DEV Community

Alexis Rondón
Alexis Rondón

Posted on


Choices in a developer career, What would you do?

disclaimer: this is my first attempt of ever creating something in a Dev community

I have just one question for you guys

What's better for you?

  1. Start up with a lot of future, excellent team, great work environment but not the lastest tools (website build with Handlebars + SammyJS + jQuery + Gulp)
  2. Any other projects with the lastest tools, and up to date frameworks

I'm not planning on quitting my current job in the start up, having so much fun and my carreer is barely starting (2 years frontend and 1 year backend).

Was just wondering what other devs would think about this situation.

Top comments (2)

leanminmachine profile image

I'm still in college so i'm at that stage where I'm thinking what kind of company for a first job. From multiple internships:

  • Tools and frameworks will always be changing so it's not the main concern for me. The main thing i like to learn from working is thought processes, why a certain architecture for software development, and problem solving skills.

  • Team with other people in software and product to bounce ideas off them. I think this one comes down to personality. I feel it's faster to learn from more experienced people rather than google everything myself and spend hours, when i can ask more experienced people in team how they've solved certain issue. It's super important for growth as a junior dev!

  • Startup vs huge company: Startup should move faster in terms of product dev with less needs of approval before feature additions / modifications / approval / release. You'd usually also have more chances to direct the project and implement your ideas/thoughts vs a larger co.

alexd__93 profile image
Alexis Rondón

Totally agreed.
And as a comment from the 3 points you did:

  • Even though your point is really true, the framework/new technologies I mention are more from the "fun/new challenges" perspective. Of course we are working, but it's exciting to learn and use the new amazing things that this beautiful community is always creating.

  • I'm also with you on this, but I save the asking to another one part more to emergency situations ( I really don't know what I'm doing, need to ask someone else ). But learning from other people it's so important, it's actually priceless.

  • I haven't had the chance to work for a bigger company, but this is so true.. it's so fun growing with a team in a startup and see your little child growing to be a successful big piece of software. And the freedom really helps you learn, try stuff and build confidence (errors are not so bad or make someone lose a lot of money when you are still building the tool)