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What are you looking forward to when the pandemic is over?

Ben Halpern on October 08, 2020

Regardless of our individual circumstances, everybody is, in some capacity, still living through a pandemic. It's certainly made me miss things I ...
thormeier profile image
Pascal Thormeier

I attended an online meetup today which was streamed on YT and Twitch. As much as I enjoyed the talks, it felt like watching yet another video. I miss applauding after the talks and engaging with other attendees. Sending an emoji in the chat isn't the same. I mostly look forward to those small meetups happening in-person again.

gonsie profile image
Elsa Gonsiorowski

Applause! I didn’t even realize I missed this until you said that... 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Is not the same 😔

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Working from a café/anywhere other than home and hugging friends and family!

dar5hak profile image
Darshak Parikh

Same, I just want to be able to hug people again. Who knows, I might even open a free hugs booth right outside a vaccination centre when we get there. I have a feeling more people are gonna need those! 😁

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

After moving to a new area we see so many cool spaces we want to check out but pandemic restraints kind of kill the vibe.

jonquilwilliams profile image
Jonquil Williams

Gosh, yes, hugging friends and family! @DarshakParikh - I like your idea of a hugging booth!!! I also can't wait to go to concerts again, especially Todd Rundgren. I miss my Utopia friends.

cescquintero profile image
Francisco Quintero 🇨🇴

Travel. In our country, we currently can but with all the limitations, social distancing, and that stuff it won't be as comfortable as pre-covid.

Also going to a movie theater! I wanted to watch Tenet xD

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

There's a theater in my area that has been renting out screens for like $50 for up to a party of 20 and you get a list of about a dozen movies to pick from. Some new movies like Tenet but also older ones like Willy Wonka, Magic Mike XXL, Hocus Pocus, etc.

I keep trying to convince my boyfriend to do it for just us to rent an ENTIRE SCREEN and get popcorn but he thinks that's a little too extra :P

dar5hak profile image
Darshak Parikh

Yesss! 🤩

I want to hoot and whistle and whooaaaaa and clap with the entire cinema hall like I did while watching Avengers: Endgame

cescquintero profile image
Francisco Quintero 🇨🇴

Gosh, when Cap got Mioljnir or when the portals open. I was yellling like a kid 😆

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dar5hak profile image
Darshak Parikh

I know right? And when Hulk ran into the Ancient One in New York, everybody collectively went "Ooooh!"

ender_minyard profile image
ender minyard

Going to the library and also 3D printing at the library 🦠

alyatek profile image

Where do you live to have libraries with 3D printers?

acupoftee profile image
Tee • Edited

Thankfully they're become more common nowadays as a way to introduce STEM early on. I live in a rural area, and my local library had their 3D printers for about 10 years now, which later evolved into a dedicated maker space for students and hobbyists equipped with Arduino boards, Raspberry Pis, and iMacs for people to learn programming.

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ender_minyard profile image
ender minyard

Yep! There's three libraries near me and a standalone maker space with 3D printers. STEM is spreading 🎉

valenc3x profile image
Ricardo Valencia

Commuting is a weird one for me. I used to use that time to read or catch up on podcast and since being working from home, is harder to make time for it.
I don't usually travel a lot, but this year has me wanting to get out at visit somewhere new.

Bonus and sort of random, since the pandemic started my local grocery store went from 24hrs to a more regular 8am-11pm. I miss having the chance to go get something at random hours in the night :P

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀


dar5hak profile image
Darshak Parikh

Indeed. It's weird. That's not an activity I thought I'd miss but I do.

kasunkoswattha profile image

I completely agree. I think not having time to decompress is the issue here. I don't enjoy sitting in traffic or rushing to subway. But apparently we all needed that time.

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dar5hak profile image
Darshak Parikh

Exactly my thought. The morning commute prepares your mind for focused work, while the evening commute relaxes it. And walking from your bed to your desk is too short an interval for that. 😅

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Somehow I still get caught in traffic?

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kasunkoswattha profile image

LOL :D Yeah.

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

The bulk of my commuting has been in NYC— which means dirty crowded subways with 100+ degree fahrenheit platforms in the summer.

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I'm not sure if it's like London but I really like the subway in London, the air changes and smells like some sort of oil and grease. My commute is through the british countryside heading to my favorite city, Bristol.

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini • Edited

International travel, festivals, meeting friends and family without the low-key worry that I might be carrying the bug, and not having to think about the pandemic.

Also looking forward to the slow but, hopefully certain, recovery of some small businesses that I'm a fan off. 🍻

ekafyi profile image

MUSIC CONCERTS, pubs, bars, clubs, house parties (including family-friendly ones that just consist of cookouts, hanging out, and talking).

