(ns observer
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(s/def ::topic keyword?)
(s/def ::message any?)
(s/def ::callback fn?)
(defprotocol Observable
"Protocol defining Observable behaviors"
(subscribe [this topic callback] "Subscribes a callback function to a specific topic")
(unsubscribe [this topic callback] "Removes a callback subscription from a topic")
(notify [this topic message] "Notifies all subscribers of a topic with a message"))
(defrecord EventBus [subscribers]
(subscribe [this topic callback]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::topic topic)
(s/valid? ::callback callback)]}
(update-in this [:subscribers topic] (fnil conj #{}) callback))
(unsubscribe [this topic callback]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::topic topic)
(s/valid? ::callback callback)]}
(update-in this [:subscribers topic] disj callback))
(notify [this topic message]
{:pre [(s/valid? ::topic topic)
(s/valid? ::message message)]}
(doseq [callback (get-in this [:subscribers topic])]
(callback message))
(defn create-event-bus
"Creates a new event bus instance"
(->EventBus {}))
(defn create-stateful-subscriber
"Creates a subscriber that maintains state between notifications"
[initial-state update-fn]
(let [state (atom initial-state)]
(fn [message]
(swap! state update-fn message))))
(defn create-logging-subscriber
"Creates a subscriber that logs messages with timestamps"
(fn [message]
(println (format "[%s][%s] Received: %s"
(def event-bus (create-event-bus))
(def order-logger (create-logging-subscriber "Orders"))
(def bus-with-logger
(subscribe event-bus :orders order-logger))
(def order-counter
(create-stateful-subscriber 0 (fn [state _] (inc state))))
(def bus-with-counter
(subscribe bus-with-logger :orders order-counter))
(notify bus-with-counter :orders {:id 1 :total 100.0})
(notify bus-with-counter :orders {:id 2 :total 200.0})
(def final-bus
(unsubscribe bus-with-counter :orders order-logger))
(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]])
(deftest observer-pattern-test
(testing "Basic subscription and notification"
(let [received (atom nil)
callback #(reset! received %)
bus (-> (create-event-bus)
(subscribe :test callback))]
(notify bus :test "hello")
(is (= @received "hello"))))
(testing "Multiple subscribers"
(let [results (atom [])
callback-1 #(swap! results conj [:cb1 %])
callback-2 #(swap! results conj [:cb2 %])
bus (-> (create-event-bus)
(subscribe :test callback-1)
(subscribe :test callback-2))]
(notify bus :test "hello")
(is (= @results [[:cb1 "hello"] [:cb2 "hello"]]))))
(testing "Unsubscribe"
(let [received (atom nil)
callback #(reset! received %)
bus (-> (create-event-bus)
(subscribe :test callback)
(unsubscribe :test callback))]
(notify bus :test "hello")
(is (nil? @received))))
(testing "Stateful subscriber"
(let [counter (create-stateful-subscriber 0 (fn [state _] (inc state)))
bus (subscribe (create-event-bus) :test counter)]
(notify bus :test "event1")
(notify bus :test "event2")
(is (= @(#'observer/state counter) 2))))))
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Top comments (1)
That is indeed awesome!
In the last test, I am getting the error "Unable to resolve var: observer/state in this context".