DEV Community

Anita Olsen
Anita Olsen

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When did you Really get the Hang of Programming?

I do not know when or if I have ever gotten a true hang of programming, but I truly felt like I got a hang on something when I made my games from the Game Development courses on CodeCombat:

My games made on CodeCombat
Game Grove created by AnitaOlsen (to the left) and Game Dev 2 Final Project created by AnitaOlsen (to the right).

..and even more recently, I truly felt like I got a hang on something when I made my first ever visual novel with Sublime and Ren'Py!

My very first visual novel post on X
"My very fist visual novel - it is awkward, it is too short, but it is made by me!"

But I think I can say one thing though, I know that I have come far and as you all know, practice makes perfect!

When did you really get the hang of programming?

Top comments (8)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I think I “got the hang” of it when I discovered server-side web development.

Helped me see the whole thing come together. It’s when I could produce something that seemed fundamentally useful all by myself. That helped a lot.

martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun • Edited

I remember mine was an ‘Adventure Game’ in Python, never released it. I do other kinds of projects now but I've stayed very interested in game developers and their processes :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Do you think you'll ever release something along these lines?

panditapan profile image

Teacher asked us to do the inverse of a matrix in python, we (the class) had almost found all the steps except one regarding columns and I somehow.... invented it? something clicked in my brain and from there on out thinking new stuff to program hasn't been really hard, but before that? I didn't even understand functions hahaha

willyvaessen profile image
Willy Vaessen

To me, the moment in which it became clear to me that user support was an ending story, with the outsourcing at my work, was the moment I decided to go for software development.

Still a (long) way to go, but with some ideas in my mind, I think there is lots of fun stuff to learn and more to come.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us. I wish you the best on your exciting journey in software development! I believe you will do great! ✨

mlr profile image

The first time I really enjoyed programming was when I tried to make puzzle-like game in Python with PyGame.

The first time I really understood what was going on in a programming language was when I took my first C++ course. I made a short turn-based text RPG that had a grid of tiles for a map the player could explore. I added in items you could collect to unlock a secret area and boss battle, if you found them all and figured out how to use the items. I learned a lot just from making that one game.

sanjaybora04 profile image
Sanjay Bora

You stop learning when you start thinking you've got hang of it