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Ameya Joshi
Ameya Joshi

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Introduction to JavaScript

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language that gives the frontend functionality, and has the ability to connect the it to the backend.

Why use JavaScript?


Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript ~Jeff Atwood

Writing the app in JS in the first place doesn't seem like a bad idea.

JavaScript, created in 1995 by Brendan Eich, is an old yet very used language. Every website uses is in one form or another, some use it in its original form(Vanilla JS), while others use it in a framework (like: ReactJS, Vue, AngularJS, etc.).

What are JavaScript frameworks?

Javascript frameworks are tools that help developers streamline the process of development by pre-determining some aspects of coding, like DOM management, providing basic structures for single-page applications.

Do you need JavaScript framework?

The short answer is "yes". And the long answer is:
It really just depends on what you want to make. Let's take an analogy for example: If you are on a fixed budget and need to buy a home, will you buy a mansion or just rent an apartment?
It is the same thing here. If your goal is just to make a simple website without much functionality, you don't need a framework, but if your goal is making a blazingly fast enterprise app with thousands or millions of users, you should probably use a framework.
It also depends on the amount of efforts you are ready to put into the project. You can use plain JavaScript but you will probably end up making a worse and less optimized JavaScript framework.

The last thing this world needs is another JavaScript Framework ~Jeff Delaney(of Fireship)

Which JavaScript framework should you use?

While there are hundreds if not thousands of JavaScript frameworks that you can use. But the three most popular ones are:

  1. ReactJS- By Meta
  2. Angular- By Google
  3. Vue- By Evan You

The most popular JavaScript frameworks


React is the framework with the most weekly downloads. It also has a huge community of developers and a lot of employers hiring.
It is also capable of making good mobile apps through React Native. It also has a large amount of extensions and expandability.
Created and maintained by Meta.


Angular is the frameworks with the second most weekly downloads. It is most famous for its extreme learning curve.
Created by Google


Vue is most liked by small teams and individual developers. It is the third most famous framework. It has a minimal learning curve and a decent range of extensions and expandability.
Created by Evan You and is open sourced.


In conclusion, JavaScript is a programming language meant for the web. And by using it with a framework, you can drastically improve its functionality and even use it to make mobile apps.

Top comments (3)

ameya profile image
Ameya Joshi • Edited

This is part of a series of articles about JavaScript, starting from the basics to coding a functioning prototype. Next post scheduled 23rd July 2023.

ramagokul profile image
Not Giyu

Very Informative, This blog helped my out very much

ameya profile image
Ameya Joshi

Glad I could help!