After years of practice and constantly asking Google questions that usually start with "how to...", I asked myself "Why do I love this so much?" and the answer was: because it's a way for me to combine logic and creativity - the two things I enjoy the most.
Main Tech Stack
📝 Top DEV Articles 📝
🔥 VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts | Or How To Become Even More Productive
⚡ Dependent Props In React Typescript
🚀 Preload Fonts

It has 3 main sections:
1. Main Tech Stack 👨💻
The icons are displayed by skillicons.
Insert this code snippet into your README.md file and adjust the technologies:
<img src="https://skillicons.dev/icons?i=js,ts,react,html,css,nextjs,nodejs,gql,postgres,git&perline=5" alt="Tech Stack" />
2. Stats 📈
To show some stats based on the public repositories, you'll want to use github-readme-stats
Insert this code snippet into your README.md file and change the username
<img align="center" src="https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=danielbellmas&layout=compact&theme=tokyonight&langs_count=6" />
3. Contact Me 📧
For the badges, I used shields.io
Here is one example (LinkedIn):
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-bellmas/" target="_blank">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/LinkedIn-0077B5?style=for-the-badge&logo=linkedin&logoColor=0e76a8&color=black">
Top comments (28)
Looks great! Well done!
Here's mine:
Hi there 👋
My name is Bobby Iliev
I'm a Linux DevOps Engineer living in Sofia, Bulgaria. Currently working as a Developer Advocate at Materialize
Nice automation with GitHub actions you have.
Thank you! 🙌
How to show this preview of the link
I used the following:
You can find all of the tags here:
Use the embed like so:
{% embed https://.... %}
Thanks 😊
Great book selection!
Thank you, highly appreciated! 🙌
That's great :)
You can find mine here:
I'm a React developer from Uttar Pradesh, India. Who also code in Python and C++. Passionate towards learning, Reading and coding.
Languages and Tools:
Connect with me:
Recent Blogs:
Recent Github Activities
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Thanks 🙏🏼 Loved the connect with me badges 🔥
Very nice 🙏🏻
For my part, I have an automatic Blogs posts section
It's powered by this workflow: github.com/jmfayard/jmfayard/blob/...
See in action at github.com/jmfayard
Niceee 🔥
Here's mine:
My GitHub Profile
Vincent A Cicirello
If you want to generate the equivalent to the above for your own GitHub profile, check out the cicirello/user-statistician GitHub Action.
Cool stats, will definitely check it out 🆒
Check out mine.
too cute
Cool cat gifs 🔥
My GitHub profile is a GitHub profile.
My profile info
No Shit Sherlock
Good luck on your exams!!
thanks 😇!
Checkout mine:
tim0-12432 (Timo) · GitHub
tim0-12432 has 19 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Put some hours of work into it... xD
Wow really nice!! ⚡️
The activity graph is my favorite :)
Thanks for the inspiration, I've just added my own Tech Stack (I've added everything that I use) @jcubic
Wow, I’m happy it inspired you!! 😁
Looks great! 🔥
This is mine atm, but i'm looking into reworking it and making it more cleaner like yours! Loving how simple it is!
Achie72 (Tóth Béla) · GitHub
Software Engineer at EPAM Systems. Hobby game developer with the Pico-8 fantasy console and an avid game jammer. Pixel art rookie and retro enthusiast. - Achie72
Thank you! simple is what I was going for.
Yours is super cool 👾
Emojis in which section?