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What are the worst security practices you've ever witnessed?

Ben Halpern on July 30, 2019

// Detect dark theme var iframe = document.getElementById('tweet-1156194610751901701-921'); if (document.body.className.includes('dark-the...
molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) • Edited

Two things that drive me absolutely nuts.

  1. Not encrypting your hard drive especially on a work laptop. For those who have a Mac and are interested in learning more here is a great post.
  2. Leaving a work laptop that has access to production information and data open, unlocked, and unattended. DONT DO IT EVER!!!! I have actually thought about leaving people notes when I see this, "If I was a hacker you would have been screwed, lock your laptop next time"
francis_pblog profile image
Francis Piche • Edited

Where I work we have a donut rule. If someone is able to gain access to your workstation and send an email to the rest of the company mentioning donuts, you then have to bring donuts for everyone.. Its extremely effective

8ucik profile image
8ucik • Edited

At my company we do pizza instead. That is more cost unfriendly, but they do get they point.

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

We do same, except that we bring cakes πŸ‘

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)


scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Why does no one seem to take securing work laptops seriously?

In a previous job, we had laptops with no way of securing them to our desks. We had to lock them in our file cabinets at the end of each day.

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

I work for a cybersecurity company, we help Fortune 500 companies track down and patch the worst vulnerabilities in their infrastructure. However, I believe that no matter how robust you make your infrastructure the weakest link will always be the human component.

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scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill


Right! Common sense and educating the humans that work at or with a company can go a long way.

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amorganpd profile image

Not only that, but also removing the human component, where possible. People will always error, so removing the possibility to error is just as important.

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gbursson profile image
Greg R.

Simple enough: remove people :D

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

My favorite is when I bring this to the attention of my co-workers and they say "Yeah, but I know you're supposed to be here"

1) We definitely don't know all the people in our org (and people constantly walk up to desks to drop off papers/notes regardless)

2) What if I was having a particularly salty day and felt like burning bridges?

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)

I feel this!!!

Most of the devs are pretty good about it bc we will all mess with each other's laptops if they are left open. Nothing malicious but change some vim shortcuts, maybe a new screen saver or background. Great way to promote locking your computer πŸ˜‚

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terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

I've done the wallpaper one to the others in my department (one of them still hasn't removed the weird picture of them from their wallpaper rotation).

It's really hard to take security seriously when I asked a higher up IT person why we promote IE as the default browser and their answer was "For security reasons" (this person has since moved to another company, but we still default everyone to IE as the browser)

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cecilelebleu profile image
CΓ©cile Lebleu

Ohh, right. I work from home, but once I went to get a cup of coffee and my husband put on an update emulator on my MacBook. I just assumed the update started on its own while I was gone and actually waited around for about 30 minutes until I figured out just what was so funny.
The update emulator (a website on full screen, it’s even animated) is a good, safe prank. Bonus points if they had open files unsaved. I suppose it also exists for other operating systems.

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terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Holy wow this is amazing 😍

For anyone curious, seems to be a good source for this πŸ˜‰

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cecilelebleu profile image
CΓ©cile Lebleu

I guess that was it. I was so angry at myself for falling for it that I just closed the tab in a split second without checking the name πŸ˜‚

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terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

I'm realizing this could also be repurposed to get out of things πŸ€”

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm a fan of extensions/user scripts in the browser to give someone a special experience. Like making CSS grayscale filtered, etc.

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terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

At my last job we were also huge fans of the extension that replaces all images with Nick Cage and the one that would randomly play the John Cena intro every 1/1000 tabs.

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wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

VSCode has a beautiful theme for this situation. Hot Dog Stand.

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terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

I love it 😍

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aschwin profile image
Aschwin Wesselius

The Hot Dog Stand theme actually is an ancient prank. Windows 3.1 (!!!!!) had this somewhere hidden deep, deep down in it's OS.

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guneyozsan profile image
Guney Ozsan

I used to change the language of my friends' mobiles to Japanese. It was easy and fun at Nokia 3310 era.

guneyozsan profile image
Guney Ozsan

This is especially true if one feels he is gonna be fired soon. Or worse, already fired but had to spent some time to hand off some work.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

If you're a Mac user, this is where you want to go to make sure your data is encrypted automatically (described in more details in the link Molly posted)

glennmen profile image
Glenn Carremans

And if you want to go a step further and create an encrypted password protected folder (drive) on macOS check out this post πŸ˜‰

mandaputtra profile image
Manda Putra

It woulnt be slow if encrypted?

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nicolasguzca profile image

Yeah but it's barely noticeable on a Mac.

oliverobenland profile image
Oliver Obenland

In our company we change settings like background image, color theme or screen rotation. It is fun to see your colleague to try changing it back when everything is up side down ;-) Oh, and he knows what he did wrong

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

leaving the computer unlocked and unattended also drive me nuts, especially when the dev has access to production and aws sdk with broad permissions... depending on teams we had different rules.
What we did the most was changing the desktop/lock screen with something very very ugly and embarrassing (which they had to keep for a whole week). This is a kind of personal intrusion and we did that only in teams where we had lots of confidence with each other, but it clearly shows how much control you can take over someoneΒ΄s computer.

Sometimes we simply applied the cookie/cake/pizza rule via a message on slack from the persons computer "Hi, everybody, I love my team and tomorrow I will bring pizza for everybody!"

Currently with I sometimes do is just opening on their browser... quite funny.

fredrikbonde profile image
Fredrik Bonde

we are encouraged to open slack on unattended computers and promise all in company free beer.

dechamp profile image

We called this hotdogging. Anyone who left their computer unlocked we would send an email from their account talking about their love for hotdogs.

rapidnerd profile image

A global phone service provider once had themselves called out on twitter for storing passwords in plaintext, one of their support reps replied with "What if we don't need to hash/salt the passwords because our security is that amazing?" 24 hours later someone found an XSS vulnerability in their login page.

charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau

I remember this! This was the thread obviously the offending party deleted their tweets though

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

How are they not even case sensitive? You'd almost certainly have to do extra work to make them not case sensitive?

Makes sense if employees have to read them over the phone, but sheeeesh. So brutal all around!

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charlesdlandau profile image
Charles Landau

Cruft driven development: it's case insensitive somewhere in our insane mess of tools and systems, therefore make it case insensitive in this instance for compatibility.

AKA "I don't have time to clean up my disaster of a living room therefore I can't pick up this pizza box."

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tvanantwerp profile image
Tom VanAntwerp

I used to use 32-character alphanumeric random strings as answers to secret questions...until I had to read one over the phone.

Rep: Ok, so what street did you grow up on?
Me: Hold on, let me check the random answer in my password manager...
Password manager: ytuu^QoGZc5JQZ4BW3TuvH&w#jLlm%6T
Me: Fuck!
Rep (seeing the same thing on his end): laughter
Me: What if I just tell you it starts with y and ends with T?
Rep: Good enough.

Now I do something like diceware instead.

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areahints profile image

Hahaha πŸ˜‚

I feel like, this will happen to me soon.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

"What if we don't need to hash/salt the passwords because our security is that amazing?"

Ooof that is brutal

philnash profile image
Phil Nash

Never take the security opinion of the poor social media manager that is just trying to deal with a deeply technical security question (to them at least) seriously.

I feel bad for the employee who answered this. They are not supposed to have intimate knowledge of security practices and taking their word at face value is demeaning to the security industry.

This doesn't make T-Mobile's practices any better, but it's best not to pile on the wrong person about it.

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner

That was T-Mobile, the Austrian branch to be precise, but it led to a chain of asking T-Mobile branches in other countries if they do the same, even made its way to DTAG (the parent company in Germany).

This was really awful, especially considering the reaction from their marketing guys on twitter.

mitchpommers profile image
Mitch Pomery (he/him)

Most/all ISPs have had to deal with Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol, which requires both sides to know what the password is, not just have something that can be computed from the correct password. It doesn't make the "our security is amazing" comment valid, but does explain why plaintext passwords exist.

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Maximum password length.

Yes, I had to implement that πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Also: for debugging purposes, I enabled MySQL logging with the intention of shutting it down once we went live. It logged all SQL commands - yes, the passwords were hashed, but with MySQL's password function, so all passwords appeared in plain text in the log.
My (former) boss: "So, the passwords are hashed in the database and we can't decypher [sic] them, but we're still seeing them with this log?"
Me: "Yes, but..."
My boss: "You know what, I see a solution for all those clients that keep calling for their forgotten passwords..."
Me: "πŸ˜‘"

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yes, I had to implement that πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

What was the reasoning here?

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Because they wanted, for "customers' convenience", the same passwords to work both on the web portal and as their AS/400 passwords. (Customers could also access to the AS/400 terminals.)

Which were limited to 10 EBCDIC characters. 😩

This actually had a glimpse of sense. Because it wasn't like that before. I've just left the passwords unconstrained and happily hashed them into the DB.
"Wait, limit the number of characters to... say, 20."
"What?! Why?"
"Our customers aren't used to passwords that long."

I'm not making this up.

Thinking about that now, there were so many security issues that make my stomach churn. And I'm no security expert!

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jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

"Our customers aren't used to passwords that long."

Wait, what?! Why in the heck does that matter? They set their own passwords. They don't have to enter 100-character passwords if they don't want to.

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maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

You're assuming I was talking with people that had an idea of what that was all about. 😡

I think I've learnt that people can be that clueless. Even in IT!

mitchpommers profile image
Mitch Pomery (he/him)

Upper password limits are a sane thing to do, when the limit is high enough. Setting the upper limit to 100 characters allows you to test your system for how it deals with long passwords. Just see my other comment for why you should always make your password set fields a character longer than your maximum accepted password.

