there were a high proportion of options that looked good – if not ideal – for the minimalist tech blog I was obviously going to finally have up and running any day now. I quickly found themes that met most of my functionality criteria, and others that seemed to implement some of what was missing. So I might need to figure out how to transplant some elements, Frankenstein-like, from one theme into another, but the templating syntax looked simple enough, there seemed to be a lot of documentation, and there were obviously active forums with lots of meat to chew through.

So, after some more comparison on drearier topics like CI deployment and hosting options, the decision was made. Hugo had been an early contender, and now it was Hugo for the win! I was confident; I’m a greenfield blogger, no big – or for that matter any – back catalogue to worry about importing… all I’ve got to do is pick a theme, start writing my first post, and deploy! I’ll be up in days! Maybe even hours!

What could go wrong?

It Doesn’t Exactly Work Out of the Box

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Head & Shoulders

Maybe it was bad luck, maybe it was the winds of change, most likely it was an errant commit on the Ananke theme – who knows? – but on the fateful day I first did the quickstart I rapidly and tenaciously made it all the way to the moment of truth, breathlessly ran hugo server -D and then, aching with anticipation, opened a browser window and pointed it at the localhost address conventiently displayed in the terminal. Where I found absolutely bupkiss being served. Nada. A blank screen with an empty source file. Back in the terminal where I’d launched the command there were several warnings, but nothing that could obviously explain the error3.

This was disappointing. But at the end of the day I had zero interest in using Ananke, so I decided to try the rest of the quickstart with one of the more me-appropriate themes I’d already bookmarked.

… it didn’t work. Neither did the next.

Neither did the following three.

The Agony of Teething

Hugo is an open source project; as of right now its most recent release is 0.55. Unlike Jekyll it hasn’t yet reached a 1.0 release, and thus has made no promises about backwards compatability. And that’s fine. Each of the themes is similarly an open source effort, typically – though not always – with a single developer who is very possibly the sole invested consumer as well. And so things have broken, badly. Which maybe is to be expected, in a project this immature.

But for each and every one of these themes the “official” hosted demo of the theme appears to work fine, which gives a Hugo-newbie like me the impression that there are many more out-of-the-box functional themes than there actually are.

So what gives? Well it turns out it’s because the hosted showcase uses the exampleSite directory embedded in each submitted theme, something not even mentioned in the quickstart, and very often the templates in the theme depend on configuration that simply won’t be present in your quickstart site.

Eventually, after much reading of old forum posts and tripping through a lot of documentation well past its best before date, I discovered the following usually gives you a local theme demonstration that behaves roughly as the author intended:

mv config.toml config.toml.bak
cp -r themes/YOUR_THEME/exampleSite/* .
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name "config.toml" -or -name "config.yaml" -or -name "config.json" \) -print -quit | grep -q "." || cp config.toml.bak config.toml
cp themes/YOUR_THEME/archetypes/*.* ./archetypes/

The first line backs up the default config.toml file before the contents of the theme’s exampleSite directory are copied into the root. We need to move config.toml because that file, if present, will take precedence over config.yaml, which will in turn take precedence over config.json. That’s right, Hugo has had three configuration file formats over its short life, and all three remain viable options, though for some reason TOML has the edge. Since any of them may have been present in the theme, we’ll only move the backup back into place if none of them were.

Similarly the final line overwrites the archetypes/ file with any and all files in the theme’s archetypes directory; this is because currently Hugo will always assume that a in the root archetypes directory should override any archetype from the theme, no matter how specialized it may be. The end result is that the hugo new posts/ command mentioned in the quickstart won’t include theme-critical elements in the post’s front matter, quite often leading to errors or missing content.

And as I said the above fixes will only usually give you a working example of the theme you’ve chosen. The Ananke theme itself, for instance, will need further steps:

sed -i 's/gohugo-theme-ananke/ananke/' config.toml
sed -i 's/^themesDir/#themesDir/' config.toml

These are required because the quickstart instructions had you rename the theme directory as you made the submodule, and the themesDir configuration key was set apparently as a hack to make the theme easier to test.