On the other hand, post-pandemic the high quality international tech conferences would be back to on-site and as someone outside Europe/the US i would not be able to access them the way i can now.

All in all still looking forward to the post-pandemic world!

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

Yeaah music concerts! I might even going to be happy when my hairs are going to be wet because of some beers being throw around 😉.

saramiteva profile image
Sara Miteva

Traveling and face-to-face networking. However, I don't want to think about it too much and get my hopes up because I don't see it ending any time soon 😄

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Just hanging out with team members without the need to schedule it. Which is right there with, going to lunch with team members. Oh how I miss that!

alvinb profile image
Alvin Bryan • Edited

So. Many. Things.

  • Travel
  • Indoor sports (swimming pools, gyms, etc)
  • Conferences and meetups
  • Working from coffee shops, libraries
  • Cinema
  • Live Music/Comedy, etc
  • Restaurants and pubs

The list goes on

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade • Edited

hello ben and all hope you doing well
i am looking forward for joining my college currently i am final year CS grad
now online college is going on but you know that's thought too sit many hours sometimes audio issues okay that's a pretty much for issues
firstly in third year i didn't like to go for college regualry means for doing extra curricular things i do bunk and learn things from home
things I miss at home about college and regular routine are long walk journey to college regularly I walk 10KM(both side comingtohome+&goingtocollege) regularly to going to college from the stand but as folks are saying from next 2 months college/schools will open in India that's good but anyway, this is going to be my last 7-8 months as a student then I am going to be a life student.
miss my long walks visiting temples
I going to meet my Grandfather he had eye surgery 5-6 months ago is near to 85 now still he does farming cow milk everything stuff and grandmother also looking forward to seeing them and yeah after final year completing my MERN stack I am going to apply for jobs and in this tough time I do my things, okay but because of family issues/fights and stuff I feel bad about my mother but I say myself I am a strong boy and she is very supportive to me she had a gap in her back because she paid my studies and all payments by doing tailor work like in India women wear blouses and dress my mother is that kind of tailor so this it.
and i am going to plan for buying a new book by Jay Shetty How to think like a monk one and i completed reading Monk who sold his Ferrari hey ban if you come to india then we will definitely meet each otherwise if i come to NYC/CA then we will meet.
and yeah who doesn't love going outside in nature btw I am not very social person but i love nature and temples spirituality that kind of stuff thank you for reading have great rest of the year everyone I hope/prays too god pandemic will over soon.
and yes offline meetups are cool.
bye see you soon with new articles friends/brothers

seanmclem profile image

Socializing, maybe speak at a conference. Things I never wanted to do unti I realized I couldn't

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I miss socializing more than I ever thought possible. I’m very okay with alone time and simple routines but this has definitely made me appreciate social time so much more.

s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

To be honest, what I miss most is hugging my pals when I see them. I can't wait until we can do that again!

dar5hak profile image
Darshak Parikh

Yes! Hugs are the best, and I have a feeling we will all collectively start valuing hugs even more once this is over.

circleofconfusion profile image
Shane Knudsen

Playing music with friends, and contra/square dancing. I can practice my fiddle at home, but it's not the same. The drive to learn a new tune in part came from knowing my friends are learning the tune and will be playing it next week at the session.

sir_wernich profile image
Wernich ️

taking my son (~3.8yo) to the ball pit play place again. he's been asking about it for months. every now and then we took him there for a 30min play session. they got these super neat air guns that shoot foam balls. then there is this projector game where you throw those light plastic ball pit balls at the screen and through some sort of magic it senses when you hit the target (fish, bugs, flowers, clouds, etc). it's a super fun place. i think my son enjoys it only a little more than i do (i get to run around there too because, you know, adult supervision 😁).

for my wife it's visiting family again. we haven't been to visit family since february i think (it's a 600km drive).

ryands17 profile image
Ryan Dsouza

Travelling to places I've never been before and attending in-person conferences because I seriously miss those. Online conferences do not have that same connect that in-person confs do. The excitement of meeting speakers, fellow devs and enjoying the entire event is a totally different experience. And after this pandemic, it would hit on quite a different level :)

yulivee profile image
Sandra Schuhmacher

Going out. Anywhere, be it on vacation, festivals, conventions, my makerspace, friends or just to our local swimming pool. Life in 2020 is just a constant unexicting drag of eat-sleep-work with very little options to spark excitiment in between.

davehrtng profile image
David Harting

Playing cards around the dinner table at my parents house!
And also meeting friends for a beer after work!

juniordevforlife profile image
Jason F

I'd like to see some live music. It will also be nice to go to meetups again.

abenerd profile image

A friend and I already decided we're going to hug for a month straight, it's been too long.

defman profile image
Sergey Kislyakov

Probably travel. Maybe even move to another country. Canada has some transparent immigration politics, so I hope I'd be able to move here. US made some weird changes to H1B (I understand what they are fighting with this change though, but still...), so I'm not eligible to get the visa anymore.

kayis profile image

I always had problems with finding remote work in Germany, because all companies here are still living in the last cencury.