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

I'm not sure I'm following you here. Systems just shouldn't have maximum password lengths, period. Passwords should be hashed to fixed-length strings (and that should take a fixed amount of time), so the length of a password shouldn't be a problem, be it 100, 1000 or 314159 characters long. (Well, except for the fact that you're sending a request with a payload of more than 300 kb, but that's another problem...)

Anyway, we were dealing with AS/400 systems with rather old OS versions (5.2 I think), so the upper limit was 10 characters.

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mitchpommers profile image
Mitch Pomery (he/him)

In theory, yes, passwords shouldn't have a limit. Password hashing isn't significantly affected by the input size, and storage definitely isn't affected. But what could be affected is your server and application and how they handle long strings. If you want to set the limit to 314159 characters, go for it. Just be sure you test for it too.

I explain the password set field should be 1 character longer than the password entry field here:

ivanbuncic profile image
Ivan Buncic

Seeing a lot of post-it with passwords all over the offices.

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill • Edited


When I worked at a small company, we kept passwords of not-often-used-accounts on post-its, but in a coconut cup on our desks. The coconut makes it more secure, obviously.

"What's the password for XYZ again?"

"It's in the coconut"

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

This isn't great, but post-its are more secure than other re-using the same password everywhere.

Your likely attackers are probably not hanging around the office. (Still not ideal, of course)

Password managers are a bit like post-it notes. Maybe you're sitting at a coffee shop, you run to the bathroom ("hey can you watch my stuff for a sec?")β€”it's very possible that someone could snoop onto your computer and expose all your passwords that way.

Again, the person who happens to be sitting next to you at Starbucks is probably not your biggest threat, but you never know.

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scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

This is a good point. An out of context password on a sticky note, in my notebook (or in a coconut) isn't a major risk. But, it's also not an ideal habit to have.

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danjconn profile image
Dan Conn

Although a good password manager is encrypted, whereas a post-it note probably isn't!

And you can set an auto timeout on good password managers so that after 10s you have to type your password manager password for access.

I think the best way to store passwords is random strings generated by a password manager, imho. Manually copy to manager on mobile and vice-versa to avoid posting via a cloud service. I'm not paranoid, honest! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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ivanbuncic profile image
Ivan Buncic

[at] Ben Halpern - You would be surprised to see how many attackers are actually in the offices.

tvanantwerp profile image
Tom VanAntwerp

I walk around the office somewhat regularly and destroy any password post-its I find.

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

Thats awesome!

guneyozsan profile image
Guney Ozsan

At least leave a donut behind.

tvanantwerp profile image
Tom VanAntwerp

I was called up for jury duty once. They had a website where I could check on the status of whether I needed to report or not. I couldn't quite remember the URL, so I googled what I could recall and found the status page of...somebody else. There was no actual protection preventing people from getting to anyone else's jury duty call, which included lots of PII. And the IDs of the pages were clearly sequential, so anyone could've written a quick script to download ~300,000 jury duty summons and all the personal info to go with it.

I reported it to the county and they thankfully took it seriously. They told me they worked with the software vendor to fix it...but I never verified, so who knows?

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

I used to work for a company in a pretty competitive industry, where companies would make it pretty hard for their users to get their data in order to make it harder for them to switch to a competitor.

One of our competitors would just spit out all the data to the front-end as a huge JSON file, which made it easier for us to migrate their users to our platform. The problem is that JSON file contained really sensitive information (hundreds of users' personal info, including credit card numbers). I breathed a secret sigh of relief when they patched that up (even though it made my job harder).

At another company, I was shocked to realize in my first week that they stored all of the passwords in plaintext. One of the first things I did upon joining was to issue an emergency fix to hash the passwords. My manager didn't want to implement it all at once in case it would break things, so he issued it partially where from now on there were two columns in the database, the hashed password and the plaintext one.

The plan was to get rid of the plaintext after some time passed and they were more confident in my solution, but that didn't happen as of the time I left that company...

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

The problem is that JSON file contained really sensitive information

In Rails it's so easy to call .to_json on a model and automatically spit out the whole row of data. Definitely a nightmare of mine.

The plan was to get rid of the plaintext after some time passed and they were more confident in my solution, but that didn't happen as of the time I left that company...

Probably still hasn't happened.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Probably still hasn't happened.

At the rate things moved at that place I'll bet that's true...

vgrovestine profile image
Vincent Grovestine • Edited

Last April, a local 19 year old was browsing the provincial government's freedom-of-information portal which is the public-facing website for completed FOIPOP (Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy) requests.

Essentially, anyone can request reasonable information from the government by filling out a form and paying a modest fee; wait a couple weeks, and you'll be given access to said information. It could be one page or several hundred. It could be fully intact or heavily redacted. Completed FOIPOP requests then get posted to a web portal for public interest.

