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Cover image for What was your win this YEAR?
Gracie Gregory (she/her) for The DEV Team

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What was your win this YEAR?

Hey there!

I'm mixing up this week's win thread in honor of the upcoming new year (for those cultures that recognize the New Year as beginning this upcoming Saturday, that is).

Instead of looking back on our weeks, what would you say your biggest win was for this past YEAR? What are you proud of having accomplished?

All wins count — big or "small" 🎉

Examples of 2021 'wins' include:

  • Starting a new job
  • Learning to value your personal strengths
  • Taking more time off to unplug with loved ones regularly ... or whatever else might have sparked joy and purpose ❤️

Congrats on your accomplishments in 2021! You're amazing 🌠

Whitney Houston Celebrating

Top comments (54)

mrsharm profile image
Mukund Raghav Sharma (Moko) • Edited

This year was truly the most transformative!

  • Moved to San Diego to work fully remotely.
  • Read 45 books this year. I wrote about it here
  • Released a pretty big security patch.
  • Learnt React.js
  • Started driving more confidently.
  • Traveled to 8 new cities.
  • Meditated for 90 days straight.
  • 400+ days of Italian.
  • Learnt how to record and produce music and have 8 recordings so far here
  • