- CTF Name: I know Mag1k
- Resource: Hack The Box CTF
- Difficulty: [50 pts] medium range
Note::: NO, I won't be posting my found FLAGS, but I will be posting the methods I used.
- Hint: Can you get to the profile page of the admin?
- Acquired By:
- When first looking at the site it appears to be a simple login page.
If I look at the code there is nothing special is the code itself or the cookies.
- Now I want to look at the network traffic, and again, nothing stands out to me.
- Now I want to register and see if it will let me register. Again, there is nothing special in the code, network, or storage of the site currently. First thing I do it attempt to login at admin but it tells me my username/password is wrong. So I try registering as admin and it lets me. Interesting.
- Now that I have an account with a username of "admin" and I am logged in I see that I have a new cookie.
This cookie is obviously URL encoded and base64. This is obvious because of the "%3D" and that there are two of those at the end of the cookie. "%3D" becomes an "=" and having two at the end of a string is common base64 encoding so I want to try and decode it. For this I will be using BurpSuite's Decoder because I like that it lets me chain decoding easily. Sadly, this did not produce anything obvious.
- This CTF is talking about magic and after some research into encryption padding I see there is a thing called "Oracle Padding Attack" and I believe this is it. The oracle padding attack utilizes the blocks of each bytes to decrypt the results of encryption and I need to work with padBuster to solve this. To use padBuster I will run
perl padBuster.pl http://docker.hackthebox.eu:xxxxx/profile.php F%2BRHLTZ80qRhaTpGGnvdimT0Dob9Qrgk4IkCNgBQYgDlmEc99emZPA%3D%3D 8 --cookies iknowmag1k=F%2BRHLTZ80qRhaTpGGnvdimT0Dob9Qrgk4IkCNgBQYgDlmEc99emZPA%3D%3D
to have it sycle over it and break it.Once it completed I got an output that revealed the formatting of the cookies data.
- Now that I know the layout I can see that I have a role that I need to change to "admin". To do this we will use padBuster again and add in the plaintext of the formatting of the new cookie we want.
perl padbuster.pl http://docker.hackthebox.eu:30769/profile.php F%2BRHLTZ80qRhaTpGGnvdimT0Dob9Qrgk4IkCNgBQYgDlmEc99emZPA%3D%3D 8 --cookie "iknowmag1k=F%2BRHLTZ80qRhaTpGGnvdimT0Dob9Qrgk4IkCNgBQYgDlmEc99emZPA%3D%3D" -plaintext "{\"user\":\"admin\",\"role\":\"admin\"}"
This produced a new cookie with me as the role "admin". - Now that I have a new cookie I am able to copy it and paste it into the browser and now when I refresh the page I am an admin and the flag is right there.
- When first looking at the site it appears to be a simple login page.
This CTF taught me about the padBuster tool the most.
I am using this as a shooting off point to learn more about padding and cipher block chaining that I will write about later.
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