DEV Community

Michael Tharrington for CodeNewbie

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What you learning about this weekend?

Heyo 👋

What ya been learning on?

Whether you're sharpening your JS skills, making PRs to your OSS repo of choice 😉, sprucing up your portfolio, or writing a new post here on DEV, we'd like to hear about it.

You got this!

Bill Murray in a tux with a drink in hand points at us and the words "you got this" appear on the screen

Top comments (13)

closetgeekshow profile image

I put some more time into my experimentation with using ChatGPT for code generation, explanation and translation. I've been sharing my prompts on GitHub

joshlutrick profile image

I am learning about HTML as I’m starting my course to becoming a Frontend developer.

wudaoyunqi profile image

I'm coding with a group of like-minded female backend engineers to establish a nonprofit website.

This is a novel reading website with a forum for users to discuss. Now there are requirement documents, but some problems have been encountered when designing and implementing some functional modules. Like showing user's history search tag, global hot search tag list, follow push, storaging and querying long text(the chapter content) etc.🤯 If anyone has relevant development experience, please contact me.🤧

danbailey profile image
Dan Bailey

I've been poking around in the Wordpress REST API, setting up routes and tying them to functionality for a widget that I'm building. Not very exciting.

waicharikim profile image

I am reading about processes and signals in C.

autoaipal profile image
Autoai Pal

I'm learning how to get better at and prompting.

sridhargns profile image


philipjohnbasile profile image
Philip John Basile

I just wrapped up my certification for Golang by taking the udacity nano degree course. I am now getting certification with Ardan labs for go.
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wudaoyunqi profile image

pretty cooool. keep going.🥳

giuliano1993 profile image

I worked a lot on netlify for the deploy of my personal website and of a small webapp. I want to make them very lightweight so I'm using a basic JS setup and I'm using netlify functionalities to replace backend ( as a backendist this is quite a new choice for me, but I'm enjoying the process). I also learnt and implemented auotmated process from for the operation going beyond netlify limits. It's pretty fun and i'll probably write an article bout it soon!

vulcanwm profile image

im learning how to walk 30km carrying a heavy load through all the different terrains.

schbenedikt profile image
Benedikt Schächner

I learnt how to make 65 followers!

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jcsmileyjr profile image
JC Smiley

This weekend I been learning Next.js to develop a personal project that allows multiple people to contribute to the care of a loved one.