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How Did One Moment Alter Your Path?

Identify a coding or career-related turning point in 2023. What insight did you gain, and how did it alter your perspective or path?

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Top comments (9)

cbillowes profile image
Clarice Bouwer

Out of nowhere, I got an email requesting to include a resource on my blog. Since my blog wasn't attracting much attention, I initially didn't pay much mind to it. However, when the request came again a few months later, I decided to delve into my blog, giving it a revamp. To my delight, it has now been nominated for an award! Check it out at I take pride in the dedicated effort I've invested in it and am excited to be able to share my knowledge with the awesome tech community. <3

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Wow, that is awesome. Congrats!

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

I voted a 9.30 total, apparently. Love it :)

cbillowes profile image
Clarice Bouwer

Absolutely awesome. Thank you so much! :D

logarithmicspirals profile image

That's a great website! The design is very well-thought out. Visually cohesive and everything is super snappy. Congrats!

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

Mine is a bit… sad. I decided to step back from writing as much on DEV, and making my articles more large-scale. So, while it has been hard, knowing that I’ll still be able to be around and do everything I’ve loved to do on DEV, is amazing.

donnierich profile image
Donato Riccio

Working for 6 months with a colleague full of passion for this work lit a spark inside me and motivated me to do something more than the usual work.
So I started to write some tutorials and articles (not as much as I wanted, but it's more than zero) and felt really good!

Thanks @giuliano1993 :)

giuliano1993 profile image

Woah Thank you @donnierich , this was totally unexpected and made my day! And still, you know, for me it was the same, working those 6 months with you has been a real game changer and got me much more passionate and curious about our world than I ever was, so I can only return the thanks to you :D

integerman profile image
Matt Eland • Edited

I've had a few "one moment" moments:

  • Getting randomly paralyzed pushed me on long term disability for awhile as I survived and then recovered and ultimately reignited my passion for software engineering and helped me discover a love for mentoring.
  • Saying "Congratulations" to a recruiter I'd interacted with but not gone through who got a new role made me aware of a local conference not on my radar. I attended and it helped me see I had more to offer the community, launching me on the path I'm on now.
  • Finding out my dad had cancer again disrupted the book I was writing a few years ago and pushed me down the path of online courses in the wake of his death as a way to occupy my evenings and use time productively when I wasn't able to write for a time. This got me deeper into data science.
  • Agreeing to go to lunch to catch up with an old friend pivoted quickly to me moving into teaching as she helped me see the time was right for me.
  • Telling my wife I still felt impostor syndrome despite teaching 5 classes by then resulted in a "Go get a master's degree already!" moment, which further adds to my credibility in data science.
  • One moment where a coworker forwarded on my medical information led to me leaving teaching in a hurry after management refused to address it. I suppose they're not all good moments.
  • Saying "Why not?" and legitimately considering writing "Refactoring with C#" when Packt asked me to consider it resulted in a very successful and fun project last year.

Throughout my life, little moments and little "thank you for doing this" or "congratulations" or even "how are you?" moments opened the path to big changes in my life.