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Bharati Subramanian
Bharati Subramanian

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Responsive Fonts in CSS

CSS provides a wide range of units to choose from while developing web applications.
Many properties such as padding, margin, font-size, width, height, etc., take length as values followed by a unit.

A good developer should be able to decide how and when to use these units.

What is this blog post about?

We will discuss some of the common units in CSS that are used with fonts, and also understand how to make font-sizes responsive.

Find the demo site for the examples explained in this post here

Prerequisites for this blog

This post assumes that you are familiar with the basics of HTML and CSS.

Font Units in CSS

  • Generally, px, rem, em, and % are the most sought out units in CSS.
  • Although there are many other units available in CSS, the above-mentioned are preferred for font-size.
  • Let's discuss these four units, and try to understand how and when they can be used.


  • px is an absolute unit. That is, it defines fixed values that do not scale when screen/ device width changes.
  • These are commonly used as it is easy to understand, and effortless to use.
  • It corresponds to 1/96th of an inch, and usually, the default size of the text in a browser is 16 pixels.
  • Let's use the image below to understand px better.
    Paragraph with font-size in pixels

     div.pixel p {
        font-size: 20px;
        width: 300px;
    • The <p> has a font-size: 20px. Now look at this image below that shows the same paragraph in a device with smaller screen size. Paragraph with font-size in pixels in smaller viewport
    • Notice how the font-size remains 20px even when the viewport size decreases.
  • This is the issue with using pixels for any of the properties that takes a length. It is non-responsive, and does not scale according to the viewport size.

    • Check out the pen for the above code here:


  • rem in a relative unit. That is it scales as the viewport size changes.
  • This unit is highly flexible and is recommended by developers.
  • The r in rem stands for root.
    • 1 rem unit is the font-size of the root element, i.e. <html>.
  • Let's understand rem with an example. Consider the code below.

     div.rem p {
         font-size: 2rem; /* 2 * 16 = 32px */
    • Check out the pen for the above example here:
  • If you do not override the default font-size of the root element, i.e. <html>, it will have a font-size of 16px.
    • The font-size of <p>, in the above example, would be 2 times the size of the root element. That is: 2 * 16 = 32px. Computed font-size of paragraph with rem unit
  • Another example could be overriding the default 16px of the root element.

     html {
         font-size: 20px;
     div.rem p {
         font-size: 0.5rem;  /* 0.5 * 20 = 10px */
    • Check out the pen for the above example here:
  • As stated above rem is highly responsive and is UX friendly.
  • To check for responsiveness, try this out.
    1. Go to your browser settings
    2. Under appearance, select Font size
    3. Try changing the Font size of your browser, and look at the computed result for the tag who's unit length is defined using rem GIF demonstrating how to change font size of browser
    4. You will see that the font-size becomes responsive, and changes according to the chosen font size of the browser.

NOTE: If you override the default font-size of root element, changing the font-size of the browser will have no effect on the font-size of the content defined.

  • Font-size defined using rem will be relative to the manual value that overrides the default root font-size.


  • em is very similar to rem, but the difference is that em is relative to it's parent container.
  • Let's use the same paragraph example and follow the code below.

     div.em {
         font-size: 15px;
     div.em p {
         font-size: 2em; /* 2 * 15 = 30px */
    • Check out the pen for the above example here:
  • Since <div> is the parent of the <p>, the font-size of the content within <p> would be twice that of font-size defined for <div>.`
    • That is, 2 * 15 = 30px would be the font-size of


  • The image below shows the results of the above code Paragraph with font-size defined using em
  • Now, consider the scenario with code below:
  • This is the HTML code

     <div class="em">
           <li>1. Lorem</li>
               <li>1.1. Lorem</li>
                   <li>1.1.1. Lorem</li>
  • This is the CSS code

     div.em {
        font-size: 20px;
     ul {
        font-size: 2rem;
  • Guess what would happen to the content within <li>. What would be the font-size?
    Nested li font size when defined using em

  • Unexpected right?

  • This is when em gets tricky and out of hand.

    • When you have multiple nested elements, you need to be careful with the lengths you assign.
    • Check out the pen for the above <ul> example here:
  • To check for responsiveness, you can try changing the font-size of the browser (as shown above for rem).

NOTE: If you override the default font-size of root element, changing the font-size of the browser will have no effect on the font-size of the content defined.

  • Font-size defined using em will be relative to the parent of that element. If the parent is the root, then the font-size of the element will be relative to the overridden font-size of root.
  • Another important thing to note if you use em is that, when you use it for properties like width or padding, the length is derived from the font-size of the element itself.
    • For e.g. say you have a <p> element within a <div>, and the font-size of <div> is 12px, <p> is 2em.
    • And you declare padding for <p> as 2em. Then, the padding of<p> would be 48px and NOT 24px.
    • This is because the other properties multiply the value of font-size of the element itself.
    • So keep this in mind when you use em as the unit for font-sizes.


  • % is a relative unit, and is relative to the font-size of the parent element.
  • Using a similar scenario like we did for em, let's assume we have a <p> within a <div>.

     html {
        font-size: 20px;
     div.percentage {
        font-size: 150%;
     div.percentage p {
        font-size: 200%;
    • Find the pen for the above code here:
  • Let's see what the font-size of <p> will be.

    • The font-size for <p> depends on <div>, and the font-size of the <div> depends on it's parent. (In this case: <html>)
    • Since the font-size for <html> is 20px, the font-size of <div> should be 1.5 * 20 = 30px.
    • And the font-size of <p> would be 30 * 2 = 60px.
  • Look at the image below to see the results of the above code:

    Paragraph defined using p

  • To check for responsiveness, you can try changing the font-size of the browser (as shown above for rem).
  • NOTE: If you override the default font-size of root element, changing the font-size of the browser will have no effect on the font-size of the content defined.
    • Font-size defined using % will be relative to the parent of that element. If the parent is the root, then the font-size of the element will be relative to the overridden font-size of root.


We have seen four different units that can be used with fonts in CSS.
As stated previously, there are many more units to explore and use. But the above explained ones are most commonly used by developers.

Find the demo site for the examples explained in this post here

  • A thumb of rule that you can follow is use rem everywhere for fonts. As it inherits from the root element it's easy to use, manage and compute the size of the element.
  • Moreover, it does not get exponentially multiplied (unlike em) when you define font-size for nested elements.

  • em can be used when you want the child element to inherit font-size and behave like the parent. Just beware of the inheritance.

  • As for %, it is very similar to em. But the main difference is that em scales faster than %.
    em and percentage

    • There will hardly be any difference between em and % when users set the browser text size to β€œmedium”.
    • But as you can see in the picture above, when browser text-size is set to smallest, then em is hardly legible when compared to %.
    • And when browser size is set to largest, em is displayed much larger than %.
  • Most people use px as well for font-size. But I do not recommend using it at all as it's not user friendly and not responsive.

In general I would suggest,

rem > percentage > em > px


Thank you for reading this blog post.

I hope you were able to understand the common units for font-sizes in CSS, and I am sure this would be very helpful while developing responsive websites in the future!

Do give this post a like, pin or save it, and share it with your dev friends!

Top comments (4)

alexcamargos profile image
Alexsander Lopes Camargos

Congratulations on the excellent exposure, I learned a lot how to use font units.

bharati21 profile image
Bharati Subramanian

Thank you for reading. I am glad this post helped you.

melfordd profile image
Melford Birakor


bharati21 profile image
Bharati Subramanian

Your welcome. Hope this helped you. :D