Give a quick description of what you're up to and what some recent learnings have been.

Give a quick description of what you're up to and what some recent learnings have been.
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Published a tool that demonstrates the difference between px, em, and rem beyond their simplicity.
Lesson: em is better than rem for 3rd party stylesheets as it gives clients the most flexibility.
awesome, never really knew that myself , Thanks!
You're welcome Auroiah!
Same as I. Until I made that demo for an article I'm writing on the misconceptions of the 62.5% trick.
woww goog job Toheeb. Good tool to know the difference in one shot. Kudos 👍🏻
I'm glad it was helpful
This is cool! Could you also show CSS snippets which update when you adjust the sliders?
May I ask, what would you like to see: the code or values?
I assumed Devs could inspect for both, but sure that takes extra step.
As always working on my desktop environment in the browser (daedalOS).
This week I focused on animated wallpapers and adding some features to Webamp such as playlist support and Butterchurn.
Did an article/video on the results recently if anyone is interested.
Recent learning would be finding an awesome streaming service in which supports CORS.
I'm inspired by your project and think it's cool.
Have you thought about creating your own stream proxy for somafm?
I've thought about building a general service for these types of things.
Thanks! I haven't looked into a proxy, but as it is now it works and it's mostly just a proof of concept.
That's great man
Working on a tool to allow firefighters to log their missions. As I am a firefighter myself I have noticed a lack in tools where we can keep track of where we have been and what we did there.
I am looking to expand the tool with easy ways of keeping track of what gear you used, if you were exposed to toxic smoke and so on.
I have always been curious about tools aimed at people with critical jobs such as firefighters, paramedics, etc. In your project, do you deal with very sensitive and critical information? And if so, do you take extra measure to ensure reliability and data integrity?
This is a real challenge yes, but I am trying to create an application without as much sensitive information as possible. I am for example taking the address from a callout and are using BING API to create a GPS zone and toss away the address. This way I am not having the address of an incident in my database, but I am still able to create heatmaps etc.
Other information is not that sensitive, it's information that could have been in the local news paper with some twists to it.
A user can check how many calls his of hers department have had, and that information is saved. But at the same time the same information is available by searching the news.
There is currently no extra measure to ensure reliability or data integrity, but the application is still also in early development mostly living on my Mac.
Hope that answers you questions.
Working on a self hosted version of for some of the larger customers that have been asking for it. Making it super portable and easy to setup has been a lot of fun. Gives me a reason to try some new things out!
Bookmarked. What an awesome app.
I'm going to give another sort-of lame answer. I upgraded the version of some libraries used by my Discord bot: I'm not doing a ton of work on it recently, but it's stable and I'm happy that it has a devoted user base.
Is cool! Nothing is lame. :-)
dont short yourself that is not lame ! Nice work so far!
I released the first version of Act, a library that enables you to create flat or hierarchical state machines. Right now, it's in Java, but a friend suggested to port it to Python in the future.
If you've got some time to spend, have a look/try it out and give me feedback, I appreciate it.
I learned a lot about statemachines in the process of creating it. Including the history, starting at Moore/Mealy machines in the 1950s, through Harels statecharts in the '80s, up to the latest version of the UML in the 2010s. I think what I've created overcomes some of the weaknesses of these approaches, while trying to preserve as much of the good aspects as I could. If you want to know more about that, let me know.
A while back I built a website for landscapers and retail nurseries to find wholesale nurseries, and am now at over $150/month in adsense income. 😀 Kind of thinking through how to make it better to get that income up past a thousand a month. Love any tips!
Working on Tails v2!
Awesome! Bookmarked.
I jumped and made the switch from mac to windows.
I have an application that helps me take notes at specific timestamps.
There used to be a web version, but I chose to make a native application,
Now I dusted up the old version that works nicely on windows as a PWA and added cool functionnalities like data persistence even as you close the app,
I use localStorage but am trying to make it use indexedDb instead.
Next weekend I will port my not 100% finished swiftui app for timing debates to ionic and capacitor. It is tedious, but the app will be what it should have been : cross platform
Finishing my final year project - a solution for aspect based sentiment analysis for online reviews. Never thought that I could become fluent in LaTeX, and now I am starting to question my whole life and if I should give up Word and other text processors for this...
