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Announcing the DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon on DEV!

Jess Lee on December 10, 2020

We are thrilled to announce the DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon on DEV! 🎉 From now through January 10th, you’ll have the opportunity...
chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev

Hey everyone! My name is Chris and I'm the founder of and a Developer Advocate at DigitalOcean.

Excited about this hackathon and the things we'll all build! Let me know if you have any questions here or catch me on Twitter.

kubeden profile image

Hey Chris, huge fan of, the JS introduction particularly! I've got a question for you - is a game project considered "truly silly" for the random roulette? Is it worth giving a shot, or should I go for something else in your opinion?

kubeden profile image

I mean - I have an idea for a game, which is not silly (I can, of course, try to make it such with funny drawings and so on) and I am thinking if it's worth going for that or
should I choose something else?

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chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev

A game is a great idea! 100% go for it! Random roulette is very much for stuff like this that doesn't fit cleanly into the other categories.

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kubeden profile image

Thank man! And good luck to all participants, HACK ON!

manitej profile image
Manitej ⚡ • Edited

I'm trying to use digital ocean from many months but I live in india. Students don't have a credit card nor a PayPal account. Missing this hackathon too :(

cubiclesocial profile image

PayPal became available in India as of 2017, so I'm not sure why you can't use it with a bank account + PAN. DigitalOcean requires a prepayment of $5 USD to start the DO account via PayPal even with the $50 in credit for this hackathon.

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mridubhatnagar profile image
Mridu Bhatnagar

$5 goes through payment or is it deducted from $50 credit that they are giving?

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev


The $5 will be used to top up your account, this mainly applies to PayPal. Here are the two messages for each payment method again:

Credit card:
“We won’t charge your card. You may see a temporary pre-authorization charge to verify the card, which will be reversed within a week.”

“To confirm your PayPal account, you need to make a $5 pre-payment. This pre-payment will apply to any future bills.”

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mridubhatnagar profile image
Mridu Bhatnagar

You mean if I use PayPal I am going to be charged $5?

Is there any other alternative if I don't wish to pay?

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Currently, you could choose only between PayPal and Credit card payments.

guryashzone profile image
Guryash Singh

Same here, but I will try risking $5 for learning something new!

kristijankanalas profile image
Kristijan Kanalaš

Hey Chris, I would like to ask if it's possible to enter multiple times with separate projects?

chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev

Definitely! Highly encouraged to do so. I will be!

anupa profile image
Anup Aglawe

I have a doubt regarding how routes are setup for a static sites and it's corresponding web service.
My specific use case is to implement GitHub oauth on my react/express/GraphQL application.

Locally everything works fine, I have a button which redirects my react app to localhost:4000/auth/GitHub , which gets redirected to GitHub oauth page and then successful login redirects back localhost:3000 (react app).

But on my app platform, I can see only a single APP_URL. I'm confused which goes where and GitHub oauth requires app url & callback url ( localhost:3000 & localhost:4000/user/signin/callback ) this works well in my local env. But not sure what should I put when in production.

ayanb profile image
Ayan Banerjee

It appears you need two separate apps for the frontend and backend. In that scenario, simply create 2 apps in the app platform.

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anupa profile image
Anup Aglawe

But the straight forward way seems to be just adding a static site component and web service component, and most probably they were meant to be used in that manner. (and not creating separate apps for client and server ).

Also, if I add a http route let's say /api on my web service component. I can access GraphQL endpoints by ${APP_URL}/api/graphql

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ayanb profile image
Ayan Banerjee

Yes, thanks. That seems to be a much cleaner way!

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Hey Chris! Does moving existing sites over to the app platform count towards the hackathon, or no?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there 👋

I believe that it should be ok as long as you deploy the site on the App platform and the project is opensource. Also make sure to add the Deploy to DigitalOcean button for some extra points.

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade

i need a help with this

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade

if i added my credit card to DigitalOcean how many applications i can host with help of 50$ credit

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

According to the official documentation, the App Platform has three pricing tiers:

  • Starter: Free. Good for trying App Platform and deploying static sites. You can build and deploy 3 static sites for free on the Starter tier. Every additional static site costs $3/mo.
  • Basic: Starts at $5/month (for one container). Good for prototyping apps.
  • Professional: Starts at $12/month (for one container). Good for deploying production apps.