So... While browsing the portal, this 19 year old notices that file IDs are contained within individual page URLs, and they are sequential integers. Instead of clicking through each page of the portal by hand, he writes a script and scrapes 7000 pages from the website--exploiting the sequential numeric IDs.

Exploiting a public website...? Yes, his blitz of activity was noticed by portal administrative staff, the police were called, and he was charged for hacking government infrastructure! (Officially, the criminal code charge was "unauthorized use of a computer".)

Arguably, he should not have slammed the server with 7000 requests in one fell swoop--could be interpreted as a denial-of-service attack. To call his actions "hacking" though is a stretch too far.

Why did government bureaucrats want to see him brought up on charges? Well, it seems that the administrative unit responsible for processing FOIPOP requests and posting them to the portal didn't completely redact sensitive details from files in a portion of its (public!) database. Therefore, in a classic government bungle, the person who stumbled upon this oversight was deemed to be nefarious, meanwhile the government department did what it could to cover up its own failed responsibility in the aftermath.

Charges against the 19 year old "hacker" were eventually dropped and the government freedom-of-information portal was taken offline for an overhaul and security hardening.

Teen charged after personal information exposed in Nova Scotia government website breach (via CBC News, Apr 11/18)

You're a govt official. You accidentally slap personal info on the web. Quick, blame a kid! (via The Register: Security, Apr 18/18)

mrtnrdl profile image
Martin Riedel

I've recently seen a password.js file used for "authentication" - and yes, it contained the password in cleartext. (While also talking in the comments about state-of-the-art security)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay • Edited

Please tell me it wasn't also checked in...

mrtnrdl profile image
Martin Riedel

It was publicly reachable from the interwebs ;)

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jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay


teachingtls profile image

After releasing a rather large project for a client, they gifted me and some other team members these rather fancy backpacks that included the company logo and a key phrase from the project under it.
It was a rather nice gesture, and I took to wearing the backpack. I actually still do, about six years later, it's a really nice backpack.

The look of horror on their acting "head of security" was explained when he told me that the phrase on our backpack was the default root login for all of their development and production servers. Needless to say, they spent the rest of the day updating all of their boxes user credentials.

phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

"default root login" made me shudder! Someone needs a privileged access management solution..

shushugah profile image

Shared test accounts that can access CI deployments and even deploy, without any clarity of who has access to such accounts.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

That actually reminds me of an early Facebook anecdote I don't entirely recall the details of, but was something like: There was an admin-level master password they passed around and had no idea who had the password.

Basically early on, the site data was entirely 100% non-secure and they were relying on the hope that the password never truly leaked.

I think I read that in The Facebook Effect book years ago. It doesn't exactly seem out of character based on everything else we now now about the org.

shushugah profile image
shushugah • Edited

Thing is internal/former employees can do a lot of damage if they are determined to, such as sharing trade secrets. Criminal liability and practical inconvenience are bigger reasons most employees don't, rather than any deep security measure.

The threat model looks different for larger companies, or across different jurisdictions.

jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

I did some PHP for a client forum. Account resets sent passwords in plaintext through emails. I notified him that it is a bad practice and very not secure. I proposed solutions but he categorically refused and did not see anything wrong with doing that.

guneyozsan profile image
Guney Ozsan

I still sometimes receive a plain text password in email when I click forgot password. Then I start hating people there. Ok, you store the passwords probably in clear text. At least don't send it back into the wild.

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Oh you mean passwords that are already set on the account. Yeah, that's a big no-no.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

A very large hardware and cloud service re-seller was using unparameterized SQL statements with no other layers of sanitation. Demonstrated to the bosses how 'SELECT * FROM USERS' placed in the Username input field resulted in the table being dumped to the requester... The dump included plain text passwords, credit card numbers, and billing information.

The response to this near criminally flawed level of exposure? 'No one would ever do that. Here, work on this other thing instead.'... I put in my notice that next day.

Fast forward not 3 years and that organization was breached. They are to this day still trying to recover from the damages; both financially and reputation.

Some will say 'why didnt you stay and fix it?'. The organization did not allow engineers to fix things, it was very much a everything for the sale organization. Nothing mattered other than closing the sale. So everything suffered.

I have zero regrets, when I heard about the breach, I laughed, I smiled, I sighed. I felt bad for the team there. I know they got thrown under the bus.

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner πŸš€

Using some simple Google-foo, you can find all the public Trello boards people are using to store and share community account passwords: password
nataliedeweerd profile image
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚π₯𝐒𝐞 𝐝𝐞 π–πžπžπ«π

Holy hell!

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner πŸš€

Yup. Keep all your Trello boards private!

guneyozsan profile image
Guney Ozsan

Just OMG!

jamesmh profile image
James Hickey

Codebase for a large financial institution (to remain unnamed) had explicit SQL injection pathways (among other things).

