Last year, December became my favorite month of the year when I stumbled upon something called Advent of Code. It's a calendar that each day presents 2 new coding challenges for you to crack. The goal is to solve these using any programming language you want, in order to save christmas.
This year I got tired of creating all the files, folders and download the input everyday, that I finally decided to do something about it.
So what does a lazy coder do? We automate!
I make 1 folder for each day containing 2 files for each part. I have a where I test code snippets and I create a testinput.txt for any test input. Then I download the input file for the day and add it accordingly.
Disclaimer: I've only tested this on Windows so your mileage may vary.
Prerequisites: Python 3, Selenium, Chrome Driver (or your driver of choice)
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
import os, sys
#Verify we're getting input
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('Missing day number. Run e.g:')
print('python 13')
day = str(sys.argv[1])
path = str(os.getcwd()) + "/day" + day
#Create folder from input
except OSError:
print ("Creation of the directory %s failed" % path)
#Create 4 empty files
lista = ["/", "/", "/testinput.txt"]
for i in lista:
open(path + i, 'a').close()
#Create and Write to
part1 = path + "/"
f = open(part1, "a")
f.write('data = open("input.txt").read().split("\\n")')
chrome_options = Options()
# Replace value with your session cookie for AoC
session_cookie = {"name": "session", "value": "<Session_cookie>"}
# initialize driver object and change the <path_to_chrome_driver> depending on your directory where your chromedriver should be
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options, executable_path="<path_to_chrome_driver>")
# URLs we need
url = ""
url_input = "" + day + "/input"
# get request to target the site selenium is active on, add our cookies and go to input
# Find our text input on the input page, "pre" is our tag ID
content = driver.find_element_by_tag_name("pre").text
# Save content to file
path = path + "/input.txt"
f = open(path, "a")
for line in content:
# Remember to quit the driver
print(str(path) + " and adjacent files created!")
Feel free to use this and adjust it to your own liking. Make sure to edit the 2 fields in the code:
- Session cookie
- path_to_chrome_driver
Run it by executing it together with a number for the day you're planning to do, e.g:
python 25
Top comments (1)
Nice! I'll try to combine with another script to auto create and download input files. And time + run them