For more information you can take a look at the documentation here:

anupa profile image
Anup Aglawe • Edited

Hey I'm developing an application as a part of this hackathon.
I see a strict credit card requirement while signing on digital ocean. Is there any workaround for this, at least for students?

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

I can't wait to see what everyone builds for this hackathon — especially for the Random Roulette category 🎉

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Good luck everyone 🙌

chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev

What are you gonna build Bobby?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I'm planning to build a website for the opensource Introduction to Bash scripting eBook!

I'm planning to use TailwindCSS 🤘 and also the site will include an interactive training section based on Katacoda. 😁

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

What about you Chris?

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chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev

Personal site/portfolio. Next + Tailwind + Strapi or Statamic.

And streaming it all!

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That’s awesome! I’ll definitely make sure to join those streams 👏

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Let's do this

chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev

Right on! I'm planning on building my personal site (finally!)

  • Strapi or Statamic backend
  • Next.js frontend
  • Tailwind for styling
rasharm_ profile image
Raman Sharma

This is exciting.

Here is a post I wrote recently that describes some of the cool things you can do with App Platform:

aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

This is going to be EPIC! 🤩. 🥳

mattipv4 profile image
Matt Cowley


chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev


kubeden profile image

And I thought the Slack spirit won't haunt me when I change the company (using Teams now)...

mendoza profile image
David Mendoza (He/Him)

Hey guys I'm a full stack developer in MERN stack if someone needs help, let me know I might like the proyect and help you to develop it

spiritupbro profile image

OMG finally let me join this hackathon and win this one hopefully let's go everybody!!!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Good luck to you too! 🙌

spiritupbro profile image

lets go my man!!

torstendittmann profile image
Torsten Dittmann

Just published my blog post about building a website status monitor using DigitalOcean's App Platform for the #hackathon!

Good luck everyone 🥳

chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev

If you want an example of how to deploy a backend + frontend app to App Platform, here's a video doing a Laravel API + Database + React:

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That video is absolutely amazing!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

You had me at "Random Roulette".

I'll check it out! I've been wondering what other options existed for deploying apps (static and rails) so I'll have to dig into the docs to see what I can do with DO.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That sounds great! Good luck with that and happy building! 🙌

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That is great! Good luck!

What are you planning to build?

frikishaan profile image
Ishaan Sheikh

Thanks Bobby, I haven't planned yet, thinking of something that can be build in the time I get after my work.

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Sounds good! Excited to see what you build! 🙌

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

I'm gonna try to come up with an idea to participate 🤞

chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev

Personal site/portfolio is a great one if you don't already have one

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

That will be my fallback idea if I can't come up with something more interesting

kostjapalovic profile image

Hey everyone!
Super excited to see what everyone will build!

Hope to make such a fun event with in future!

Good luck, and have fun building!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Good luck to you too!

The looks pretty cool! I will make sure to give it a try! 🙌

kostjapalovic profile image

Thanks, Bobby.

By the way, JUST rolled out a new landing page and logo :)

I would be super happy if you have a couple of minutes for taking a look and telling me what you think!

Thanks so much and have a great day!

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Looks awesome so far! Keep up the good work!

What software did you use for the logo creation? Looks great!

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kostjapalovic profile image

Thanks for kidn words.

I used credit card to buy Ipad Pro + Pencil + MagicBoard and gave the purchase to my wife and waited for a week :D

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

Important Question

Can you use another app building platform like Heroku,, of Github pages to submit your entry or does the specific app building platform have to be specifically digitalOcean's?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hey 👋

The main objective of the Hackaton is to build an app that is deployed to the DigitalOcean App Platofrm specifically.

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

Okay. It's just that I'm fifteen and don't have a credit card yet so I can't get access to the digitalOcean app platform.

I'll just wait for another hackathon to appear.

