DEV Community

Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

Posted on

Who's looking for open source contributors? (November 26th edition)

Find something to work on or promote your project here.

Please shamelessly promote your project. Everyone who posted in previous weeks is welcome back this week, as always. πŸ˜„

Happy coding!

Top comments (49)

quantumsheep profile image
Nathanael Demacon


Like the last "Who's looking for open source contributors" edition, I will ask help for WarShield.

It's a CLI tool made to cipher and decipher your files with a password using AES-256. It was made to ensure a full files protection inside a storage device. If those are lost or stolen, malicious peoples can take over your data.

It uses AES-256 GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) with random 16 bytes initialization vector. Key is hash in a 256 bits key with SHA-512 using random 64 bytes salt and rounds (between 3000 and 9000 rounds).

Also, there is a post about it.

Have a nice day everyone :)

dimensi0n profile image

That's an interesting project but I don't have any crypto skills

dgbrewer1989 profile image
David Brewer

Same here. Its an interesting project but I haven't had any real world experience or even a class about crypto.

Thread Thread
quantumsheep profile image
Nathanael Demacon

Well, it could be a great way to start an adventure in the crypto world! I didn't know anything about cryptography before starting WarShield πŸ˜ƒ

Thread Thread
juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

So what would be your "first steps" for complete crypto newbies?

Thread Thread
quantumsheep profile image
Nathanael Demacon • Edited

In the case of WarShield, you can start by discovering the crypto module.
You can also read some articles about cryptography (cf: "What I learned about cryptography in 3 weeks".

Thread Thread
dimensi0n profile image

That's an interesting post thanks for this ressource !

prnthh profile image
Pranith Hengavalli

Hey, I think this is a really interesting project. I might not be of much help with crypto but I can help expand the functionality on the CLI side of things.

What kinda contributions are you looking for?

quantumsheep profile image
Nathanael Demacon

Every improvement is a great help for this tool. The parameters possibilities can be improved a lot for instance!

areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo • Edited

Hello there!

I've built a new ( a week-old ) project - ReX.js.
It's meant to help developers with building custom RegExps. It's kind of my first ( or second if to count total-failure-one πŸ˜…) project and I want to make it better. Most issues that people have with this library is its API. But I don't really know how to improve on that. So any ideas, pull requests or even issues are very much appreciated and welcomed!

iburhan profile image
Burhan Bharmal

Great one :)

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Have you considered making the builder object immutable, so that every fluent method returned a new instance, and a finalize method returned a regular RegExp?

areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo

Not really. Didn't want to hit performance that hard for so simple task. But it makes me think, maybe provide something like .clone() method for cloning the already constructed RegExp and extending it later?

Thread Thread
qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

You wouldn't hit it as hard as you think, since in the absence of mutable methods you would reuse most of the tree.

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areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo

In this case, I will consider it as an option. Of course it would be quite a breaking change.

christopheek profile image
Christophe El-Khoury

How do you need help with this? I'm quite interested.

areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo

Don't have enough time right now, but there are a few things to work on here. Definitely the regex polyfill code needs to be improved. It generally has number of errors. πŸ€” Right now, I'm considering removing the lookbehind polyfill.

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christopheek profile image
Christophe El-Khoury

Anything you might need any help with, shoot me an email ( and I'll be more than glad to help out.

Thread Thread
areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo

Great thanks! In addition, as I mentioned earlier, PRs are welcome!

tomtev profile image
Tommy Vedvik

My brother and I (+ contributors) are building ( It's a Vue.js alternative to Gatsby.js. We have been working on it for a year, and we're soon at version 1.0.

What we need help with is building data source plugins so it's easy to connect to any CMS or data source.