The architect was told about this. Responded by saying that since the customer (the institution) wasn't explicitly paying for robust security, we would be legally liable if we "try" fix the code to make it more secure - but end up causing more issues or bugs. So, "let's just leave it."


isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman

I was once aware of a website (trying to avoid details here) that stored hundreds of thousands of email addresses, passwords and social security numbers in plaintext and had a search bar for easy lookup. It didn't use HTTPS unless you checked a box on the login form, and the password I used would have been ridiculously easy to figure out.

I told multiple people that this was low hanging fruit for hackers. I don't know if anything changed.

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman

To clarify, I didn't choose that password, I just inherited it.

prahladyeri profile image
Prahlad Yeri • Edited

In one of my last companies, developers used to set passwords such as "admin", "hello", etc. for their login.

Then the security team set strict policies, so everyone was forced to change their password and the new one should include numbers and special chars. So the devs changed it to "admin@123", "john@123", "jane@123", etc.

After some time, the security team realized that this too was futile, so they forced a password change every month. Now, the devs switched to "jan@123", "feb@123", "mar@123" and so on.

Not to mention, it was a very common practice among devs to share their passwords among each other, sometimes for work related stuff and other times for faking to the telemetry system which calculated hours worked.

edvald profile image
Jon Edvald

By some margin the worst I've seen: The accounting department had admin access for pretty much everything within the company and passwords in plain text in a Google Sheet.

I worry something like that is remarkably common, because accounting often needs access to invoices. You'd be surprised how many services have no permission step between "not admin" and "full admin", the latter having access to invoices, so I'd bet a lot of accounting departments have crazy high privileges to mission critical systems. And often no security training at all.

I promptly held a security all-hands, sorted all those privileges and made sure the whole company had a password manager.

I'd urge anyone here to quickly check the practices where you're working. You might find it's a disaster in the making.

jappyjan profile image

I once wrote a little extension to our Spam-Filter/Virus-Scanner...

While doing this I needed to inspect the already catched mails and found an e-mail which shocked me a lot... And also ended in someone else gettin fired...

That mail was send by a it-administrator of us who was working for one of our child-companies and was send to all out employees.

Subject: warning! There are dangerous virus-mails going around!

Please don't open any mail attachments of unknow sender's... Etc. Etc.

PS: I attached an example to this mail

Attachment: an actual malicious mail, containing the original attachment with the original, functional virus...

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

WHAT THE πŸ’©! I get alerting people but GEEZ!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

SSNs in an email. Why would you do that?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

At this point I have to think my SSN is just public info and I’d hope nobody treats it like β€œmy password” in any serious way.

Still worth treating as securely as a password, as you pointed out, but I’d hope it’s used to protect my own security in any way.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

Pretty much, yes. Worse case it is in a data dump you can buy for a hundred bucks .

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scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I should add these were SSNs of clients/customers.

prithajnath profile image
Prithaj Nath

A multi million dollar client once gave one of their vendors access to their internal API by exposing a node directly to the Internet (plain HTTP with port number and all) and whitelisting the vendor's IP address range

woubuc profile image

My first real job was a security nightmare. They used the same easy-to-guess password for everything: "It's this word that is closely related to what we do, but replace the letter o with a zero". When I raised concerns about this practice and suggested we start using a password manager company-wide, they claimed it was secure enough but they'd look into it.

A few months later, we got the new password policy: "The company password is now this other word that's closely related to what we do, but replace the letter i with a 1".

In that same year, multiple of our customer's accounts got hacked, everyone at the company was scrambling to save the data and secure the accounts. No passwords or policies were changed.

winstonyallow profile image
Winston • Edited

Not asking why a permission is needed. The last company I worked for gave you every permission you would ask for. They didn't check if you really needed the permission. I once asked jokingly if I can get the private rsa key for a production server. I wanted to make a joke in that specific situation. A coworker only heard part of it and forwarded my request to the team managing the permissions. I ended up with access to the private key. No one even asked why I would need access.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

"Checkbox security". It really exposes that your organization's security "experts" aren't. Manifests itself in ways like:

  • System fails a security-scan because it doesn't have IPv6-related security-settings present ...even though you've explicitly wholly-disabled IPv6 on the system
  • A container fails a security-scan because it wasn't built from a "full OS" type starting-point. Never mind that the container is so minimized that it has almost no attack-surface: your IA guy wants you to start with a container that emulates a full Linux distro before you start loading code into it. So, just so the clueless IA guy wants his scanner to work, you have to bloat-out and increase the attack-surface of your container.
  • An RPM (etc.) gets flagged because the RPM version-number makes the (brain-dead) scanner think that you're running Apache 2.4.6 when you're actually running a version that's been patched for all the known flaws. Then you have to explain CVEs and how to update the scanner so it understands that "oh: this particular packaging is actually safe"
  • A security-assessor telling you "you've got too many admin accounts" because you've got uniquely-privileged accounts for each individual service. Explaining, "each one of these accounts has a custom, least-privileges access-profile built into it and each one of these accounts has unique authentication-credentials, if I follow your advice and move to one, uber-admin credential, if an attacker breaks that account, they pwn everything in the enterprise, not just this one system or service-stack"

...The list goes on and on. It's especially frustrating when you're in an organization that says it wants to do risk-based security but none of their designated security "experts" understands actual risk-analysis.