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

It looks like that according to the official rules you need to be +18 in order to participate:

"ELIGIBILITY. The Contest is a skill-based contest open to individuals who are at least age eighteen (18) or older or are the legal age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside and capable of forming a binding contract with Sponsor as of the date of entry, that are DEV Members (defined below) and have an active email account and Internet access throughout the Entry Period. "

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ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

Oh sorry, I didn't see that.
Thanks for telling me.

r0b profile image
Robert Osborne

Great post! I can't wait to participate! Is there anything to take into account if you are working on a project with another person?
We both have accounts but what do we need to do to both get the badge? :)

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there 👋

I believe that only one submission post is needed from the team. But you need to include all participant usernames within the post and you'll all receive badges!

r0b profile image
Robert Osborne

Easy enough! Thank you!

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

No problem! Good luck and have fun building 🙌

_bigblind profile image
Frederik 👨‍💻➡️🌐 Creemers

Is the commons clause license considered permissive enough? It lets you access and use the source as you see fit, but not base a business on it. I think this would be extremely useful for the business category.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hi @_bigblind ! That will be just fine for the business category. Thanks for asking! Feel free to drop all other questions into the help thread. Happy coding!

rasharm_ profile image
Raman Sharma

Just adapted this tutorial:

to create this sample of a containerized Java app that can be deployed to App Platform with a single click:

GitHub logo creativefisher / Nasa-Picture

Single-page application which display NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day

Deploy to DigitalOcean

This sample demonstrates how to run a Dockerized Java application on DigitalOcean App Platform. Since App Platform doesn't yet support Java, this sample shows how to accomplish this using Dockerfile.

This sample has been adapted from

Getting Started

These steps will get this sample application running for you using DigitalOcean.

Note: Following these steps will result in charges for the use of DigitalOcean services


Forking the Sample App Source Code

To use all the features of App Platform, you need to be running against your own copy of this application. To make a copy, click the Fork button above and follow the on-screen instructions. In this case, you'll be forking this repo as a starting point for your own app (see Github documentation to learn more about forking repos.

After forking…

cescquintero profile image
Francisco Quintero 🇨🇴

A Zoom meet-and-greet with DigitalOcean’s CEO, Yancey Spruill

Very, very interesting prize.

lynmuldrow_93 profile image
Lyn Muldrow

Can't wait to jump into this hackathon! Finally get to build that astrology + self love app that I've had on my mind.

Looking forward to seeing the creativity shared!

gonzalojs profile image
Gonzalo Gutiérrez

Alright! My first Hackathon, let's do this!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That's awesome! Good luck with this! Have fun building your project! 🙌

chris__sev profile image
Chris Sev

Excited to see what you build!

arpan45 profile image
Arpan Adhikari • Edited

Alt Text
Just Created a Simple Quiz Application using Vue. You can try and deploy it in just a click. Feel free to contribute. Here is my post

abhishekpatel946 profile image
Abhishek Patel

I'm adding my card via Paypal but the card doesn't add.
Please add a credit or debit card to complete your purchase.
after clicking the add button it will give this message only. Can anyone please tell me how to add a card to the first droplet of $5 on Digital Ocean?
also, I've no credit card I've got a rupee debit card.

ramkshukla profile image
Ram Kumar Shukla • Edited

I'm so excited about this Hackathon.

Personal site/portfolio. django+javascript+html+css

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That's awesome! 🙌 Good luck and have fun building! 🎉

ramkshukla profile image
Ram Kumar Shukla

Thanks ❤️

ramkshukla profile image
Ram Kumar Shukla • Edited

how much amount will be charge for credit card preauthorization?

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev • Edited

"When you add a credit card to your DigitalOcean account, we may send a preauthorization request to the issuing bank. This is to verify that the card being added has been issued by the bank and that they will authorize the charges. These temporary preauthorization holds range from $1 to $15 and may appear on your statement for up to 7 days, but no funds are being transferred from your card or account to DigitalOcean."


neilblaze profile image
Pratyay Banerjee • Edited

Hey @chris__sev 👋
I along with my friend made a game on phaser.js during a hackathon on 12th Dec'20. Can I publish that project under Random Roulette #dohackathon ?

We started working on that on 11th Jan'20, it was at an unfinished state so we couldn't submit in there, but now the game is ready :D

milindsingh profile image
Milind Singh • Edited

My entry for hackathon

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Looks great! Well done 🙌

milindsingh profile image
Milind Singh


dendihandian profile image
Dendi Handian

Is there any way to compete without having credit card?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Currently, you could choose only between PayPal and Credit card payments during sign up.

