Edits streams by applying commonly used modifications.
Replace substring s
cat some-file.txt | sed 's/me/you/g'
Replaces all occurrences of "me" with "you".
Replace pattern s
echo "about\nabuse\namount" | sed 's/a\(\w*\?\)\w/\1/g'
bou bus moun
refers to the first captured group.
Transform to lowercase \L
echo "HELLO THERE\nHI THERE\nGOODBYE" | sed 's/H\w*/\L&/g'
hello There hi There GOODBYE
- Transforms words beginning with "H" to lowercase.
is the place holder for "entire match".
Transform to uppercase \U
cat some-file.txt | sed 's/.*/\U&/g'
Transforms all letters into uppercase.
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