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Flutter: The next big cross-platform framework?

A little bit of context

If we would have to name what are the most trending or popular frameworks, we may think about JavaScript ones. This, having in count that the cross-platform movement is growing so fast. And with a justified reason.

Choosing a cross-platform framework, allows you to build apps for any kind of platform; such as web, desktop and mobile.

All of this without having to learn different technologies in the process. You can learn one programming language, and build many kind of applications. Such a great thing, right?

The ability to build applications for many kind of platforms reduces costs and also time. Years ago, if you wanted to build an Android app, you probably would have chosen Java. Or if you were planning to release the app on iOS, then Swift would have been a reasonable technology to work with.

As you can imagine, learning this two technologies were not impossible, but a time-consuming and very improbable thing. What developers were used to do (and still do) was specializing in one, such as Android or iOS option.

Nowadays, we still have mobile, desktops and web developers. But it's most likely to find a developer who can work with these three platforms and dominates one language. If you're a JavaScript developer, for example, you can develop web, desktop or mobile apps with JavaScript. So you only have to learn how is the process of doing a cross-platform app in your language, but not a entire, new one.

Cross-platform frameworks

We've mentioned JavaScript as a language which supports cross-platform development, and certainly this is true. You can choose React for web, Electron for desktop or React Native for mobile (either for Android or iOS!).

But there are also other frameworks that are not based on JavaScript. This is the case of Flutter, which is based on Dart.

And my post goes in this way. We've seen a very interesting Flutter's growth across time. As you can see in the next Stackoverflow trends' graphic:

Alt Text

This other Google Trends graphic, shows the next:

Alt Text

As we can see, trendings indicate Flutter is growing at least in interest of the dev community. Big firms like Tencent, Alibaba Group, Ebay and many others are starting to adopt this technology as its base language to start to build new cross-platforms apps.

In the FOSS community, Canonical has just announced they will adopt Flutter as its main technology for mobile and desktop developments.

So... these are not fixed trendings, of course. They may vary over time.

But what do you think? Flutter will be the next big cross-platform framework?

I read you in the comments!

Top comments (6)

mjablecnik profile image
Martin Jablečník

Flutter is not a Framework, but only toolkit.. And yes, I believe that it can be very useful for anybody who want to make some nice multiplatform application for Android, iOS or other alternatives like Ubuntu Phone, Sailfish, Librem and others..

cirog profile image

Hey, Martin! Thanks for your comment
Yeah, you're right. Some people see it as a framework, but Flutter's official webpage defines it as an "UI toolkit" though.

So you do think Flutter will be the next "big one"?

cirog profile image

Thanks for sharing your experience, Amelia!

Yeah, I think a crucial thing Flutter needs to growth is people's predisposition to learn Dart!.
I think the only problem I could found in and many developers talked about is their fear to the Google's tendency to kill projects haha.
You definitely don't want to learn a entirely new language (which is very time-consuming) without certainty about its stability.

So I think it has all the potential! Maybe the maturity of Flutter's community (which is growing so fast actually) and time will answer this questions!. Also, as you've mention big firms' adoption, of Flutter and collaborations and strategic partnershipsis are great steps towards establishing its stability.

Like you, I'm pretty excited to see how things unfold!

pablonax profile image
Pablo Discobar

Wow, cool article! If you are interested in this topic, then look here

eddsaura profile image
Jose E Saura

Where do you recommend to learn Dart and then flutter?

Thank you!

cirog profile image
Ciro • Edited

Hi, Jose.

As a paid option, I strongly recommend you the Udemy's Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide, from Maximilian Schwarzmüller. Very recommended.

As free resources, you have many. FreeCodeCamp's article on how to learn Flutter is really good to get started with (
They have good courses on both Dart and Flutter.

Hope it helps you!

Thanks for the comment and sorry for the late answering.