These sorts of issues mostly derive from the various themes having been written at various stages in Hugo’s rapid evolution, and many of them have committed to old choices that no longer remain the best practice, or are now pending deprecation4. One phylogentic tree of themes requires content to be in content/post instead of content/posts, another will fall down if it’s not the other way around.

These are, though, the relatively minor issues; take a dew days, pore over the forums and the documentation, make a few key configuration changes, possibly clear out a few of the cobwebs in a partial or two, and you’re good, right?

Failure is a Recursing Theme

This isn't life in the fast lane, it's life in the oncoming traffic.

Terry Pratchett

If I’ve learned anything on this saga it’s that themes for static blogs tend to be fairly and surprisingly complex beasts, and that human beings can make them far more complex than that. As a rule you should assume, going in, that whoever wrote the theme you’ve chosen only understood – or at least only encountered – a fraction of the potential issues. As just one example of an issue repeatedly encountered, a small and seemingly innocuous change to a configuration value can suddenly turn Hugo’s vaunted speed into an equally impressive amount of thumb twiddling, as you wait for the server to time out and spit out a complaint about excess recursion. Unfortunately this is one of a family of errors that leaves you with no clear idea where the problem child might be, or even what file was being processed.

My encounters with these recursion issues weren’t extremely common, but frustrating enough that I tried to figure out what was going on; they seem to be related to the usage of the Scratch area, a sort of variously site / page / template localized “scratchpad” that the Hugo team bolted on to overcome an apparent deficiency in the Go template language5. The Scratch facility seems to have been added to attend to a narrow problem, but it was apparently adopted enthusiastically – and perhaps too widely and, at times, inappropriately – by theme authors. Unfortunately they’ve done that off of sparse documentation on what is an obviously powerful, but seemingly dangerous, feature, and more importantly a feature you, the theme consumer, can’t know is in use without knowing your theme’s various templates both deeply and intimately.

Debugging these sort of issue is hard, and if you’re not a reasonably seasoned developer you won’t have a hope of doing so. And, beyond Scratch, the Go templating language is impressively flexible and powerful, allowing you to embed significantly more complex logic into templates than I’ve seen in other such template DSLs. But this brings with it a consequent and potentially explosive increase in the complexity and number of possible errors. Since there’s – as of yet – no meaningful or obvious way to test a template, you can imagine that the reliability of the various themes in the showcase is extremely variable.

Lessons Hard Won

None of the above is to say that there aren’t themes out there that work, and work well, out of the box, just that I never found them. However I also got nowhere near testing them all, and it’s entirely possible that I just chose un-wisely, so your mileage may vary. And of course your needs may simply not overlap with mine; if you need a single page landing site or a product launch page there are slick looking, seemingly professional offerings that may work perfectly with only the most minimal configuration.

But if you are like me, with relatively low experience in web programming and a strong desire to start producing content quickly, and with as much out-of-the-box support as conceivably possible, then be forewarned that the implicit promise of getting up and running fast with Hugo is quite a hollow one.

If you’re not interested in – or capable of – monkeying around with theme internals, then Hugo is almost certainly not the right choice for you, at least not yet. If you are interested and capable, then realize that even if you don’t end up rewriting every line of your chosen theme – and there’s a very good chance you will want to – then you’re definitely going to invest a significant amount of time browsing, installing, shake-down testing, and rejecting themes in the showcase. And ultimately you’re going to find that you will be required to understand what is happening internally to a degree that simply isn’t immediately true with other more mature, stable, and well documented projects in this space.

And if you don’t intend to be especially prolific – or if you haven’t already got a substantial back catalogue of posts – then there’s a very substantial chance that the dividends paid by Hugo’s extremely impressive rendering speed simply won’t ever repay that investment, much less bring you real returns on it.

That said if you do have the temerity to start from scratch – as I eventually ended up doing with my own theme – then pat yourself on the back when those frustrating months of effort are done, because that first post – this one – feels good, even if it took a very long time to see it finally rendered.

  1. Hyde’s own site looking different when served over http vs https didn’t inspire confidence. 

  2. I’m staring balefully at you npm, grunt, yarn, webpack, yack and pork, the last two of which I’m not even sure I just made up. 

  3. As of the day I’m writing this running through the quickstart instructions does in fact work, though with a great many deprecation warnings. You’ll end up with a site that looks nothing like the theme demo page, though; even the gargoylish top splash image doesn’t load. 

  4. Hence the warnings you’ll see in the quickstart with Ananke, even with the fixes describe above. 

  5. Variables could be assigned in templates with the := assignment operator, but not updated. This appears to have been quietly fixed at some point (there is now a = update operator), reducing or possibly eliminating the need for the Scratch space, at least within a single template’s scope. 

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Top comments (7)

martinhaeusler profile image
Martin Häusler

Oh damn, that sounds like a lot of pain for something that should be easy... that's why I like blogging on, saves me the trouble. By the way: I had some rather... lackluster experiences with other go libraries as well.

yawpitch profile image
Michael Morehouse

Honestly if I didn’t need to build out a personal site that will — eventually — contain more than just my articles I’d chosen to do just that, blogging directly on to is much, much easier!

As for Go... it’s an interesting language, almost as fast to work in as Python. Which means it’s great for prototyping things. Which consequently means it’s a really easy to write what will rapidly become dead wood. I’ve begun to realize that there’s an advantage to a language that requires you to think through things first.

martinhaeusler profile image
Martin Häusler

I’ve begun to realize that there’s an advantage to a language that requires you to think through things first.

I could not agree more. C, for all the merits it provides, is not for me, but I'd take a strongly statically typed language over e.g. Python any day.

Thread Thread
yawpitch profile image
Michael Morehouse

Yeah, I’ve loved and used Python for years, but there are just so many ways it enables bad code. You’ve got to rigorously out-think your own worst instincts, and you never really feel confident that you’ve caught all the stupid with tests.

I’ve also never felt like I’m anywhere near omnipotent enough to work in C — nevermind assembly — ever since I read about the Therac-25 and it dawned on me that incrementing an int instead of explicitly setting it to 0 or 1 could kill people!

Lately I’ve picked up Rust, which has me super excited... nowhere near as easy as Python, nowhere near as dangerous as C... I just wish it were more mature. After the 2->3 debacle in Python I’ve begun to feel that languages shouldn’t change much at all once they’ve gotten a certain amount of traction. I’m hoping Rust calms down more and more quickly over the next few years.

stereobooster profile image
stereobooster • Edited

I writing theme for my personal blog right now. And I have exactly the same requirements as you, maybe except comments - I don't plan to host comments on my blog instead I plan to link to resources where discussion happens for example hacker news or or reddit.

Here is the repo Here is the preview I still need to finish some things and I plan to write blog post about some details and tech challenges

I didn't pick any existing theme, because I want my own unique look and because I have my own standards for performance. It goes well, except I need to work more on performance of images and I need to implement consent dialogue for cookies, and test meta tags

yawpitch profile image
Michael Morehouse

Looking nice! I ended up giving up on comments for now (I was looking at utterances, but it turned out it's got some serious issues with 3rd party cookies, so you basically have to host it yourself. Staticman seems a bit unwieldy and I haven't yet found a better solution, while Disqus is just too privacy-insensitive to consider, and is a bandwidth hog. So for now I've ended up just adding a Netlify form that allows for direct contact via email.

Well done on starting with your own theme ... it does work, and you end up with a tailor-made site, but it's exactly the experience I was trying to to avoid, and why I wrote this article. My site now works because I eventually built frugal to eke exactly what I wanted out of my site.

I'd have been so much happier to have had an OOTB theme that worked and maybe needed some minor tweaks over time, rather than wait 6 months to begin writing, so I thought I'd warn others.

bennyychan profile image
Benny Chan • Edited

With 4 - 5y of web programming experience (python / django), I also spent a lot of time to discover the exampleSite folder! After I copied and pasted the files, it had more content. But the images, css and js are gone. The site still looks different from the official theme. I don't know where the hell I can fix it. There is no hint at all.

But the exampleSite folder made me feel stupid. If I need to manually copy and paste the folders from the theme to the site. What is the use of build?

So I also tried 4 - 5 themes after ananke. They are all the same or even worse. The results look very different from the official theme screenshot. At the quickstart tutorial with no prior experience, I find it hard to go further.

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