Hey y'all! 👋
Hope everybody is having a fantastic Friday and looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend! 🧘
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Playing a board game with your fam 🎲

Did you know we feature wins in our "Wins of the Week" email every Friday? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter emails to get wins delivered right to your inbox! 💌
Top comments (38)
After a couple of months off I'm finally back to blogging and just launched my new project that lets you convert Google Docs to GitHub Pages.
Nice to have ya back, Shai! I hope ya enjoyed your break.
Also, cool project! That sounds like that'd be helpful to a lotta folks. I have piles upon piles of Google Docs, haha. 😅
Thanks, great to be back!
DevRels are probably one of the best target audiences for this. The ability to do documentation right from Google Docs is pretty powerful. I love asciidoc and am OK with markdown, but the ability to collaborate in docs and its 3rd party tools for document validation (SEO, writing assistants etc.) are fantastic. Pretty much every DevRel I collaborated with worked with Google Docs.
Added more Assembly projects to my 12in24 challenge repo.
Also, started development on a CLI app to teach coding and provide hints :)
Nice, that CLI app sounds pretty cool. Congrats on the week, Kaamkiya!
📰 I published a post on DEV! ✨
Anita Olsen ・ Jan 7
🎽 I have started working out! ✨

Daria 😍
We started planning around the next season of the CodeNewbie podcast and I'm excited about all the great content we'll be producing to support it.
Here's a goody from last season's finale episode:
S26:E8 - Being Open to the Unexpected (Katherine Evans)
Haha YES!! I didn't realize you were a Daria fan too, but that's awesome. 🙌
And woot woot on the upcoming podcast season!
I posted my 3rd blog post and I'm writing the next one!
Also started interacting with people from the community!
Good stuff, William! Appreciate you sharing posts with us and glad to hear you're having a good time talking with folks here.
i started a blog where i interview inspiring people in tech based domains: whilexloop.hashnode.dev
i also started learning godot
Better late than never, but I delivered my first conference workshop last week on AI Orchestration and Semantic Kernel at CodeMash 2024. I had somewhere between 80 and 120 people based on the room capacity and spacing between people.
What really impressed me was that almost everyone stayed the full 4 hours. I count this a win for sure!
Woaaa!! That's most certainly a win. That's a lot of people! You must be doing something right if you're able to hold that many folks' attention for that long. Major congrats, Matt! 🙌
Love hearing that success!
That's 3 years of teaching experience for you. I've learned that being a little weird and varying the activity types is great for holding attention.
Hahaha, I love the tip on being a little weird... that part comes naturally to me. Good thoughts on varying activity types too.
I bet your classes are a lotta fun!
Finished to merge 17 files into Astro docs!
Awww yeah, Thomas. That's a lotta docs merges — good stuff.
I have been making YT tutorials/live coding videos as a hobby and right now my channel has reached 158 subscribers. I am very happy about that!
That's a really awesome accomplishment, Piko!
In case you didn't already know, DEV actually allows folks to embed YouTube videos using the following syntax:
{% embed https://... %}
For instance, this:
{% embed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ %}
Sorry, couldn't help it! 😈
Anywho, if you'd like to share one of your videos in thread here or a link to your channel, please feel free to do so!
Hahahaha! Thanks for the RickRoll and the tip, I did not know you could embed YT vids in the comments that pretty neat!
Hmmm 🤔 If I had to choose a video to link it would be:
It was actually my first ever YT video, but it has helped so many people make their own always on top browsers and that makes me very very happy! 😊Haha!! Glad you appreciated that. 😆
This is a dope video and so well-made! It's amazing that this was your first one! You've edited it all so nicely with helpful & funny visuals, time stamps, clear explanations, and code-sharing. You even got a cool little logo and tune to play at the beginning! 🙌
I'm glad to hear that this one has been seen by and helped out lotsa folks! Well-deserved, Piko. 😀
I can't believe you actually took the time to give it a watch! That's so nice of you! I am so glad you like it! 😀
When I first posted it, it hardly got any views, but with time it gained momentum. I guess because the project is interesting and original, and I did my best to make every second count. Ironically my newer videos could benefit from the same approach.
Have a lovely day!
I learned how to use continue.dev/, share this with my team.
Now the whole team has access to chatGPT 4 inside IDE 🥳🚀