LaTeX is such a beast, sometimes I wish I'd continue learning it more and maybe even abandon Word and it's alternatives!
Exactly! At first, it was horrible, adding bunch of tags for inputing a simple image made me wonder "Who thought putting HTML on steroids for writing text?"... But over time, and lots of pages later, I've came to the conclusion that once you've got it going and you have a basic idea of what's going on, you can be more efficient in structuring documents than you could think.
Just keep going and you'll get there! You got it!
Working on a PR to cert-manager to allow people to specify AWS access key IDs using secrets.
Hopefully wrapping that up, then moving on to diagramming out my home k8s cluster build.
Building a tool to extract information about your Rails app using static analysis. Think all models (and their properties), controllers (with their methods), linking routes to controllers to ultimately build an intelligent autocomplete
an html app with a single button. i called it blipCounter.
just hit the button to count what ever you want to count, then see a few stats about the timing.
With the app you can count rotations of a machine, beats per minute in music, repititions in sport (to indidate if the athlet is getting slowly). a small little app, with unlimited usecases.
it is so small, I am not going to share it, just build it yourself 😉
I've been started my side project on April 2022, the idea was started for only product landing page. Currently I'm building an web application for e-learning, maybe inspired in Udemy and others, but it has been challenging!
You can check it in here! EzLearn Client EzLearn Server
I separate the frontend and backend in branches, I'm not sure that it is a good practice, so if you can help me about it.
I'm thinking how can be useful if I start a thread in about my journey in this project. What do you think?
I published a whole new entry to my PicoShorts series, where I cover PICO-8 games I found exploring the database! For those who don't know, PICO-8 is a fantasy console, trying to emulate oldschools constraints of the NES era, and probably my main game dev engine.
Working on Breves, a service to ask questions to recruiters in order to screen job positions.
I've also created a public repository in which collect no role dependent questions and role dependent ones (in different languages), in this way even if you're not using the service you can use those questions on chat/phone with the recruiter.
Started a blog and posted few startup ideas. Sunday was spent musing about a idea to start a little different ebook marketplace.
I've started working on a budget solution for EU-based investors. My main problem currently is the sad state of bank connectivity.
Until now, I haven't found a solution covering 100 % of the banks and allowing the tool to read and analyze the transactions.
I've tried Plaid and Nordigen but haven't found anything yet, which covers all my needs.
Nordigen offers most banks, but according to the coverage map, many don't provide relevant information within the transactions. Sometimes the recipient is missing, the entry reference or both are missing.
Just got my hands on a Clockwork Pi DevTerm R-01 (a RISC-V powered DIY computer) and I'm documenting my discoveries. So far it's mostly lists of what I've modified, but I'm also diving back in to my older Linux knowledge to do things like configuring i3 window manager to make it useful for a more text-based UI.
Working on improving my android app Swiftpad. Adding ability to receive shared links from other apps and save them. Working on recognizing urls inside texts using regex and opening them directly inside app.
Lesson learnt 1: regex is one of the most powerful tools outthere but it's so hard to come up with specific purpose expression on your own. It's a nice experience through, I recommend everyone to checkit out if you haven't already.
If you want to know more about the app. Checkout Swiftpad on Producthunt
I had fun in building "color sort game" or "water sort" game in python. It was a very simple game with simple rules. So I tried automating it to generate a solution given a puzzle (just using brute force approach). I will try to add some more logics/intelligence to my approach. for running scrum ceremonies (daily, planning and retrospective) online :) For free, without ads, without limitations. For any size of team. And source code if fully open sourced
I am developing English Premier League players search engine by scraping EPL site Any cool features to consider especially aligned with web scraping and NLP are welcome.
Im currently setting types for my three.js/react/next.js application. Im in the process of learning more typescript. I decided to make this a scalable web application to get an understanding of cloud design architecture. Happy coding ☺️
This week I released a javascript module that makes it easy to implement a theme selector into web apps with support for auto-switching between dark/light mode based on the user's system-wide preference.
