DEV Community

Cover image for DEV Office Tour v5
Brian Bethencourt for CodeNewbie

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DEV Office Tour v5

Hey DEV Community! It's time for another exciting edition of our biweekly Office Tour thread. We're back to celebrate the spaces that ignite your inspiration and showcase the unique workspaces of the talented individuals in our community!

Your desk is more than just a surface—it's a canvas that reflects your personality, creativity, and dedication. So, grab your camera, capture your workspace, and join the conversation! Let's celebrate the spaces that spark our imagination and empower us to reach new heights in our coding endeavors.

Happy desk touring!

Top comments (3)

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

I recently discovered the idea of having a pitcher of water on my desk..........might be intuitive for some but this little change was AWESOME this week! I feel like I sometimes get distracted by food/etc. in the kitchen when I am refilling my water and now I am just more hydrated while working! The more ya know!

kurealnum profile image

That's a really good idea... I also find myself getting distracted when I get up to get water/food, so I might try this out!

nwarwick profile image
Nicholas Warwick

Hearing crickets in this thread but thankfully no crickets on my desk.

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