How's this rant relevant: check-box security SME's are far more organizationally-dangerous that someone sharing a password to

vcarl profile image
Carl Vitullo

A couple years ago, I called a "fire" (every drops what they're doing to fix a major issue) because I found a completely unsecured API endpoint that served names, emails, home addresses, and SSNs using sequential IDs. It was fixed in less than a day after I reported it, but I couldn't believe it had been allowed to exist.

Somewhere else, all of engineering shared 1 set of credentials for the Jenkins server, which was accessible via the internet. After I no longer worked there it struck me that not only could I have deleted build configuration for the entire company, they wouldn't be able to find out who did it.

arximughal profile image
Muhammad Arslan Aslam

I went for an interview at a Startup so I thought it would be better to checkout their application beforehand. Their password reset API was taking two parameters, email address of the account and the new password!!!

It's been three years since I've informed them of this, and they still haven't changed that!

tvanantwerp profile image
Tom VanAntwerp

Word doc on a network shared drive with all the shared passwords--including bank account info--accessible to anyone in the office. Also, every user's password followed a specific pattern such that anyone could log in as anyone else.

I put a quick stop to all of that.

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Lol that sounds like something that belongs in Loony Tunes.

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks

Our security officer. You read that right, the person responsible for security practices is the worst. Lacks knowledge and skill, and regularly screws up. If we ever get hit by ransom ware, I am quite sure who the source would be.

yawpitch profile image
Michael Morehouse • Edited

Master password for key company database replicated, in plain text, into 1000s of files in a repo most employees were automatically given read access to.

I once did a grep -r for that password on the shared root ... I had to kill it and cry a little once it'd passed 10,000 hits.

Been a long, long time since I worked there.

3leftturns profile image
Andrew T Johnson

I worked at a call center in college that handled credit cards for a major provider. Call agents were encouraged to keep a piece of paper at their desk to write down credit card numbers to enter them in to the computer to not interrupt the customer reading it out. We were also encouraged to put the papers in the shredder box at the end of the day, but it wasn't highly enforced. I shredded mine, of course.

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Are you describing a backdoor without a lock?

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

4 character passwords containing only digits. πŸ€¦β€β™€

quinncuatro profile image
Henry Quinn

Wait, what? That wasn't anything we worked on, right?

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

Haha nope, just things I noticed in my last job Henry. ;)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


avalander profile image

Maybe not the worst, but kinda annoying. I recently created an account for an online store and they sent me my password in plain text in the welcome email. I'm totally deleting my account once I receive my order.

danjconn profile image
Dan Conn

Another one is storing passwords as Strings in your favourite backend language! Strings often stay in memory as constants so can be retrieved in an attack, however if stored as a byte array, and set to null after use, it's then gone immediately.

8ucik profile image
8ucik • Edited

When I was working for one of the bigger companies in my country they were at the point where security was not even born. They had almost everything wrong. But one of the absolute hits in those days was a white font password hidden on the page where you log in onto the production.

The password had a white-colored font and was just above the login text. It was just a matter of selecting it and copy-pasting to the proper field. This was on a production site and was never fixed.

The other thing I found very confusing that even when we were using Linux at work. Only a few people had their machines encrypted. This was very stupid to work for a security company without encryption or any processes to do so. I have seen that the management had special private screen protection but no disk encryption sic!

mitchpommers profile image
Mitch Pomery (he/him)

Password set fields that have a maximum length equal to the max length password they accept.

If you have a max length, your input fields should allow more characters and then error stating the password is too long. I have seen systems that for reasons (that were valid when the decision was made) had low max password lengths. Newer systems that were built on top of it silently truncated passwords to this max length on both setting and validating, so users thought they had longer passwords than they actually had. Increasing users password lengths then became an issue because you have to allow the increase in both the password set and input fields, but can't because users could then input what they correctly think their password is and recieved an invalid username/password error.

bradtaniguchi profile image
Brad • Edited

Using eval in nodejs to evaluate client-side input values. The original developer not only used eval when more sensible approaches existed, but turned off linting multiple times to be able to write it.

One of the few times I legit walked out of the room.

