Hey there!
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Getting an awesome new piece of equipment... or whatever else might spark joy ❤️
Happy Friday

Top comments (20)
I’ve had a particularly tough week unfortunately but one thing that really made me happy was I finally got a desk and chair for my new place, It’s only small but I set it up and got to use it for some work. It was such an amazing feeling to work in the new space I made 😊
Sometimes, it's all about the small wins!
This week i had to build a complex logic in an ingoing project that I'm working for, i was stressed and under pressure.
On Thursday i completed this logic and I'm really happy and proud of myself that i made it.
My article was featured in Cassidy William's newsletter! dev.to/cerchie/tech-jargon-defined...
Wow! I love Cassidy so this is rad.
I built Wordleit for Deepgram hachathon to help writers to write anytime and from anywhere. The ability to write and style with only your voice is awesome.
I'm really proud of this project ❤
Please let me know what you think: dev.to/moose_said/text-editor-with...
Finally got my "phygital" NFT published at nft.cheerbot.me .
More about the project at twitter.com/cheerbotme .
And here's a cool repo github.com/cheerbotme/webmonetizat... the project uses, designed for community.webmonetization.org/
I submitted my Dev + DeepGram hackathon solution which allows users to upload an mp3 file and then watch a video with subtitles. You can check it here dev.to/valentinesean22/vschool-web...
I posted my article for the first time for Virtual Coffee org here, on DEV! 😄
Published a new post on DEV 🎉
Serverless Node.js URL Shortener App powered by Upstash Kafka and Materialize
Bobby Iliev ・ Apr 15 ・ 4 min read
I started writing again after a long break of almost a year :).