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Brian Bethencourt for The DEV Team

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Announcing the GitHub + DEV 2023 Hackathon!

Hey, DEV community!

I hope you're ready for some exciting news. GitHub is launching their latest hackathon here on DEV Community where you can build a new application in the open, learn something new, and maybe win some awesome prizes in the process!

Announcing the GitHub + DEV 2023 Hackathon 🎉

From now until May 23rd, GitHub is offering an unmissable opportunity to utilize GitHub Actions or GitHub Codespaces to benefit open source in exchange for prizes. All participants will need to share a DEV post detailing how they created their project. We can't wait to see what you create! Anyone who submits a valid project (including an official submission post, published on DEV) will be automatically entered to win a variety of fantastic prizes (including up to $1,500 USD!).

Keep reading to get all the details on GitHub Actions, GitHub Codespaces, and how you can join the hackathon for a chance to win some exciting prizes.

What Are GitHub Actions?

GitHub Actions are individual tasks that, when combined, result in a custom workflow that’s all your own!

GitHub Actions allow you to automate and customize your software development workflows. Actions are located in the same place you store code, collaborate with peers, solve issues, and ship open source software — GitHub!

Whether you build a custom action or integrate an existing one into your workflow for the hackathon, we hope that you’ll walk away with a greater understanding of the value of GitHub Actions — for you and the open source community.

We’re excited to see how you approach this challenge! More on GitHub Actions here. Check out the tag pages for the #actionshackathon and #actionshackathon21 for some inspiration for GitHub Actions workflow ideas.

What are GitHub Codespaces?

GitHub Codespaces are development environments hosted in the cloud. You can customize your project for GitHub Codespaces by configuring dev container files to your repository (often known as Configuration-as-Code), which creates a repeatable codespace configuration for all users of your project.

GitHub Codespaces run on a variety of VM-based compute options hosted by GitHub, which you can configure from 2 core machines up to 32 core machines. You can connect to your codespaces from the browser or locally using an IDE like Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ.

More on GitHub Codespaces here.

Project Categories

The GitHub + DEV 2023 Hackathon is calling for projects in the following five categories:

  • Maintainer Must-Haves: Make the lives of Open Source maintainers easier.

Guidance: Developers can use Codespaces to set up an environment to triage issues and review pull requests. Actions can also be used to build tools and resources to help developers create better documentation.

  • DIY Deployments: Improve the deployment process for open source projects.

Guidance: Build automation workflows for DevOps processes using Codespaces or Actions! This could include automated testing, custom deployment scripts, or continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

  • Interesting IoT: Cool projects that integrate with IoT.

Guidance: Use Codespaces or Actions to manage and monitor IoT devices, including tasks like managing configurations, updating firmware, and collecting and analyzing data.

  • Phone Friendly: Projects built for Mobile (PWA readiness, iOS/Android)

Guidance: Developers can use Codespaces or Actions to create mobile applications that work on both iOS and Android devices, as well as set up automation workflows and CI/CD pipelines for their PWA ready apps.

  • Wacky Wildcards: Build a random app that doesn’t fit into one of the categories above.

Guidance: With this category, we are looking for some truly silly and/or fun submissions. Feel free to dream big and ridiculously — and utilize any feature that GitHub offers.

Why Participate?

The core philosophy behind open source software is code, technology, and the services we use are stronger and more secure when peer-review is both solicited and easily accessible. To be truly involved in the open source community, you (of course) need to participate! GitHub Actions and Codespaces are the perfect way to contribute to open source while optimizing your workflows.

If that’s not enough incentive, we also have some sweet, sweet prizes!

💰 Prizes 💰

Five Grand Prize Winners (one per category):

  • $1,500 USD gift card or equivalent
  • $300 USD credit to the Forem Shop
  • DEV Sticker Pack
  • GitHub Sticker Pack
  • DEV “GitHub Hackathon 2023” Grand Prize profile badge

Runner-Up Prizes (10 Total – across all categories):

  • $250 USD gift card or equivalent
  • $150 USD credit to the Forem Shop
  • DEV Sticker Pack
  • GitHub Sticker Pack
  • DEV “GitHub Hackathon 2023” Runner-Up profile badge

Participants (with a valid project):

  • DEV Sticker Pack
  • DEV “GitHub Hackathon 2023” participant profile badge

Cost of shipping included. If shipping outside of the U.S., international customs and duties may apply. Please research your local import laws for more information on customs fees or reach out to with any questions.

How to Participate in the GitHub + DEV 2023 Hackathon

1) Sign up for a free GitHub account by clicking here or sign into your existing account.

2) Create a new and original app during the contest period using GitHub Actions or GitHub Codespaces that falls under one of the categories listed above.