For those unaware this basically meant the original developer jumped through a few hoops to open up the server to server-side code injection, honestly couldn't of been much worse 😒

sourcecode2_0 profile image

People who take photos of their passwords so they won't forget. They sometimes don't realise that their mobiles can auto-update their social media account galleries. So sometimes you can go to their Facebook profile photos and see the password.

murtezayesil profile image
Ali Murteza Yesil

Password Organizers
A physical notebook to record usernames and passwords in plain text. Because you can only write so many passwords on sticky notes.

mwlang profile image
Michael Lang

worst combination of multiple basic security practices: A major university's student registration system storing user login passwords in clear-text and using student's social security number as record identifier all the while, allowing access to the registration system via the Internet HTTP (unencrypted protocol). These security issues were known for years and exposed during PCI certification (for credit card payment capturing), so guess what else was "in the records" in clear text format?

kapouer profile image
JΓ©rΓ©my Lal

Some companies enforce (through CAA policy) the use of a certification authority of their choice to make ssl certificates.
While i was hosting a web site for them, i told them i had automatic renewal setup through an acme client (using letsencrypt).
They wouldn't change their mind, and since they had no way to do automatic renewal, they'll mail me the website certificates whenever they expire :(

jameswoolfenden profile image
James Woolfenden

When I asked to get access/permissions to a dev account, i saw the admin open password.txt. The root account details, creds and password for every AWS account, on their desktop.

Major financial institution.

themattyg profile image
Matt Graham

I've been seeing bad security practices from a user perspective since I graduated from college. Heck, my wife still wouldn't know a good password if it was stuck in her eye.

But the best worst password will still always be "password." That got a server I managed "hacked" with at least 5 PHP terminal scripts. I left a lovely message for when they tried to load the page after I cleared out the offending files.

crimsonmed profile image
MΓ©dΓ©ric Burlet

A client to who we built and handled the eCommerce website for, their tech in their company installed a cracked plugin instead of paying 20$ and the cracked version was backdoored.

This resulted in the whole website being compromised and thus it had to be shut down for a few days and this was an important revenue loss.

More information here: dolohem wordpress malware

andruszd profile image

Banks still requiring IE to sign in to secure banking (corp account, though you also need a smart card ) as their software does not work with normal browsers and there other option firefox ESR is hit and miss but more miss.

ivoberger profile image

I heard about a company I was considering to apply at that they were using a password manager that an employee had written as their coding interview.
It wasn't possible to have more than 1 admin meaning new employees couldn't be added if the boss was on vacation. It had some grouping but it was used so badly that the AWS root PW was accessible by Every. Employee for a long time. It went on by I think that's enough to give you an idea. Needless to say, I didn't apply..

dechamp profile image
DeChamp • Edited

Companies who ignore a β€œhey this is a huge risk and needs to be fixed or everyone could access your data!” And it being ignored. The one I dealt with personally in the past, it was an open api and would have taken just a days worth of work to fix. It included peoples addresses, personal info including their ssn and even now much their checks monthly were.

4lch4 profile image
Devin W. Leaman

A previous employer didn't properly encrypt user passwords (I left a couple years ago). Admins could view user passwords in plain text, modify them, whatever they wanted. And when I brought it up, I was told the user shouldn't expect their password to be safe and it's on them πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

john_horner1 profile image

I had to make a formal complaint about a problem at my gym.

The manager took me to the gym's main office.

There were five computers in there, all of them turned on and logged in. Customer contact details were visible on one monitor. He gave me a complaint form and a pen, and left me alone in that office for fifteen minutes.

john_horner1 profile image

The company which sent me my bill every month, inviting me to log in and pay it using my email address and password.

In case I'd forgotten my password, they included it in the email, in plain text.

falonofthetower profile image
Peter Karth

The data from forms filled with precisely the data required for stealing identities (name SSN, address etc), because they were helping people who lost their identity. The data was available in convenient PDF form to the user when logged in. Their data, change the id and someone else's data, pretty much all the data available to any user at all.

dexterstpierre profile image
Dexter St-Pierre

I may or may not work for a company that is still using Node 4 in production...

woubuc profile image

What are the reasons not to upgrade to a recent LTS release?

dexterstpierre profile image
Dexter St-Pierre

"too much other stuff to do"

jeremy1l profile image

admin admin

anortef profile image
AdriΓ‘n Norte

MySQL server listening on with no firewall and the main database inside. I still shudder to this day.

matthias profile image
Matthias πŸ€–

In the early days of web development many people stored database secrets in *.inc files which were then included with PHP.
Unfortunately those *.inc files were publicly accessible because the Apache web server served them as plain text.

jamesmh profile image
James Hickey

Another company I worked for was storing plain text passwords so that internal customer service reps could have a page that would allow them to log in and impersonate customers (to fix issues, etc.).

Oh ya, the password was passed - in plain text - in a query string as part of the link.

