Hey folks!
Hope y'all all enjoy your weekends! 😎
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Taking a staycation 🏡

Top comments (31)
Got the author copies of my debugging book finally!
Crossed the 1.2k subscribers on YouTube.
Got published in the Snyk blog which took off nicely.
Was added to the dev network advisory board and voted on an award. Will be speaking at another meetup and a couple of conferences.
Released version 7.0.99 of Codename One which means 7.0.100 will be next!
Oh that's awesome! Major congrats, Shai. 🙌
It looks like a beautiful book and I'm sure the knowledge inside is super helpful!
Solved a bug on a project. CSS will get you everytime.
Optimized a website, and learn more about page speed. This is what I am doing now
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
This post introduces the First Contentful Paint (FCP) metric and explains how to measure it
And I'm ready to play at Hogwarts Legacy this weekend ⚡
I wrote a complementary post to my Is Twitter API Free site.
Is Twitter API (still) Free? I've built a website to find out
Jan Vlnas ・ Feb 8 ・ 4 min read
It has turned to a pretty elaborate joke…
you just got the domain...
Yeah, it was just $3 and I don't plan to renew it.
I completed a full stack app project as a milestone for my bootcamp. 🥳 And as part of it, I used an async function to get all of the data and alphabetize it in the API router functions.
I didn't know what an API router function was a couple of weeks ago. 😊
I used React, Node, Express, and MySQL.
This is awesome! API routing can be such a confusing topic, but you learn soooo much about HTTP along the way and it's a really great way to learn because you're not just learning the what, but also the why. 💯
I finished working on this big new feature in my project!
Crossed 500 followers on dev!
Just published a new blog post with a hand-drawn cover image
Writing new posts is fun, but making the cover images is even better. I like the process of brainstorming new images, and browsing other people's work for inspiration.
And now, with the weekend coming around, it's time to read more Rust in Action.
Deep diving into chatGPT prompt using, and my outcome written in this post:
chatGPT prompt iteration:
Using ChatGPT for Complex Fantasy Story and Programming Creation
I also created 🇭🇺 hungarian translated version too
I was experimenting with ARM-based servers on Google Kubernetes Engine, but in order to do that I had to add a selector to every deployment that said "it's okay to run this on servers with ARM processors" (so if you have both ARM and Intel servers, it doesn't try to run stuff for one on the other), including deployments I didn't create myself. Someone suggested a way of automating it, and I posted a bit about that journey, originally started as a question, on ops.io.
Kubernetes webhooks and certs for those webhooks - The Ops Community ⚙️
I'm experimenting with running ARM-based workloads on GKE so I need to set nodeSelector:...
Moved all my projects' Windows CI to Github Actions instead of Appveyor. Because Windows is involved it was a gigantic ball-ache, but I'm 97% of the way there and have decided I can't be bothered with any more debugging for the one remaining project which fails in Github Actions Windows but passed in Appveyor's Windows.