I use https://coolors.co/ almost every week to find nice color combinations for my projects.
What are some of your go-to resources for anything dev related?
I use https://coolors.co/ almost every week to find nice color combinations for my projects.
What are some of your go-to resources for anything dev related?
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Top comments (80)
regex101.com is a life saver for crafting regular expressions.
Along with debuggex.com for visualizing an expression.
That’s another good one for sure.
Only reason I use regex in any form is because this site exists.
I'd recommend rubular for ruby style regex.
It seems to be better than regexr.com/. Thanks!
Absolutely this 👆
This is definitely going in my bookmarks, thanks !
Directly to bookmarks too!
I use that all the time! Love it.
ngrok.com/ or serveo.net/ so I can expose my local servers to everyone and share my work without having to push to staging environment !
I LOVE ngrok, it has been super useful over the last few months 😄 thanks for sharing Valentin !
eeeuh yes, that's amazing!
I can't tell unless I could literally mind-read what most other devs think!
Personally, I read reddit (programming sub), quora, HN, FreeCodeCamp, medium, and dev.to, of course. All of them are quite popular so I'm assuming most other devs might be using them too. There are some other quiz, coding contest and pure fun sites too, and some of them are a little less known I believe:
css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guid... - I always forget justify-content!
whynopadlock.com/ - This is also great for debugging why your padlock isn't green.
I've opened this CSS Tricks guide more times than I can remember 😅
So glad I'm not the only one! Haha.
Haha same here, and three grid one also!
will be the death of my last remaining brain celI’m not even going to correct that, that’s what CSS has done to me today
Oups! I wish I known whynopadlock a month ago...
I have that same CSS Tricks article saved too!! It's been a life saver.
colorbox.io is an amazing tool for working with colors too.
Fontspark.app is also a very nice tool for types discovering.
Coolors.co is amazing for creating color palettes fast.
Love it, I'll use Fontspark a lot from now on 😄
I discovered fontspark.app because I was planning to do something similar, is so good that it changed my mind about going on with the project.
OneTab is a great Chrome and Firefox extension for tab-hoarders.
that's what i needed just now, thanks!
Awesome tip
This collection of cheatsheets is great if you want to do something with a tool/library but don't know what it's called! Just reading through the cheatsheets whenever you're free for a few minutes is also incredibly helpful.
I... have some trouble naming things.
caniuse.com/ is my first stop if I have to touch anything client-side.
This is awesome. Nice one.
CrontabGuru is great for verifying or building cron expressions.
Ms paint
Windows Snipping Tool
CMD+Shift 4! :-)
wordvis.com for help finding the most concise names.
great res
pdfsea.com/ and typeanything.info/ (both self-obvious)
Lightshot browser plugin takes screenshots
Build With browser plugin snoops into site tech - very verbose
AWS Quicklinks browser plugin is self-obvious and saves truckloads of time
This be my 1st post here, nice to meet you
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