I'm working international now, but the pandemic changed the view on remote work at many German companies. I hope things will stay that way in the future.

bennypowers profile image
Benny Powers 🇮🇱🇨🇦

I'm going to Abu Dhabi for vacation.

We used to host Shabbat dinner for groups of tourists, usually American Christians - kind of a cultural exchange program. Now that Israel is at peace with UAE I really hope I'll get to host groups of Emirati Muslims. That would be a dream come true.

We also really want to visit family in Canada. We were supposed to visit this past August, but that's not happening.

On the work side, I'm looking forward to meeting my teammates in person at their London office.

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely • Edited

Taking time off and traveling is the thing I’m most looking forward to.
I was planning a trip around Europe when the pandemic started. I haven’t taken a lot of time off the past year and I really need to now, but it’s gonna drive me crazy just staying in the same place!
I’m lucky that where I live, pretty much everything is open, but still.

crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet

I'm in Singapore and it is getting very very boring being so limited here. I'm looking forward to travel, travel, travel and more travel.
I had planned a few trips that all got cancelled.
I want to go Diving and Snorkeling too!

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

I had to plan to join a Europe tour. My best friend lives in France. I really missed him.

Btw, one euro almost equals 10 Turkish liras. Even this pandemic end, I won’t go anywhere.

This country only can help you when you want to die.

jessica_veit profile image
Jessica Veit

Clearly - attending developer conferences again! Was looking forward to the wearedevelopers conference in Berlin this spring, sadly it was not possibly.

Let us hope that we can all emerge from this crisis stronger than ever!

heatherw profile image
Heather Williams

For me it comes down to having the freedom to just do something or make plans without having to worry about if it is permitted or will help spread the virus. I miss that freedom to go anywhere and do anything (within reason) and see people easily.

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

BJJ Training, the Beach, Concerts.

paddy3118 profile image

Less cars in Englands city centers.

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

Staying remote.

florincornea profile image
Cornea Florin

Working alone in my home office <3

yo profile image

Working from Starbucks!

reobin profile image
Robin Gagnon

Visiting family in Colombia 🌞

Also, on a totally unrelated note, my hands are getting so dry with all that hand sanitizer. I'm looking forward to using way less 😅

derekcrosson profile image
Derek Crosson

Going across the country to see my dad (:

valentinbcn profile image

Hanging out without having a mask, without thinking about social distancing,
Going to some bars and meeting new people
Going to concert

emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙

I'm looking forward to visiting my family in Japan, it's been a while!

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

being able to get a job

mabla0531 profile image
Matthew Bland

Not having to wear a shower cap over the bell of my trombone that muffles the sound.

harshvats2000 profile image

Going to watch Mirzapur 2 on Prime Video 😂 😂. 😂 . You must see the trailer man! The Best Indian Web Series!

scroung720 profile image

I am a simple man I see no pandemic and I date girls.

schmitzel76 profile image
Patrick Schmitz

Going out with some friends for a drink, something to eat and grabbing a movie.

espoir profile image
Espoir Murhabazi • Edited

Meetups especially those where we got swags and stickers .. I am running out of new t-shirt...

Hugs ...

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard


dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

Seeing friends in person and just having the choice to travel or go meet new people.

danstockham profile image
Dan Stockham

Not having to wear a mask in public places. I very much look forward to that.

klyse profile image

I miss travelling a lot. So I guess I'll hop on the next plane and travel just somewhere :)

arnavtfr profile image
Arnav Thakur

Continue my kick boxing classes and swimming.

fwd079 profile image
Fawad • Edited

My 9 years old has an underlying health condition so probably not immediately, but looking for to going out with kids at least three months after all the restrictions are lifted.

lorenzomarsicano profile image

Start Lindy Hop again, having my friends from Italy come to meet me here in Amsterdam so I won't feel so lonely all the time, having one less thing to depress me

stordahl_ profile image
Jacob Stordahl

Working in a cafe again... ☕