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What tools do you use with Clojure ?

Top comments (8)

nz87 profile image
Zoltan Nagy

Well I'm not working on any Clojure projects right now but I used to use Spacemacs + cider + boot. Writing Clojure code in Spacemacs is the best coding experience I ever had. Combining it with cider makes life even better.

abiduzz420 profile image
abiduzz420 • Edited

Yes that sounds right. Cider is great. I haven't tried boot. Is it an alternative to Leiningen ?

Also, do you use any package to keep a track of parenthesis like paredit when using spacemacs?

jreighley profile image

Lein and boot do the same thing, in general, but boot is easier to extend. With Lein, you give it a list of things you want... With boot you tend to give it a list of tasks.. So that gives you a bit more leverage to do things in a different order or in different manners in different situations etc..

I have never been convinced to switch. But some folks love boot.

nz87 profile image
Zoltan Nagy

Yes, boot is an alternative to lein. Honestly, I don't really know if it has any benefit over lein.

If I can remember correctly Spacemacs uses smartparens by default which is a newer implementation of paredit (I believe). Structured editing in lisp-mode works so well I never felt the need to replace smartparens.

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abiduzz420 profile image

Great thanks. That's helpful.

jreighley profile image

I tried emacs. Spent too much time improving emacs and not enough time focused on code..

Switched to Atom / Protorepl It did the job, but seemed a bit unstable. Atom updates all of the time, has a lot of plugins that also update and break one another. I do recommend this setup to new programmers though. It works well enough, and it is free, and pretty easy to set up.

Settled on IntelliJ and Cursive. Used it a bit on non-commercial tinkering then paid the license. It's worth it. I like the code highlighting, the ability to refactor quickly, the repl integration etc.

I still use Leiningen. I've played with boot, but haven't had a compelling need to migrate. The new CLI tools look compelling, and I suspect I will move that way once there is good support for it in Cursive.

abiduzz420 profile image
abiduzz420 • Edited

Yep starting with Emacs could hinder your Clojure learning curve.

I have been using Atom for a long time now. I used it for Javascript. Now I use VS Code. I shall experiment with ProtoREPL. Last time when I tried, I faced few obstacles. So I went to using LightTable.

IntelliJ + Cursive is quite good when you are building production code.

Once I am deep into Clojure, I will check out Cursive.

avelino profile image
Thiago Avelino

emacs (clojure-mode + cider + lisp-mode) + leiningen

avelino / .emacs

Distro emacs


Avelino emacs personal configurations.


In theory you can just download the .emacs.d directory to your home directory and start Emacs, though if you want to get changes from GitHub, you'll need to do things a bit differently.

# hope you know what you're doing
rm -rf ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs
git clone git:// ~/.emacs.d
cd ~/.emacs.d
make install

Then just Emacs open, command: emacs


Working with iTerm2

  • Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Mission Control… and disable all ^-<arrow> shortcuts
  • Go to iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Keys… and set Left Option and Right Option as +Esc
  • Click Load Preset… > xterm Defaults

see more here and here