Here are the two messages for each payment method again:

Credit card:
“We won’t charge your card. You may see a temporary pre-authorization charge to verify the card, which will be reversed within a week.”

“To confirm your PayPal account, you need to make a $5 pre-payment. This pre-payment will apply to any future bills.”

dendihandian profile image
Dendi Handian

Too bad when I use PayPal and process the 5$ payment and redirected to the control panel with the account locked. I think this time hackathon is not my time to shine.

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

For any account or billing-related issues, I could suggest reaching out to the DigitalOCean support team who will be more than happy to assist you with your account issue! :)

Hope that helps!

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dendihandian profile image
Dendi Handian • Edited

I did reach out to the support of, but they replied and it's not possible to restore my access.

But I'm relieved that I got my 5$ back.

shunjid profile image
Shunjid Rahman Showrov

I would love to join it but Paypal isn't available in my region. There are so many students in my college who wants to join it too.

It's a humble request to the Hackathon authors to consider the situation and allow students to create an account without restrictions valid during the hackathon period only.

amansaxena001 profile image

Can we participate in a team

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hey there 👋

Yes, you can participate in a team as well. However, note that you will need to split the price.

For more information make sure to check out the official rules here:

amansaxena001 profile image

Thank you Bobby for clarifying.

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

No problem at all! Good luck and have fun building 🙌

geobrodas profile image

Winners are announced?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there 👋, not yet, but it should be done soon.

geobrodas profile image

Roger that🤟🏼

ayanb profile image
Ayan Banerjee

Hi, my project MediDoc requires the admin credentials in order to explore all the features. I am wondering whom should I share the credentials with after submission?

abidishajia profile image
Shajia Abidi

I see there are videos for Laravel and React, I was wondering if there's a tutorial or a video for deploying MERN app on Digital Ocean's App Platform. I tried to deploy it, but I get this error 'Cannot GET /' on I was wondering if someone can help me with it.

ayanb profile image
Ayan Banerjee

Hi, even though I am not a MERN stack developer, I would like to point out that you can get some debug info in the apps platform logs which can aid in fixing the issue.

arnu515 profile image

Can I host my backend on a DigitalOcean VPS, provided that I do host my frontend on App Platform? I do prefer docker, so please say yes :) 🙏

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hey there 👋

I believe that as the main objective of the hackathon is to host the applications on the new App platform, it is best to deploy both of your backend and front-end services on the App platform.

You will still be able to use Docker actually. You can provide a Dockerfile for DigitalOcean to use in the build process.

arnu515 profile image

Right! I just did that. Works like a charm! Thanks

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

No problem! Happy to hear that you've got it all working!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

As far as I can see in the post it is stated that the Hackaton is open only to 18+:

Additional Rules

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to 18+. Contest entry period ends January 10, 2021, 11:59 pm PST/ 8 AM UTC on January 11, 2021. Contest is void where prohibited or restricted by law or regulation. For Official Rules, see Contest Announcement Page and General Contest Official Rules.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Yes, any supported language or even Dockerfile based deployments are fair game, as long as you've built them.

shubhampatel33 profile image

How will the team of DEV contact us for swags and stuff after we have submitted the article ??

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

We will be emailing participants over the next two weeks!

yonatanhanan profile image

Is it still possible to attend?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Yep! Be sure to publish your submission on DEV between December 10 and January 10 (Midnight PT/8 AM January 11, UTC), and provide your app’s URL, screenshot, description, and source code.

Use this post template to officially submit your application for the hackathon:

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

Hi, Can i submit by today January 11 PST 11:59 PM ?

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graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hello! The submission window is now closed. Keep your eyes out for future hackathons here on DEV!

imanishbarnwal profile image
Manish Kumar Barnwal

Can we participate in the team? If yes how many members can a team have?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there 👋

Yes, you can participate in a team as well. However, note that you will need to split the price.

Also, I believe that only one submission post is needed from the team. But you need to include all participant usernames within the post and you'll all receive badges!

For more information make sure to check out the official rules here:

harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

How to take part as a team ?? And how many members are allowed in a team??

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there 👋

Yes, you can participate in a team as well. However, note that you will need to split the price.

Also, I believe that only one submission post is needed from the team. But you need to include all participant usernames within the post and you'll all receive badges!

