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15 Git Commands You May Not Know

Using Git may be intimidating at times. There are so many commands and details to learn. The documentation, however, while being immense, is still greatly accessible. Once you overcome the initial feeling of being overwhelmed, the things will start to fall into place.

Here is a list of 15 Git commands that you may not know yet, but hopefully they will help you out on a journey to master this tool.

1. Modify The Most Recent Commit

git commit --amend
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—-amend allows to append staged changes (e.g. to add a forgotten file) to the previous commit. Adding —-no-edit on top of that will amend the last commit without changing its commit message. If there are no changes, -—amend will allow you to reword the last commit message.

For more: git help commit

2. Interactively Add Selected Parts of Files

git add -p
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-p (or —patch) allows to interactively select parts of each tracked file to commit. This way each commit contains only related changes.

For more: git help add

3. Interactively Stash Selected Parts of Files

git stash -p
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Similar to git-add , you can use --patch option to interactively select parts of each tracked file to stash.

For more: git help stash

4. Stash with untracked

git stash -u
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By default, when stashing, the untracked files are not included. In order to change that bevahiour and include those files as well you need to use -u parameter. There is also -a (—all) which stashes both untracked and ignored files altogether, which is probably something you usually won’t need.

5. Interactively Revert Selected Parts of Files

git checkout -p
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--patch can be also used to selectively discard parts of each tracked file. I aliased this command as git discard

For more: git help checkout

6. Switch to Previous Branch

git checkout -
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This command allows you to quickly switch to the previously checked out branch. On a general note - is an alias for the previous branch. It can be used with other commands as well. I aliased checkout to co so, it becomes just git co -

7. Revert All Local Changes

git checkout .
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If you are sure that all of your local changes can be discarded, you can use . to do it at once. It is, however, a good practice to always use checkout --patch.

8. Show changes

git diff --staged
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This command shows all staged changes (those added to the index) in contrast to just git diff which only shows changes in the working directory (without those in the index).

For more: git help diff

9. Rename Branches Locally

git branch -m old-name new-name
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If you want to rename the currently checked out branch, you can shorten this command to the following form:

git branch -m new-name
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For more: git help branch

10. Rename Branches Remotely

In order to rename a branch remotely, once you renamed your branch locally, you need to first remove that branch remotely and then push the renamed branch again.

git push origin :old-name
git push origin new-name
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11. Open All Files with Conflicts at Once

Rebasing may lead to conflicts, the following command will open all files which need your help to resolve these conflicts.

git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U | uniq  | xargs $EDITOR
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12. What changed?

git whatchanged —-since=‘2 weeks ago’
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This command will show a log with changes introduced by each commit from the last two weeks.

13. Remove file from last commit

Let's say you committed a file by mistake. You can quickly remove that file from the last commit by combining rm and commit --amend commands:

git rm —-cached <file-to-remove>
git commit —-amend
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14. Find Branches

git branch --contains <commit>
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This command will show all branches that contain a particular commit.

15. Optimize the repository locally

git gc --prune=now --aggressive
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For more: git help gc


Although I like CLI a lot, I highly recommend checking Magit to further step up your Git game. It is one of best pieces of software I used.

There is, also, a fantastic overview of recommended Git workflows available via help command. Be sure to read it thoroughly!

git help workflows
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Top comments (39)

rhymes profile image

Great article, didn't know about some of these, especially 9, 11 and 12.

Adding to 15, another cleanup argument I find very useful is

git remote prune origin

to cleanup deleted branches on origin

stecman profile image
Stephen Holdaway • Edited

A companion command to 14 that I use all the time is:

git tag --contains <commit>

It's great for figuring out what versions are affected by a bug once you know the commit, or what version you need to use to have a particular feature/change.

Bonus command is:

git branch --merged master

This one is handy to find old branches that can be safely cleaned up.

Another bonus is:

git describe

Which is an easy way to figure out what the next version should be, or to create a human readable identifier for a commit when packaging a build or writing in a deployment log

zaiste profile image

Great additions!

jcoelho profile image
José Coelho

Great article! Sometimes we forget how powerful git really is.

