Hello everyone and welcome to another round of Front-End News. Here is what I have prepared for you today:
- Mozilla launches its first Developer and Designer Survey
- Tickets are available for View Source Conference 2019
- Google offers bigger rewards for discovering security bugs
There are also two software updates to mention and a brand new Developer of the Week. So stay with me until the end to find out all the details. All this being said, let’s get started!
As always, I have also prepared a video version for those that prefer listening instead of reading. If you enjoy this format, I would appreciate it if you would subscribe to the YouTube channel as well.
MDN Developer and Designer Survey
Mozilla is holding its first Developer and Designer Survey. This is a joint project with all the other major browser vendors, such as Google, Microsoft, and Samsung.
The survey will be an annual event and it has multiple objectives. First one is to understand the needs of designers and developers. The second one is to help prioritize the development of new features according to those needs. Last, but not least, it will establish a baseline reading to evaluate how the needs of the community change over time.

This is your chance to have your voice heard by the browser vendors. The survey takes only about 20 minutes to complete and the results and their interpretation will be published on the MDN portal.
Sources and references:
- https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/07/mdn-web-developer-designer-survey/
- https://qsurvey.mozilla.com/s3/Developer-Needs-Assessment-2019
Get your ticket for View Source Conference 2019
The second topic of the day is also related to Mozilla and the other browser vendors. Starting this week you can buy tickets for the 2019 edition of the View Source conference.
This is a two-day event taking place in Amsterdam on September 30th and October 1st of 2019. The conference is organized by Mozilla together with Google, Microsoft, Samsung, and W3C and it aims to provide an inside view inside the process for creating web standards and how browser vendors are implementing those standards.
Full schedule and tickets are available from the website of the event, at https://2019.viewsourceconf.org
Google offers bigger rewards for discovering security bugs
Back in 2010 Google initiated the Chrome Vulnerability Rewards Program which provides cash rewards to researchers for finding and reporting security bugs. So far the program has received over 8,500 reports and paid out over five million dollars!

Now the stakes have got even higher, as Google has increased the level of the rewards. By a lot. You can now get up to three times more for the baseline reward, from $5000 to $15000. High-quality reports can now receive up to $30000 instead of $15000 as it was before.
All this comes together with a new package of program rules so that anyone claiming one of the prizes can document their report properly. More details can be found on the Google Online Security Blog.
Software updates and releases
Today I have two items for the software notification section.
1. TypeScript 3.6 Beta
This beta is intended to be a feature-complete version of TypeScript 3.6. The following weeks will be dedicated to bug fixing, improving performance and stability and the release of the final version. More details are available in the post on the Microsoft Developer Blog.
2. Exoframe 5.0.0
Exoframe is a self-hosted tool that allows simple one-command deployments using Docker. Linked down below are the project page on GitHub and a very nice guide by Tim Ermilov on how to use the features packed in the latest version of Exoframe.
- https://dev.to/yamalight/exoframe-v5-0-simplifying-js-function-deployments-46l7
- https://github.com/exoframejs/exoframe
The new Developer of the Week
Our second #DeveloperOfTheWeek is Jen Simmons. Jen is a Designer and Developer Advocate at Mozilla, where she advocates for web standards and researches the coming revolution in graphic design on the web. She is also a member of CSS Working Group and she loves teaching how CSS Grid changes everything in the way we do layout on the web.
Jen has spoken at many events and conferences including An Event Apart, SXSW, Fluent, Generate, Future of Web Design, and Respond and more. She is very active on Twitter and she also has a very educative YouTube channel called Layout Land. And you should follow her in both places.
If you liked one video of me teaching CSS and graphic design on the web, you might like these others: YouTube.com/LayoutLand12:13 PM - 25 Apr 2019
Thank you, Jen, for being awesome and keep up the good work!
- https://jensimmons.com/
- https://twitter.com/jensimmons
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7TizprGknbDalbHplROtag
Question of the Day
Who is the next person that you would like to see mentioned in our new “Developer of the Week” section? Please leave your recommendations in the comment section or on https://twitter.com/frontendnexus.
That’s all there is in this edition. Follow Front End Nexus on Twitter at https://twitter.com/frontendnexus to be notified as soon as a new update happens. I also want to encourage you to subscribe to the YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgACtqiDmnSaskDIBsK54ww. I can unlock some more options once the channel hits 100 subscribers, so your support is highly appreciated.
Have a great and productive week and I will see you next time!
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