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Announcing: The Twilio Hackathon Winners!

Jess Lee on May 05, 2020

About a month ago, we announced our first-ever Twilio Hackathon. Participants were tasked to create an app using any of the Twilio APIs in the fol...
peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank • Edited

Massive congratulations to all!

Grand Prize Winners: @adrianbdesigns, @godwinagedah, @emma, @caseorganic

Runner-Up Winners: @vladodev, @solancer, @chloemcateer3, @abhinavchawla13, @minicodemonkey, @asaoluelijah, @suvink, @hayleydenb, @mattdini, @ryanrousseau

We hope that all participants had a great time, learned something new, and built something to be proud of. We are so blown away by the creativity and talent of everyone here in the community.

Excited to start sending out these DEV Shop Gift Cards!! and badges

emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙

Wow this is so unexpected! Thankyou! 😊

ryanrousseau profile image
Ryan Rousseau

Thanks Peter and congrats to everyone - wonderful projects all around!

adrianbdesigns profile image
Adrian Bece

Thank you very much and congrats to the winners :) This was really fun

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

The winning projects are clearly well picked in my opinion. Just finished reading through the entries of the finalists.

suvink profile image
Suvin Nimnaka

This is totally unexpected! Thank you @devteam and @twilio ! And congratulations everyone!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
dkundel profile image
Dominik Kundel

It's not bolded but it does say in the post: "and all DEV prizes will be emailed to you within the next two weeks." :)

ssimontis profile image
Scott Simontis

I'm really upset that work kept me too busy to participate, I didn't realize Twilio could do more than send text messages and I saw a ton of possibilities. I think I will definitely add it to my toolkit for embedded soon as I find that mythical work-life balance again.

dkundel profile image
Dominik Kundel • Edited

We'll hopefully host more hackathons in the future! For embedded projects you should also check out our Twilio IoT products :) Let me know if you have any questions about it and I'm happy to connect you with our IoT Evangelist

estatheo profile image
Theodor Chichirita

Well done to all the winners 👏👏👏, amazing projects and thanks to twilio for the fun hackaton. Mehdi and I had a blast and working on our small solution and will continue to use Twilio in our venture! All the best 🎉

dkundel profile image
Dominik Kundel

Congratulations everyone! We had an incredible amount of amazing submissions 👏 well done everyone!

adityamitra profile image
Aditya Mitra

@dkundel I received the participation badge but not the $50 DEV shop credit.
Can you please help me?

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Hi Aditya, we’ll send you an email to get that sent your way.

Thread Thread
adityamitra profile image
Aditya Mitra


Thread Thread
adityamitra profile image
Aditya Mitra

@peter I have still not received that $50 credit. Is there a problem?

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

I'm so happy for the winners of the hackathon 🤸. Such an effort has been put in by everyone.

caseorganic profile image
Amber Case

What!? How exciting! This was such a fun and difficult challenge, and it was so nice to see the work everyone did! I'm really loving all the new stuff I learned during this. Thanks for giving me something to do from home! Remote hackathons FTW!

This is a huge honor for my collaborator and I. Thanks again for putting in all of the work to host, judge, and facilitate something special.

mazentouati profile image
Mazen Touati • Edited

Congratulations to all 🎉 Great ideas and implementation out there. It was a fun experience to participate in this Hackathon 🦄

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Congrats everyone 🎉

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Wow! These projects are just incredible. Really loved them. Congratulations to everyone who participated 🎉

aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

Congratulations to everyone who participated! That you could focus and dedicate yourselves to these projects in spite of the pandemic, is admirable indeed! I applaud your achievements! 👏 👏 👏 👏

peterhychan profile image
Peter Chan

Congrats everyone.

mohammedasker profile image
Mohammed Asker

Congratulations on all winners and everyone submitted the projects! Some of these projects are amazing! So much creativity and fun things you can do with Twilio API!

Unfortunately for me, I had to withdraw the competition for personal reasons and I hope I can get to participate again in the future.

Again, congrats!

philnash profile image
Phil Nash

Congratulations to everyone who took part! I hope you all enjoyed the hackathon, learned something, built something, maybe discovered some other developers to follow and get the most out of the DEV swag shop!


jamesshah profile image
James Shah

Congratulations to everyone! It's been great fun to participate in this hackathon and it feels very good to see dev community get together to build such useful projects. 🎉🎊

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

Congratulations to everyone. 😄

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Congrats everybody !

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Wow! Awesome work by all participants. Congrats to the grand prize winners and runner-up winners!

Chow Yun-fat giving a thumbs up

prashant1k99 profile image
Prashant Singh

Hey is there any site or any collection where I can get notified about the Hackathon's Coming or are running. I get to know about it, after it's winner is announced. So please, any help....

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

Congrats to all winners! I will join next year as corona took my time in April.

mauriciojaramillo profile image
Mauricio Jaramillo

Congratulations to winners, Twilio and DEV team members. Nice competition.

aliahsan07 profile image
Ali Ahsan

Do all participants with a valid project entry get 50$ store credit?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


dkundel profile image
Dominik Kundel

Yes! The DEV team will reach out to you in the next 2 weeks

aliahsan07 profile image
Ali Ahsan

yayy this is so encouraging! Thank you

tao profile image
Lewis Lloyd

Congrats, everyone! Hope that $50 gift card bags you a nice beach towel 😜

grillazz profile image
Jakub Miazek

Congrats to all the winners \m/ Keep on rocking