You can see what we already have here:

It's a monorepo, so if you contribute just make a PR to it.

aturingmachine profile image

OOO I love Vue, not sure if I have time to help contribute but I dropped a start and may be lurking :)

shengslogar profile image
Sheng Slogar

This looks amazing! And so fast. ⚑️

mazentouati profile image
Mazen Touati • Edited

Thanks Ben,
recently i've made two open source projects:

Snacks@console : intuitive browser-based console to run and save SQL queries
simple 2 way config : Simple 2 way configuration is a php-based read and write configuration library

suggestion and/or contributions are welcomed, peace.

ralkage profile image

You could give Flarum a try? I've been working as a 3rd party extension developer for a little over 2 years now :)

Amazing community, well-rounded developers, and a ton of fun to have with a modern approach to forums!

GitHub: Composer Project/Core App (pulled in by composer project)

Quick Specs

Front-end: MithrilJS (considering a switch to a different JS framework)
Back-end: PHP (uses various Laravel components but is branching away from a Laravel architectural layout (core dev also created his own JSON-API package for PHP)).

We are always looking for new contributors either contributing to core or to the 3rd party extension development ecosystem :D

This is not my personal project but I always find ways to keep myself involved as it is a beautiful and modern approach to forums (NEEDS LOTS OF <33333333333333)

johannestegner profile image

I found this cool page the other day, which is open source! I bet they would love contributions!

;P :D

johannestegner profile image

But in a more serious note, I always love getting pull/merge requests submitted to any of my open source repos. Most of them are php, js, Dockerfiles or similar and can be found via links in my bio if anyone would ever be interested! :)

hasnayeen profile image
Nehal Hasnayeen

Goodwork, is a project management and collaboration tool for all kind of teams. It is open source and MIT licensed and self-hosted. A demo is available also at

Its still under development. Hopefully version 1 will be released by the end of the year.

Built with Laravel, VueJS, Tailwindcss and other stuff.

You can help by coding,or testing the app or general discussion on product features.

iluminar / goodwork

Self hosted project management and collaboration tool powered by Laravel & VueJS

License Build Status Stable Version Laravel Version VueJS Version Codacy Badge Scrutinizer codecov StyleCI Join on slack


Self hosted project management and collaboration tool inspired by basecamp

Overview | Demo | Installation | Screenshots | Contributing | Credits | License

About Goodwork

Goodwork is a simple project management and collaboration tool for all kind of teams. It is open source and MIT licensed. Goodwork is a self-hosted software so no dependency on anyone and only you keep your data.

Goodwork brings you all the components required for your project to run smoothly in one place so that you have single source of truth. Instead of using a collection of tools or service which makes everything messy and hard to find important details from stuff scattered all over the place, Goodwork organizes everything in a central place where everyone in the company knows what to do, knows where things stand and find stuff without having to ask around all the time.

Available in [Arabic, Bahasa, Dutch, English…

sophiedebenedetto profile image
Sophie DeBenedetto

Elixir School is looking for contributions and its a GREAT project for first-time contributors, people who are actively learning Elixir, looking to learn Elixir or Elixir experts!

Elixir School is an open-source Elixir curriculum with lots of open issues for new content across all levels. You can also contribute by providing translations for existing content. You can get involved by:

  • Choosing an open issue here
  • Opening a new issue describing content you want to see
  • Help us translate new and updated content! Visit (where "es" is the language code), find a lesson that is out of date, check out the English version of the lesson and open a PR to make them match!

Help us grow the Elixir community and make it beginner-friendly and resource-rich

sowdowdow profile image
Sowdowdow • Edited

Thanks Ben !

CMD_Adventure : a C# console game growing slowly
The only issue is that the project management is in french and the code is documented in english.

Have a nice day :)

prnthh profile image
Pranith Hengavalli • Edited

BroCorpLabs /

a dead simple website deployment service

drag drop site is a free service that lets you host static sites and files with a unique domain name.

Dragdrop aims to support website stacks ranging from simple html to large single page applications using React.

Dragdrop makes the process of hosting your content at a unique address on the web as simple as possible.

Environment Setup


  1. NodeJS
  2. nginx server
  3. Linux

Gah I recently added a bunch of issues on GitHub detailing some of the features I had in mind.