Good news is that it has since been fixed.


fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

I was at a meeting once sitting next to an SVP of a major company, he made no effort to hide his 0000 iPhone pass code. my password is 36 charters with capitals, lowercase, and numbers, all because of that.

guneyozsan profile image
Guney Ozsan • Edited

Turk Telekom's homepage for customer accounts defaults to http. It becomes https only on login page. Plus, links to the same thing from their main website still leads to their abandoned old site with an expired certificate 5-6 months ago.

I reported this on Twitter, got contacted by 3 different people on the phone from various tiers, and only response I could get was everything is ok and I should try on a different browser.

1 month fast forward, the pages are still untouched for you to try on a different browser:
Non-https customer home page:
Links to abandoned customer site (just pick any option):

nikoheikkila profile image
Niko HeikkilΓ€

This might not be a "bad security practice" but rather a fear of mine. I'm always wondering how people can work at coffee shops or other public places. I couldn't possibly be productive in an environment where random people hang out behind my back. At least I would have to attach a laptop screen guard, put on noise-canceling headphones and back off into a corner back to wall to be comfortable.

tchaflich profile image
Thomas C. Haflich

Once found someone sending a SQL query from JavaScript to an API for execution on the server. Yes, they wrote the query on the frontend.

(Yes, I did try to do a little poking around, but not enough to mess with anything! And yeah, you could do whatever queries you wanted. Nothing was escaped, either.)

mykezero profile image

Good news: we have logging in our web application! Bad news: we were logging all post requests which included customer passwords, credit cards, and adresses....

Apparently, we had been doing this for years and I was the only one to recognize the phrasing "Yeah, we log post requests as well" as indicating a potentially horrifying situation.

peter279k profile image
peter279k • Edited

This true story I've met recently.

When I took over the database tables generated by -x developers in 2017, I found that he used the MD5 hash to store user passwords.

Oh God! I want to tell him it has the security issue, but he said: Most of PHP web applications uses MD5 hash to store passwords in database tables.

I want to share the web sited called phptherightway, but he leaves our team and works for another company now.....

neex profile image
neex • Edited

My ex worked for a major international hotel in Mexico.
They stored ALL credit card information in plain text on a desktop of a lobby computer. That was used for customers booking over the phone. And that was roughly 15 years ago.

Just last month I got an account creation confirmation over email with my username and password. In 2019 there are still websites that do not hash passwords.
Everyone should install and stop using anything on that list!

desi profile image
mvoloskov profile image
Miloslav πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ¦‹ Voloskov
  1. GET /auth?username=bob&password=foobar
  2. My own university code where I just stored plain text passwords to the database.
glennmen profile image
Glenn Carremans

Making all DB instances (production & dev) reachable from everywhere because "they are user/password protected".

jonathanspeek profile image
Jonathan Speek

I worked for a small company that had really basic passwords for pretty much everything running their business. I could still get into things b/c they haven't changed passwords πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

kritner profile image
Russ Hammett

Password requirement of exactly 8 characters, alphanumeric only, hashed with sha1. This was about 4 years ago

mraubreycodes profile image
Aubrey Fletcher

Giving modification passwords to a production schema to someone, and when the person is let go and rehired in another department, the password is only then changed.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern • Edited

So they had the insight to change the password when they saw the person re-hired but never thought to have it be part of the exit process?

mraubreycodes profile image
Aubrey Fletcher

Yeah. That process changed afterwards, no one gets access to production schemas like that anymore.

johannarlee profile image

When the password is password with numbers replacing obvious letters for a surprising amount of accounts/private wifi networks. :)

jaydestro profile image
Jay Gordon

password written on a posti-it on the computer

garrett profile image
Garrett / G66

The entire company used the same password for everything. That password was also the CEO's password for everything. Including their bank. Plus, they had employee turnover every year or less.

dhanushkadev profile image
Dhanushka madushan • Edited

Facebook keeps password as a plain text.

cattjames profile image
James Catt

A chain with a lock, securing a gate. Two of the chain links are connected with a plastic zip tie instead of a chain link.

ypedroo profile image
Ynoa Pedro

DB Passwords on the controller.

danielw profile image
Daniel Waller (he/him)

Active user accounts with access to internal resources for people that had left the company years ago

danjconn profile image
Dan Conn

Every time a website doesn't allow the full range of Unicode characters and insists on passwords shorter than 15 length, I know that's a place waiting to be brute forced.

phallstrom profile image
Philip Hallstrom

Oh boy...

A company division would upload its online orders in a unencrypted CSV file to their anonymous FTP server so HQ could fetch it nightly for further processing.

nataliedeweerd profile image
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚π₯𝐒𝐞 𝐝𝐞 π–πžπžπ«π
  1. Using the same password for EVERYTHING.
  2. Storing passwords in plaintext in the database... yep... had to retrofix a site that was doing that :)
perkinsjr profile image
James Perkins

Using the password to a DB that was the reverse of the user for password.


nothing was changed and used on multiple systems.