(ns specs
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(s/def ::user-id uuid?)
(s/def ::email (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$" %)))
(s/def ::username (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20}$" %)))
(s/def ::password (s/and string? #(>= (count %) 8)))
(s/def ::age (s/int-in 13 130))
(s/def ::roles #{:admin :user :moderator})
(s/def ::user (s/keys :req-un [::user-id ::email ::username ::password ::age]
:opt-un [::roles]))
(s/fdef create-user
:args (s/cat :user-data ::user)
:ret (s/or :success ::user
:failure ::error-response))
(s/def ::error-response (s/keys :req-un [::error ::message]))
(s/def ::error keyword?)
(s/def ::message string?)
(defn validate-email [email]
(s/valid? ::email email))
(defn validate-username [username]
(s/valid? ::username username))
(defn validate-password [password]
(s/valid? ::password password))
(defn validate-age [age]
(s/valid? ::age age))
(defn validate-user [user]
(s/valid? ::user user))
(def sample-user
{:user-id (random-uuid)
:email "user@example.com"
:username "john_doe123"
:password "secure_password123"
:age 25
:roles #{:user}})
(def invalid-user
{:user-id (random-uuid)
:email "invalid-email"
:username "j" ;; too short
:password "123" ;; too short
:age 10}) ;; too young
(defn validate-and-explain [spec data]
(if (s/valid? spec data)
(println "Valid:" data)
(println "Invalid:" data)
(println "Explanation:")
(s/explain spec data))))
(defn run-examples []
(println "\n=== Email Validation ===")
(println "Valid email:" (validate-email "user@example.com"))
(println "Invalid email:" (validate-email "invalid-email"))
(println "\n=== Username Validation ===")
(println "Valid username:" (validate-username "john_doe123"))
(println "Invalid username:" (validate-username "a")) ;; too short
(println "\n=== Password Validation ===")
(println "Valid password:" (validate-password "secure_password123"))
(println "Invalid password:" (validate-password "123")) ;; too short
(println "\n=== Age Validation ===")
(println "Valid age:" (validate-age 25))
(println "Invalid age:" (validate-age 10)) ;; too young
(println "\n=== Complete User Validation ===")
(println "Valid User:")
(validate-and-explain ::user sample-user)
(println "\nInvalid User:")
(validate-and-explain ::user invalid-user))
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