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Jason Melton profile picture

Jason Melton

javascript, ruby on rails, react, ex-philosophy teacher, comedian, decent at chess, wrestling fan, fellow human, more stuff, when i think of it

Four Year Club
Writing Debut
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
16 Week Writing Streak
8 Week Writing Streak
4 Week Writing Streak
Building Jason Chess — Part 1: Rendering the Board and Pieces

Building Jason Chess — Part 1: Rendering the Board and Pieces

Comments 1
5 min read

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Building an Animated Counter with React and CSS

Building an Animated Counter with React and CSS

Comments 2
4 min read
Using Chart.js to Display Poll Data in a Cool Way

Using Chart.js to Display Poll Data in a Cool Way

4 min read
Whipping Up a Rails API Real Quick

Whipping Up a Rails API Real Quick

4 min read
Part 2: Build This Cool Dropdown Menu with React, React Router and CSS

Part 2: Build This Cool Dropdown Menu with React, React Router and CSS

Comments 4
6 min read
Part 1: Build This Cool Dropdown Menu with React, React Router and CSS

Part 1: Build This Cool Dropdown Menu with React, React Router and CSS

Comments 5
5 min read
Build This Cool PopUp / Modal with React and CSS

Build This Cool PopUp / Modal with React and CSS

Comments 1
3 min read
Build a Simple Loader with CSS and HTML

Build a Simple Loader with CSS and HTML

Comments 2
6 min read
Build This Cool Password Checklist with React and CSS

Build This Cool Password Checklist with React and CSS

Comments 9
5 min read
If Ruby’s so Happy, What’s %w(a b c)

If Ruby’s so Happy, What’s %w(a b c)

Comments 2
2 min read
Build This Cool Sign-In Form with React and CSS

Build This Cool Sign-In Form with React and CSS

4 min read
CSS Transitions in React: Build a Root Beer Carousel

CSS Transitions in React: Build a Root Beer Carousel

6 min read
Algorithms: Calculating Combination in Ruby

Algorithms: Calculating Combination in Ruby

Comments 2
3 min read
Simple CSS Animation Examples to Help You Figure It Out

Simple CSS Animation Examples to Help You Figure It Out

3 min read
More Stuff You Can do with mailto

More Stuff You Can do with mailto

3 min read
Build a Simple Responsive Menu with React and CSS

Build a Simple Responsive Menu with React and CSS

Comments 3
4 min read