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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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Are you coding more in your spare time due to COVID—19?

Top comments (86)

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar • Edited

I with my sis have been badly sick for a week or so, I thought it's the seasonal flu... been recovered and doing pretty well.

One week later, my father, mother, and aunt got sick but this time my aunt hardly breathed, took her to the hospital to find out we have Covid-19 at home!

Another week later after making them eat & rest well, they're all getting better and I feel the happiest person on earth that we passed this 😌

Realized after that small stuff like "having spare time to code" or "doing stuff you love" or even "breathing with no problem" are big blesses that we took for granted.

Stay safe and grateful for what you have ❤

snowie profile image

Oh no! Thank god they're getting better! You're right, we should always be grateful for health and things around us instead of looking for problems to solve. Hope your family will recover soon ❤

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

Thanks Snowie 🙏

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Personally the answer is a definite yes. Being more or less stuck at home I've allowed myself to just get deeper into coding in non-work hours. It's not necessarily a healthy thing to do, but in these times I'm just making the most of it all.

jagedn profile image
Jorge Eψ=Ĥψ

I'm spending more time in coding but I'm feel I'm less productive

egermano profile image
Bruno Germano

I know what you are talking about.

chechenev profile image
Maxim Chechenev

Not really, I found myself needed to do something else but not sitting in front of a laptop and writing more code. Since we are not really allowed to go outside and all activities are paused, I started to pay more attention to do more activities at home - more time for hobbies (unless coding is your hobby of course), doing yoga with online teachers, reading book, watching more movies, cooking, etc.

cbloss profile image

I so can relate. I feel like a horrible dev because I don't like spending a whole lot of extra time on my laptop after I'm off. I would rather walk the dogs, read a book, draw or do something off of a screen if I can.

chechenev profile image
Maxim Chechenev

But it doesn't make anyone a horrible dev - it's just different values and different hobbies.

Thread Thread
cbloss profile image

I never thought of it that way. Thanks for saying that!

arswaw profile image

Honestly I've been practicing piano more. It's brought me more satisfaction in recent months than programming has. I still enjoy programming, but music is a joy all its own.

Otherwise I'm playing Half-Life: Alyx and Doom Eternal.

patryktech profile image

I finally took the time to play with LMMS, as I don't have a piano.

Been needing a new hobby, and have missed making music. I played bass in a band, but that was almost 15 years ago.

If anyone wants a free / libre replacement for FL Studio, I recommend it. Works in Linux too!

arswaw profile image

Well if you want to buy a keyboard, which you totally should, then I have a recommendation.

The Yamaha DGX-660 is the one that has helped me return to music. It sounds like a real grand piano. It is difficult to distinguish a recording of this and a concert grand.

It also has some useful features such as recording and transposition.

It is $800. I understand we're in the middle of a plague and money can be tight, but at the point where you feel ready to start looking, you should really consider this one.


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patryktech profile image

Probably won't be for a while. I'm doing the nomad thing, so no room for a piano at the moment 😅😅

But I'll consider it when I settle down somewhere, thanks.

LMMS is fun, because it can synthesize everything from synths to pianos, drums, etc. Great for electronic music, but you can get some rock sounds too. And $800 cheaper than an $800 piano 😁

I'm sure there are other great tools. When I had an actual guitar, I used guitarix as a virtual amp.

pldeschamps profile image
Pierre-Louis Deschamps

I would like to play bass but I moved to the countryside without it. So I spend more time coding.
How can you play Half-Life? The screen makes me sick after 10 minutes playing!

arswaw profile image

I use the Vive to do it. What's your rig?

jasmin profile image
Jasmin Virdi

Yes, this is the best time to upgrade. I've started learning new tech stack which was there in my bucket list 😅

Apart from this, I am also attending a few meetups and conferences online. All this keeps me motivated to learn and utilize my time efficiently.

amruthpillai profile image
Amruth Pillai

I've been recently coding a lot and working on a personal project of mine. Those who are on DEV might have caught the post about Reactive Resume.

But while I'm at my maximum capacity, I've also been trying to get my girlfriend to learn Frontend Development. She had secured an internship recently, but due to the COVID-19 fears, the company withdrew the offer. I found this amazing post by another DEV member here, about Frontend Mentor. So I've been asking her to take up those challenges and try to mentor her through building these solutions. I feel much better about her future now, but knowing that the job market is going to be really difficult in the coming days, we have to do all that we can to sustain.

anshumansingh005 profile image
Anshuman Singh

Thanks for sharing

domenicosolazzo profile image
Domenico Solazzo

I think I am coding the same amount but trying to work out every day because I am not moving outside as much as before. As well as I increased my meditation practice since the Covid-19🦠 crisis started..

Healthy mind and body for better Clean Code. 😆

imthedeveloper profile image

Less for me. Working half hours remotely at work but spare time is spent looking after the kids to remove some pressure from my wife. The routine right now ks necessary but I do miss having some time to code.

stealthmusic profile image
Jan Wedel

Seems to be that a lot of people here don’t have kids.

I'm working half a day, then my wife starts working and I care for the kids until we have dinner. There is not much time for hobbies (that includes coding) nowadays.

Stay healthy everyone 💚

daleran profile image
Sean M Davis • Edited

I seem to have the opposite experience as many people. I am coding much less in my spare time than before the stay at home order. Part of the reason is that I am coding much more during work hours with no meetings or distractions. I usually get in 8 solid hours of coding during the workday. Once work is done I feel burnt out with coding so I mostly just rest my brain.

carolskelly profile image
Carol Skelly

I think a lot of devs are. I've seen a huge uptick in user sessions on Codeply since the middle of March when significant stay-at-home restrictions started around the globe. I also mentor on CodeMentor, and am getting pinged constantly. I've been working for home for more that 8 years, and I think along of #newbies are seeing the benefits of a developer career!

remotesynth profile image
Brian Rinaldi

Definitely yes. Mostly on the weekends as it provides some needed distraction (and I can't play video games or watch Netflix all day long). It's been kinda nice too as I have made updates to a side project that I'd pushed off for months.

barrypittman profile image

I modified a couple of python scripts, merged them, to make an Office 365 relay verification program, because, well, so many are working from home right now, gotta make sure your relay is a valid one!

zgparsons profile image
Zachary Parsons

Yes - so much more. But that's because my employer (not a coding / webdev company - I am learning to code, and hoping to apply to jobs, maybe, probably, I don't know when or how...) has asked us all to stay at home and monitor emails. I'm spending more time than ever coding, and I'm learning a lot but also getting a bit burnt out at times. There are some days where I feel intense progression and I'm really pleased with myself, and others where I feel myself stall and not do so well... Overall I'm enjoying the opportunity to learn more and push myself!

developarvin profile image
Arthur Vincent Simon

I have the opposite feeling. After rendering my work hours, the last thing that I want to do is to sit down in front of a computer and code. I already have budgeted time for career development pre-COVID but I don't plan on expanding that.

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