Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. ❤️
When tech really is magic
Jimmy shares their trick for teleporting around the terminal with ease.

Bash: How To Teleport In The Terminal
Jimmy McBride ・ Jul 2 '20
Microservices, macro-efficiency
Sara shares insight into the value-proposition of domain-driven design and DevOps and how microservices can help teams do more, faster.

The Concept of Domain-Driven Design Explained
Sara Miteva for Microtica ・ Jul 2 '20
The wide-open door of open-source
Saurabh makes contributing to your first (JavaScript) open-source project more approachable — and worthy of lots of enthusiasm!

A Guide for Contributing to Any Open Source JavaScript Project Ever 💛
Saurabh Daware 🌻 ・ Jul 4 '20
The right way to reflect on your company's work
Ben shares a few stories of RxJS's work with observables, how the industry has responded to the concept, and some areas for improvement. It's the kind of vulnerable read you don't see every day from a tech company!

Observables, Reactive Programming, and Regret
Ben Lesh for RxJS ・ Jun 29 '20
CSS art school
Suzanne checks in with tips and learnings at the halfway point of her "100 Days Project". She has been aiming to make a piece of CSS art each day for 100 days in a row!
Hacking your way to a blazing-fast website
C M's portfolio website loads in 1.8 seconds and achieved a performance score of 94 on Lighthouse! This post explains how they did it.

My website now loads in less than 1 sec! Here's how I did it! ⚡
C M Pandey ・ Jul 4 '20
Planning is your friend
Emily has unlocked a new level of project planning and management by following an intuitive, 9-step process.
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on DEV this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Tuesday!

Top comments (2)
Thanks for another great summary, Jess!
If you haven't heard it recently enough, you (and @ben and the whole Dev team) are consistently doing a great job, and providing a much-needed service in this space !
great :)