For more information make sure to check out the official rules here:

harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

Thanks Bobby 🙏
One last question : Is valid to take part with already built app by myself with some changes ?

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Yes, I believe that this should be ok as long as the app is deployed to the DigitalOcean App platform!

Also, make sure to include the Deploy Button for some extra points!

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade

i need a help with this

osenv profile image


kievandres profile image
Kiev Andres

This is the first time I will use Digital Ocean. I am very excited!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Super excited to see what you will build!

Good luck with that and have fun building 🙌

mutale85 profile image

I will try out my already existing PHP project turn in into python.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That's great! Good luck! 🙌

I've been planning to brush up on my Python skills lately as well.

dantehemerson profile image
Dante Calderón

Cool, I really want to participate.
I'm building a challenges platform to help new developers to improve their skills.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That sounds like an amazing project! 🤩

Good luck and have fun building!

juandadev profile image
Juanda Martínez

Can anyone explain to me this series: [“series name”] stuff? How do I add this in my posts?. Thanks

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hey there! Here is an example of how to add a series name. You'll want to use the basic markdown edits which can be configured in your UI settings :)


juandadev profile image
Juanda Martínez

Thanks a lot, Gracie! It seems that you are part of the DEV team, can you help me with something? I can't do any changes on my account because of this including the UI settings for this markdown edit. Thanks again!

booleanhunter profile image
Ashwin Hariharan

I just released an open source project this week. Will I be able to submit it for this hackathon?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I believe that this should be ok. You could test your application by deploying it to the App Platform and you you could also get some bonus points by implementing the "Deploy to DigitalOcean" Button to your repository as described here:

booleanhunter profile image
Ashwin Hariharan

Thank you!

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

No problem! Good luck 🙌

megabarrel profile image
Saurabh • Edited

Can we also use the digital ocean hackathon for making discord BOT for the random roulette category ?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Yes, that sounds like a great project! You should go for it! The Random roulette category is very much for stuff like this that doesn't fit cleanly into the other categories.

You just need to make sure that you are running the bot on the DigitalOcean App Platform!

megabarrel profile image
Saurabh • Edited

Thank You, Yes I will host the BOT on the digital ocean! 👍

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

No problem and good luck!

Make sure to add the Deploy to DigitalOcean button to your repository

real_rijin profile image
Rijin Reji Thomas

I don't have a credit card 😭

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

During the registration, you need to provide either a credit card or have a PayPal account. This is a security step for many providers and a way to verify your account.

Also, note that in the post it is stated that the Hackaton is open only to 18+:

Additional Rules

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to 18+. Contest entry period ends January 10, 2021, 11:59 pm PST/ 8 AM UTC on January 11, 2021. Contest is void where prohibited or restricted by law or regulation. For Official Rules, see Contest Announcement Page and General Contest Official Rules.

real_rijin profile image
Rijin Reji Thomas

Yeah I am 18+ and yes I don't have a credit card 😅😂. Things are a bit different here in India.

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I believe that a debit card will also be ok or instead you could use PayPal as well.

heisdev profile image

Is it a group hackathon or individual event?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Both would work.

For more details on the rules for teams I strongly recommend going through the official rules here:

veerasrivastava profile image
Veera Srivastava

Are python-django apps allowed or is it necessary to use a js framework?

rasharm_ profile image
Raman Sharma

Of course. Any supported language or even Dockerfile based deployments are fair game.

harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

Can I upload my previous personal project which feet in category?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I believe that this should be ok. You could test your application by deploying it to the App Platform and you could also get some bonus points by implementing the "Deploy to DigitalOcean" Button to your repository as described here:

gauravdagde profile image

After filling the form for 50$ credits, how soon I can receive that credit in digital ocean account?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

The official statement is 2 business days, but in most cases, it is much sooner.

You can still start building your app and once you have your credit it will cover the expenses.

gauravdagde profile image


Thank you.

cbruen1 profile image
Ciaran Bruen

Two questions - does DO have a free tier, and who owns the winning application / software i.e. will DO have any rights or claims to the intellectual property?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there,

You can fill out this form to get a $50 credit for DigitalOcean, good for 60 days from the date of redemption.

You wwould own your project, however, the project has to be opensource. You should use one of the following permissive licenses for your code: MIT, Apache, BSD-2, BSD-3, or Commons Clause.

ibejarano profile image
Ignacio Bejarano

Im in! my first hackathon!