Another command I really like and most people don't use is git bisect.
It's a great way to find a buggy commit.

ludamillion profile image
Luke Inglis

This is one of those commands you don’t use very often but is priceless when you do need it.

sally profile image

I learned git cherrypick a few weeks ago and found that really useful - we needed a couple of commits from one branch to be brought into a new branch of fixes.

gergelypolonkai profile image
Gergely Polonkai

checkout - caught me unaware last time i used my rebase-all script, as it also works with merge and rebase (and actually anywhere you need to pass a commitish to a Git command). This script of mine walks all local branches and rebases them onto the branch i specify on the command line (or origin/master if i don’t). Also, if i pass -n as the first parameter, it doesnʼt do a git fetch before traversing my branches. Now few days ago i invoked it as git rebase-all -.

My following workday wasnʼt funny. Context: i usually have 40ish local branches.

claudiobernasconi profile image
Claudio Bernasconi

Very glad you wrote these important tips down. I was not aware of all of them but number 6 and 7 are shortcuts I often use.

Be aware that if you use too much shorthand git command you get the reputation as git wizard which leads to the hard to deal with problems. :-D

Very well written, thank you Zaiste.

zaiste profile image

Thanks Claudio for kind words. I'm happy you liked this article!

diogotome profile image
Diogo Tomé

In my workflow it is routine to delete branches on Github Pull Requests when they're merged. This leaves the local repo with local branches that have since lost its tracking branch. To clear this I have the following alias under .gitconfig

prune-branches = !git remote prune origin && git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -D

So whenever a bunch of my PR's have been merged I just run git prune-branches and it prunes the remote branch references but also deletes the corresponding local ones.

tomakesense profile image
Kevin Xiong

My small contribution

1.Count the number of commits on a branch
git rev-list --count master

2.Count number of branches in a git repository
git branch | wc -l

3.Delete remote branch cache in your local repository
git fetch -p

4.Delete remote tag cache in your local repository
git fetch -p -P

5.Delete a git alias
git config --global --unset alias.XXX

6.List git aliases
git config --list | grep alias

zerquix18 profile image
I'm Luis! \^-^/

Here's my small contribution: If you added a commit and already pushed it or merged it into another branch and you need to reverse those changes, you can always go:

git reverse {hash}

It will create a new commit with the changes reversed. Also, the new commit will have a reference to the reversed commit (i.e Github will tell you "this reverses {hash}")

rajeshduggal profile image
Rajesh Duggal

Which version of git has "git reverse"? I can't find it mentioned in

mfilej profile image
Miha Filej

Probably meant git revert

pshchelo profile image
Pavlo Shchelokovskyy

as alternative to 11. you can also use

git mergetool [-t <tool>]

when rebase fails with merge conflicts

The default merge tool to use is configurable in .gitconfig, mine is vimdiff :-)
For vimdiff it opens 4-pane view with two conflicting versions (REMOTE and LOCAL), their common ancestor (BASE) and the actual current file with merge conflicts. After resolving the conflict and exiting it will open the next file with conflicts, one by one.

Out of the box Git knows how to work with more diff/merge tools - emerge, gvimdiff, kdiff3, meld, vimdiff, and tortoisemerge, but you can configure other ones explicitly yourself.

And there's also a similar but simpler git difftool which is just a visual frontend to git diff

guyzmo profile image

you're telling about Magit, there's also the Vimagit plugin for the one true editor!

I cannot live without it. Before using that, I was already using GitXR on OSX, before it became discontinued. I also tried git-cola on linux.

leob profile image

Fantastic article ... some of my favorite commands that I use a lot:

detailed overview of local/tracking branches:

git branch -avv

git fetch with "cleanup":

git fetch origin --prune

"git stash pop force":

git stash show -p | git apply -3 && git stash drop

git clone using your ssh key via the "git" protocol (particularly useful for private repos):

git clone

and this article is my go-to reference when I'm confused about 'rebase':

weakish profile image
Jang Rush

Nice! Can I translate this post to Chinese? The translation will be published at (sponsored by LeanCloud, a BaaS provider) and related Chinese social network accounts. The translated text will backlink to this original post.

dwd profile image
Dave Cridland

Oh, I didn't know about the --patch to stash and checkout, that's nice. I usually use git add -i when I want to fiddle, since you can then see what's going on a little easier.

giovanamorais profile image
Giovana Morais

I didn't know about a lot of these commands! Thanks a lot. It's always good to improve our git abilities. (:

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

Not to be weird, but you should read the official docs on all technologies you use, you'll be surprise how much time you will save on the long run. Git, the IDEs, programming languages and especially libs/frameworks have good documented functionalities, eg:

zaiste profile image

Absolutely! It's also good to take baby steps, especially where there is a lot to learn.

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