3) Share your code publicly on GitHub using one of the following permissive licenses for your code: MIT, Apache, BSD-2, BSD-3, or Commons Clause.

4) IMPORTANT: Use this post template to officially submit your application for the hackathon. Be sure to address every prompt and instruction in the template.

5) Be sure to publish your submission on DEV between April 25th and May 23rd (@ 11:59 PM UTC), and provide your app’s URL, screenshot, description, and source code

⚠️ Heads-up that you'll only be able to view our submission template linked above if you're logged into DEV.

Additional Notes and Rules:

  • We encourage you to share update posts on DEV using the #GitHubHack23 tag to keep us posted on your progress (hint: use series: [“series name”] in the markdown heading of all your GitHub + DEV Hackathon-related posts to link all content in a series)
  • Multiple submissions are allowed
  • If you collaborate with anyone, please list their DEV handles in your submission post so we can award a profile badge to your entire team! DEV does not handle prize-splitting, so in the event your project is named a Grand Prize-winner or runner-up, you will need to split those amongst yourselves. Thank you for understanding!

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open only to 18+. Contest entry period ends {date of contest closure}, 11:59 PM UTC. Contest is void where prohibited or restricted by law or regulation. All entries must be new projects and created during the hackathon period. For Official Rules, see Contest Announcement Page and General Contest Official Rules.

Community Support

To ask any questions about GitHub or about the rules of this contest, leave a comment in the official help thread. Our team will be monitoring this space to answer your questions in collaboration with the GitHub team.

Need some external motivation and guidance? Who doesn’t! We encourage all participants to swing by our community discussion thread where you can share your ideas and get suggestions on improvements from the DEV community as you build your app. You can also use this thread to share your progress along the way to get support from others.

Important Dates 🗓

  • April 25th, 2023: Hackathon Begins
  • May 23rd, 2023: Hackathon Submission Due at 11:59 PM UTC
  • May 24th, 2023: Submission Judging begins
  • UPDATED: June 13th, 2023: Winners Announced and Prize Instructions Sent

We’re so excited for you to join us for this brand new hackathon with our friends at GitHub. Have fun, learn lots, and keep us posted along the way.

Good luck and happy coding! 🍀

Top comments (106)

harinilabs profile image
Harini Janakiraman

Great hackathon!! We at Rowy (an open-source low-code backend platform on Google Cloud and Firebase) want to support this as well 🙌

We will add $500 to the grand prize winner's amount 😍 - if the winning entry uses Rowy for managing their database or to build automation using Rowy's APIs/Webhooks/Cloud Functions in low-code 💜

Check out Rowy demos and message us on Discord

dhaouadikacem profile image
kacem dhaouadi

is it real ?

mishmanners profile image
Michelle Duke

Well Harini is the CEO and Founder of Rowy so why doubt?

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
yuhuishishishi profile image
I love integers

I have the same question. I'm interested in seeing some unconventional use cases of codespaces.

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harinilabs profile image
Harini Janakiraman

Yes it is real :) You can use hosting platform like Firebase easily - depending on what you are building - you can use Codespaces for building your app frontend, have your database on Firestore - manage it easily on Rowy's CMS and when your app is ready you can host it on Firebase hosting with custom domain etc.

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ladykerr profile image

@yuhuishishishi I'm curious to know what "unconventional use cases" mean to you when it comes to Codespaces. Do tell!

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yuhuishishishi profile image
I love integers • Edited

I mean cases when it is not used solely as a coding environment. E.g., (I am not sure if this is achievable), maybe on a PR, click a button to start a codespace as a temporary deployment of the app, expose the ports and let your team mates to preview changes in a full automatic away.

domingosl profile image

Rowy needs a bit of visual programming in their life :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

This will be a fun one

dhaouadikacem profile image
kacem dhaouadi

I'm wondering how I can use Codespaces for more than just setting up a development environment. Should I host my web app with another provider?

ladykerr profile image

Codespaces is similar to your local IDE, so you're not able to host an application with it.

You can use Netlify, GitHub Pages, GCP, AWS and other services to host your app. Codespaces allows you to code in the cloud instantly - its a dev environment hosted in the cloud. So you can build your application, just as you would locally, without needing to set anything up on your machine.
Read more about Codespaces here:

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dilane3 profile image

Thanks for this explanation. I was thinking that GitHub Codespace had another usecases apart of hosting and configure a dev environment in the cloud.