I will be building a personal portfolio site using Gatsby + Tailwind

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

That is great 🙌 Tailwind is awesome! Good luck and have fun building!

amansaxena001 profile image

If anyone is looking for a team, dm me personally to join. As of now, we are a team of 2 members and we are looking for only one member.
Thank you.

priyanshupardhi profile image
priyanshu pardhi

Successfully built a Portfolio website but can't able to launch due to some error related to the card 😥.
link to my repo:

please help me with this

thebleshbanz profile image
Ashish Banjare

nice very interested

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Good luck and happy building! 🙌

yum profile image
Antariksh Verma

Can anyone guide me as to how a MERN stack app can be deployed on digital ocean app platform?

hitskier profile image

Hi, as far as i know, we can freely create any app so I am wondering if I create bots such as discord bot or maybe telegram bot which obviously doesn't have frontend app, is it still allowed?

ayushkaushik profile image
Ayush Kaushik

Hi, would website creation from scratch count as a valid entry. I am building and redesigning a website for a business using ReactJS. They previously used Google sites.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there 👋

I believe that this should be ok as long as the website is opensource and it is deployed on the DigitalOcean App Platform!

Good luck with that and have fun building 🙌

ayushkaushik profile image
Ayush Kaushik

Thank you! 🙌😁

thefierycoder profile image
Rishi Purwar

Is it possible to sign up without adding credit card?
I'm a student and I don't have a credit card.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

A credit card will be required at sign-up, but you will not be charged. Also, it will work or with a valid PayPal account but you to confirm your PayPal account, you need to make a small pre-payment. This pre-payment will apply to any future bills.

Please refer to these FAQs for more info:

relativelyrehan profile image

Does this have to be an open-source project?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there 👋, yes this is the case. Also, you should use a permissive license for your code (ex: MIT, Apache-2, BSD-2, BSD-3).

circa10a profile image
Caleb Lemoine

Absolutely. My entry had 3 components. 2 using docker files and 1 using a buildpack.

khushi0704 profile image

can I still submit tomorrow?

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hi there! Our submission window is now closed. We hope to see a submission from you in a future hackathon here on DEV!

samnalkande profile image
Sasmit nalkande

Why this contest is 18 + .
It would be better if there were no age restriction

tolaseadegbite profile image
Tolase Kelvin Adegbite

Can I upload files/images together with my app to the platform? Unlike Heroku that requires third parties like AWS S3.

harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

Is it individual challenge or we can make team of few people ?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi there 👋

Both would work, but if you sign up as a team you will need to share the price.

For more details on the rules for teams I strongly recommend going through the official rules here:

riversiderocks profile image

Totally pumped up for this, but I'd rather not have to put a credit card in... Is there a workaround?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev


You should be able to use PayPal instead. Here are the two messages for each payment method again:

Credit card:
“We won’t charge your card. You may see a temporary pre-authorization charge to verify the card, which will be reversed within a week.”

“To confirm your PayPal account, you need to make a $5 pre-payment. This pre-payment will apply to any future bills.”

alexypulivelil profile image
Alexy Pulivelil

Is it possible to participate in group like 5 members ?

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Groups can definitely participate! But note that the prize would need to be split between all of you and we'd be sending the prize to the group member who posted the submission only

alexypulivelil profile image
Alexy Pulivelil


fayaz profile image
Fayaz Ahmed

I signed up and filled the form, do I have to wait for the DO credits to be received in my account to get started?

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hey Fayaz,

You can start straight away! Good luck and have fund building!

You should get the credits within 2 business days.

olusola profile image
olusola ak

Super late to the game with less that a day till deadline but excited to get on board.
Lets get coding and good luck to everyone :)

endouakulu profile image
Eric Ndouakulu Kiaku Mbuta

Hy everyone.
Why DigitalOcean doesn't provide a JVM support (Kotlin, Scala, Java) ?

kamaln7 profile image
Kamal Nasser

Hi 👋 We're always evaluating ways to expand native language support for App Platform. JVM is definitely on the list, but we don't have an ETA yet. For any languages that are not natively supported you can use a Dockerfile to build your app.

You can find a full list of supported languages here: