
Cover image for If you were to uninstall all secondary extensions in your text editor and leave just Three(3) what will they be?
Yunwen Eric
Yunwen Eric

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If you were to uninstall all secondary extensions in your text editor and leave just Three(3) what will they be?

Introduction :

A code editor simply put is a playground that aids you write your code in a nice, easy and quicker way.

There are several code editors both free and paid out there. They all share some commonalities. One of which is the ability to install additional helpers (extensions) to facilitate your development. In-built or primary extensions comes pre installed with the editor while secondary extensions are installed by users when need be.

In the comments, drop your 3 secondary extensions (extensions you find absolutely necessary) as well as the code editors respectively

I'll start:

  1. Live server --Vscode
  2. Beautify --VScode
  3. ES6/ES7 JavaScript Snippets --Vscode

Top comments (9)

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker • Edited

Sublime text:


If I may have another because fzf is divided in two modules.

androthi profile image

i guess i could drop the icons extension (vscode), but that will leave me with no secondary extensions.

the other tool i use is vs community. does installing additional features count as secondary extensions? i kinda need my c/c++

daniel15 profile image
Daniel Lo Nigro

I already have less than three in Visual Studio! The only extension I install is ReSharper.

yunweneric profile image
Yunwen Eric

Wow Reshaper

Never heard of this. Probably take a look


lukewestby profile image
Luke Westby • Edited

For VS Code

  1. ElmLS
  2. rust-analyzer
  3. … actually I think that’s it
narutoxy profile image


  1. nvim-compe
  2. nvim-tree
  3. paq (To install my other plugins 😆)


  1. Prettier
  2. Live Server
  3. Live SASS Compiler
yunweneric profile image
Yunwen Eric

Yeah SAAS compiler is powerful especially when you have 2 screens and want to see your results snappy.

ashkanmohammadi profile image

Python lang server
Django template snippets
auto rename tag

  • VSCode
yunweneric profile image
Yunwen Eric

I love python but I have never taken a look at this extensions

Thanks for sharing