I test it, and it looks like VSCode :)

It's very cool

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

Hi 👋 I know we are all busy, but maybe a follow up on when results will be announced could help :) hope I didn’t miss it, anyway it’s not straightforward where results are announced :)

devencourt profile image
Brian Bethencourt

Hey there, sorry for the delay! The GitHub and DEV teams needed a bit more time for judging, so announcements were delayed! Winners will be announced on 6/13!

danicunhac profile image
Daniel Costa

And where can we see the post regarding winners?

fadygrab profile image
Fady GA 😎

This is literally the first post I see after the initial results announcement date and I saw it by coincidence 😁
I'd love too some updates thank you 😊. If things are that tight for the organizers, a roughly estimated week perhaps? Hope any of the organizers sees this 🤞

lyqht profile image
Estee Tey

Agreed, would love to hear some update on this!

erinposting profile image
Erin Bensinger

Woohoo, so exciting! Can't wait to see what you all build!

balastrong profile image
Leonardo Montini

Sounds great! Count me in ;)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


mishmanners profile image
Michelle Duke

Looking forward to seeing your entry.

hayatscodes profile image
Hayatudeen Abdulrahman

Today's June 8 and the winners has not been announced.

devencourt profile image
Brian Bethencourt

Hey there, sorry for the delay! The GitHub and DEV teams needed a bit more time for judging, so announcements were delayed! Winners will be announced on 6/13!

jbrocher profile image

Submission published :D . A small github action to automatically generate PR Bodies and refactoring suggestions based on the diff. OpenAI powered of course to be fashionable.

It was a great opportunity to get my hands dirty with prompt engineering.

maurerkrisztian profile image
Krisztián Maurer • Edited

Nice project! So we've got an AI-powered tool showdown, huh? 🤖✨ My project is also AI powered as many others, I start to see a trend lol

Image description

jbrocher profile image

Thanks ! Yup our submissions look pretty similar haha. To be honest I just quickly threw mine together after stumbling onto this post, I didn't really take the time to check what was already out there. I might have abstained if I saw you GA before I started working on mine, sorry 😅.

Your project is great, I'm going through your repo right now. This is my first time making a custom Github action and working with OpenAI, so it's great to be able to check how you went about things.

If I find the time to continue working on this before the deadline, I guess I'll try to focus the feature I add around problems that are specific to a Pull Request since yours is focused on issues. Although I'd like to try and and add some automatic labeling as well if that's all right with you!

Maybe we'll find a way to merge the two project afterwards (or at least the prompts) to end up with an AI powered repo management toolkit !

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maurerkrisztian profile image
Krisztián Maurer

No need for sorry, you misunderstood me. Your submission is fine. Mine addresses different problems while yours focuses on pull requests. I've seen that many people have found lots of creative ways to use AI, and that's what I meant. You can implement whatever feature you like, don't limit yourself. Feel free to use any idea. I'm excited to work together if you're interested in collaborating.

zubairanwarkhan profile image
Zubair Khan

Wow I have already started thinking of what could be built. Most probably in the last category 😂

And btw its almost a month to submit the entries, and I have tried to prepare a structured approach which can be beneficial for this use case

Check it here in my DEV post

Or a direct link

All the best 💯

_eduard26 profile image
Eduard Constantin

Use one of the following languages:

What languages?

devencourt profile image
Brian Bethencourt

Thanks for catching this! We'll fix this typo shortly. There's no language restriction or requirement. Feel free to use anything that fits the Hackathon category descriptions!

_eduard26 profile image
Eduard Constantin

nice, is it necessary to create a new repo for the application or I can use an existing repo?

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mishmanners profile image
Michelle Duke

You can use an existing repo but you'll need to show what you've built for the hackathon, ie. tell us what's new, what was existing.

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_eduard26 profile image
Eduard Constantin

sounds great, thank you!

zhaluza profile image
Zac Haluza

Psyched to give this a shot! I have an idea for the "wildcard" category, and I'm wondering if we're still required to use Github Actions or Codespace to implement it (e.g. deploy it in a Codespace)?

Without giving away too much, the project I'm thinking about is very Github-focused and would make significant use of the Github API to interact with different repos.

callmehongmaybe profile image

That's what I'm wondering as well.

2kabhishek profile image
Abhishek Keshri

Is GPLv3 license allowed?

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev • Edited
tzador profile image

Please take a look at my work in progress submission

yuhuishishishi profile image
I love integers

I am curious on what some projects can be built on top of / using github codespace.
I can imagine you can build different workflows by utilizing actions.
Wondering what are some interesting use cases of codespaces, besides using it as a dev environment.

ladykerr profile image

Here's a blogpost on unexpected capabilities of Codespaces:

halltech profile image
Olajide Ayomide

Still haven't gotten what the hackathon is all about, I need someone who can work me through this

pazapp profile image

Just in the same pot here.

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