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Cover image for Living in the Shell #18; du (Report Directory Size)
Babak K. Shandiz
Babak K. Shandiz

Posted on • Originally published at on

Living in the Shell #18; du (Report Directory Size)

du πŸ’½

Reports disk usage.

See summarized directory size -s

du -s ~/Downloads
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11732700        /home/babak/Downloads

Note that the result is in kilobytes.

Human-readable size values -h

du -sh ~/Downloads
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12G   /home/babak/Downloads

Exclude files by pattern --exclude

du -sh --exclude '*.iso' ~/Downloads
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7.1G   /home/babak/Downloads

See exhaustive sub-directory sizes

du ~/Documents
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Limit recursion depth -d

du -h -d 1 ~/Documents
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Include files in exhaustive size report -a

du -h -a ~/Documents
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