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Andrew (he/him)
Andrew (he/him)

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Relearn You a Haskell (Part 1: The Basics)

I worked my way through Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! about six months ago and I haven't worked much with Haskell since then. So of course I forgot everything. So I've worked back through it again and made this handy refresher guide (mostly for myself but also) for you to have a quick reminder how things work in Haskell-land:


Haskell doesn't use ~ or ! to denote negation, rather, it uses the not function:

ghci> not True -- comments come after two hyphens
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...but it does use /= to mean "is not equal to":

ghci> 5 /= 4
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function application

Haskell doesn't use parentheses to separate a function's name from its arguments; rather, we just use spaces:

ghci> max 3 4
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partial function application

Partially-applied functions can be saved in variables and used later!

ghci> min5 = min 5

ghci> min5 4

ghci> min5 6
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infix notation

Some functions make more sense when they appear between their two parameters, rather than before them. For instance:

ghci> div 100 5 -- prefix notation

ghci> 100 `div` 5 -- infix notation
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Define basic functions by putting the named parameters before the = and the function definition after:

ghci> pythagoras a b = sqrt (a*a + b*b)

ghci> pythagoras 5 12
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Note that function names can contain ' (usually used to denote strict versions of otherwise lazy functions) and cannot begin with capital letters.


In Haskell, lists are homogeneous and strings are lists of characters:

ghci> ll = [1,2,3,4]

ghci> ss = ['e','l','l','o']
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A single element can be prepended (fast) to a list with : and a list can be appended (slow) to a list with ++:

ghci> 'h':ss

ghci> ll ++ [5] ++ [6,7]

ghci> 's':'m':ss -- : and ++ can be chained like this
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Elements can be extracted with the !! operator (unlike the [] operator in C):

ghci> ll !! 2 -- equivalent to ll[2] in C
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A list can itself contain lists of items or lists of lists of items and all of those lists can be different lengths, as long as they all contain the same type of objects (numbers or characters, but not both).

Finally, lists are compared in lexicographical order, meaning that the first elements are compared first, then the second elements, etc:

ghci> [1, 2, 3] > [0, 4, 5]

ghci> [1, 2, 3] > [1, 2]
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list functions

head / tail / init / last / length

ghci> ll

ghci> head ll -- first element of list

ghci> tail ll -- all but first element of list

ghci> init ll -- all but last element of list

ghci> last ll -- last element of list

ghci> length ll -- length of list
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Note that head, tail, init and last all throw errors if they're called on an empty list, but length returns 0. You can check if a list is empty with null:

ghci> length [] -- length of an empty list is zero

ghci> length ll -- ll has 4 elements in it at indices 0..3

ghci> null [] -- an empty list is null

ghci> null ll
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ghci> reverse ll -- reverse a list
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take / drop

ghci> take 1 ll -- take 1 element from the beginning of the list

ghci> take 3 ll -- take 3 elements

ghci> drop 1 ll -- drop 1 element from the beginning of the list

ghci> drop 3 ll -- drop 3 elements
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maximum / minimum

ghci> maximum ll

ghci> minimum ll
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sum / product

ghci> sum ll -- 1 + 2 + 3 + 4

ghci> product ll -- 1 * 2 * 3 * 4
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elem works like sort of like how contains() works in other languages, it returns true if the first argument is an element of the second argument, which must be a list:

ghci> elem 2 ll

ghci> 5 `elem` ll
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cycle / repeat / replicate

Repeat a list with cycle; repeat a single object with repeat

ghci> take 10 (cycle ll)

ghci> take 10 (repeat 5)

ghci> take 5 (repeat ll)

ghci> replicate 10 5 -- same as take 10 (repeat 5)
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Ranges work with integers and characters:

ghci> [1..10]

ghci> ['a'..'j']
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The first two elements of a list can be given to define a pattern:

ghci> ['z','w'..'a']

ghci> [26,23..1]
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Above, the list ends when the last element is hit, but you can also just define how many elements you want by using take:

ghci> take 10 [1,3..]
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Coming up in Part 2: list comprehensions, tuples, and typeclasses

Top comments (19)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great post, I really want to get into Haskell

antonrich profile image

Have you tried Try Haskell?

chenge profile image

This is great for new. I feel Haskell is more easy to remember after you understand the type syntax like :: => ->. This will help you write program more fluently.

A speaker told two break points: monad and category.

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

I missed this comment and just checked this out today... it's great! I'll have to keep this link for reference.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Nope. This is great!

antonrich profile image

I really like Haskell's repl because it allows you to learn types quickly.

You just type:

:t the_name_of_the_function.

:t - stands for :type.

jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

Just a minor nitpick, not is not a keyword, but a function

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)


antonrich profile image

not True -- comments come after two hyphens

instead of the bang operator (!==) it uses (/=) operator for not True in comparison.

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

Right! That's another idiosyncrasy of Haskell that I neglected to mention.

joshcheek profile image
Josh Cheek

I'm fine with it. SQL's not-equal-to operator is <> things like that really don't matter. It's like being upset about single quotes vs double quotes. If you think that's annoying, then you should absolutely learn Haskell, because you're focused on aesthetics instead of big picture implications, and Haskell will force you to learn better ways of thinking about the big picture.

Most of the problems that most of us have are simply difficult and frowned upon in Haskell.

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awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

I think maybe you misunderstood what one of us said. All we did was note that the "not equals" operator is different than the "normal" one in Haskell. Which is a good thing to know whether you're focused on aesthetics or not.

Thread Thread
drbearhands profile image

While I get what you're saying, the normal not-equal symbol is . So calling it an idiosyncrasy sounds like c-style bias, as Haskell's version is closer to the mathematical symbol.

dwayne profile image
Dwayne Crooks

LYAH is a nice introduction to Haskell but if you're serious about understanding the language I'd recommend giving Haskell Programming from First Principles a read.

Just curious. Is there any particular application that you'd like to build in Haskell?

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Nice and concise! I'd completely forgotten about cycle

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Thank you so much for this, @joshcheek writes Haskell for some coding puzzles and I really want to learn it as a result!

chenge profile image

Free Great Book: Learn You a Haskell

chenge profile image
chenge • Edited

Good post, and another intro video.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I worked my way through Learn you about six months ago and have also forgotten most of it!