My extra time these days gets spent on fundamentals so I can level up. Currently finishing up fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms and pure-JS DOM! Next up will be Three.js and maybe then I'll create an actual side project. :D
Been working on Newsy - - it's a tool to convert your unused domain names into a complete web content aggregator (e.g. Reddit-clone) in 3 clicks. It then self-maintains, gains organic traffic, and you can also monetize with your own ads.
How many of us bought domain names first thinking you'll create an awesome project on it, only to let your domain name just sit there idle? 😀 🙋♂️ I had ~50 unused domain names, which are all now being used on Newsy.
I'm managing
Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms
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CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library" An alternative to Boost Graph Library (BGL).
We are Looking for...
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If you are interested, please contact us at or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!
and developing new functionalities for
A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client ) upon 0mq framework
A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client )
CXXMicroService is a C++ library, that manages MicroServices, upon different Framework ( actually only 0mq is implemented).
We are Looking for...
We are looking for:
If you are interested, please contact us at or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!
and I'm looking for new collaborations also for
Multi Thread Library
MTL (Multi Threading Library)
Multi Threading Library is a set of utilities, easy and ready to use for common task in multi threading environment and development.
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Getting Started
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
The following are required to get the project up and running.
Google Test
Python State Machine
PyStateMachine is a Framework that support state machines in Python
How to Run
Work in Progess
Work in Progess
Test Suite
Work in Progress
How to contribute
We are pleased to inform you that this repository is participating in the #Hacktoberfest!
Happy Coding!
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Project Info
A C++ library for simulating automata and Turing machines
A C++ library for simulating automata and Turing machines
Required Graphviz ( sudo apt-get install graphviz )
Required GoogleTest ( sudo apt install libgtest-dev build-essential cmake cd /usr/src/googletest sudo cmake . sudo cmake --build . --target install )
I created a react app that steps through the knapsack algorithm. This was my first project using react and tailwind css. Let me know what you think!
WordPress running on an SQLite database.
Easy to use WordPress implementation with SQLite database. SQLite has the following noticeable features: self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional. Because of the serverless architecture, you don’t need to “install” SQLite before using it. More on WP-SQlite
Working on a free staking and DeFi crypto rates comparator.
It's written in ReactJS and deployed on AWS.
Criffy is an online platform where you can find the best opportunity to make APY with your cryptocurrency on Staking, Savings, DeFi or Lending. You can also choose a crypto exchange for trading, a wallet for hodling cryptocurrencies or a crypto card for everyday spending.
Made a start on building a new website for myself. We use React and styled-components for everything in work, so I was gonna try to go back to basics for my own site and use Webpack to build it, but native web-components, plain JavaScript, and plain CSS for everything and have dev-dependencies only - no deps in the distro. Just need to actually start working on it now 😂
I have launched my site at using Blazor and Azure with GH actions to automatically update when I push a new branch on main. I also have been setting up a containerized development environment with Laravel sail and Docker. Which kicked my butt most of the weekend LOL
Not really sunday anymore, but learning to use useEffect hook to make API calls :D. And also setting up, and learning Vim!
Made yalem, an experimental UI library for Rust.
Source code:
Started on a speech analysis project. Should create a dedicated blog post soon. It's very fun to do and opens a wide range of possibilities. Really exciting to learn.
Migrating my chrome extension(React, Webpack) to use Vite.
Still watching every sunrise and trying to make a better website for it. (
My side project is an announcement site for exchanging educational toys for children with disabilities.
Created a productivity site. You can listen to ambient sounds to help u focus👨💻👨💻
Trying to learn how Ransomeware attack work in NodeJS module.
I continued to develop on the presentation website of Awesome Web Monetization
Browser form automation. I had been filling the same form, has a few wizard steps, for at least 8 years. Each complete entry takes like 10 minutes. Most of the time I need to repeat 3 times.
I'm learning Lua to make a Project Zomboid mod. Nothing to show yet but TIL Lua was made at Brazil in the 90s.
Currently working on my final year project in yii2 -- a PHP framework
First time working with Yii or PHP for that matter 😅
Working on for a client
Working ok a business site for a client