I guess it shows how premature the project really is. At the same time I'm happy to take things slow and plan ahead so we don't have to rewrite or regret anything in the future.

Right now more than anything I'm looking to brainstorm about ways this service can apply to more user stories, so we know what features to prioritise.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Are you a fan of GatsbyJS and Visual Studio Code? Do you have some great code snippets that could be useful for others?

Consider contributing them to Gatsby Snippets.

nickytonline / vscode-gatsby-snippets

Visual Studio Code code snippets for use with the GatsbyJS static site generator for React.

Gatsby Snippets

Snippets for GatsbyJS.

Gatsby JS snippets in action

Release Notes


  • Changed the name of the package to Gatsby Snippets


  • Updated cheesy logo


Added GatsbyJS graphql image fragment snippets.


Added list of shortcuts.


Added cheesy icon.


Added the GatbsyJS markdown page snippet.


Initial release.

Gatsby Markdown snippets shortcuts

Press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Space (OSX) to see a list of Markdown snippets

Snippet Output
ga creates a new article
gp creates a new page

Working with Markdown

Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:

  • Split the editor (Cmd+\ on OSX or Ctrl+\ on Windows and Linux)
  • Toggle preview (Shift+CMD+V on OSX or Shift+Ctrl+V on Windows and Linux)

More information

Gatsby Graphql snippets shortcuts

These snippets require embedded graphql syntax support. You can enable support by installing gatsby-extension-pack.

Gatsby Image sharp snippets

Snippet Output
gfi ...GatsbyImageSharpFixed
darkain profile image
Vincent Milum Jr

I maintain a PHP library for dynamically building and executing SQL queries. The code itself is quite complete, stable, and decently tested at this point. But one area people tend to forget about is that contributions are not always just to code. Helping with documentation is always beneficial too. Right now, I'm trying to figure out the best way to present and organize docs! So any input into this would be greatly appreciated :)

herrfugbaum profile image


I got some projects that are open for contribution.
They don't have that much contribution guidelines yet, but I'm going to add some step by step.
For now the easiest way to get in touch would be to try the projects and join the gitter chat for qsv.


A (currently) CLI app written in JavaScript that allows to execute SQL queries on tabular data like .csv and .tsv files.
I'm considering moving it into a mono repo with q (see below), but I first have to figure out how that works :)


  • JavaScript / Node.js


  • Improve tests (Test coverage looks good, but there are still a lot of mutants surving the mutation tests)
  • Documentation with jsdoc
  • Add wiki pages
  • Add new features
  • Search and correct some typos in the readme (Good first issue)


The SQL parser used in qsv. Based on SAPs chevrotrain.


  • JavaScript / Node.js


  • Tests
  • Documentation
  • Add new features
  • Make the queries and their clauses more consistent


A dependency free comparison slider for mostly images, but should be useable for videos and text etc. as well.
There is an article on Hongkiat where you can learn a bit more about it, though it still talks about the old version of cato. You have to scroll down a bit to find it.
This project is not related to the two above but feel free to join the qsv chat aswell :)


  • JavaScript


  • Check browser support
  • Improve the styling
  • Fix the bug that keyboard controls are inverted on vertical sliders
  • Investigate and improve the webpack build configuration
  • Improve the test suite
  • New examples on the github pages, they still use the 3 year old version
sh4hids profile image
Shahidul Islam Majumder

Published our first desktop app

Book Manager

Book Manager is a simple cross-platform utility software which will help you to manage your personal library. It's built mainly using Electron, React and NeDB. The main features are:

  • Adding Book Info
  • Viewing and Searching Book
  • Taking Notes
  • Importing/Exporting Data

N.B. This is not a reader app

Please take a look and give your valuable feedback.

GitHub Repository:

frozzare profile image
Fredrik Forsmo

Yllet is a set of packages for the WordPress API for both React and non-React projects.

What we need help with is creating a Vue package and provide a TypeScript definition file.

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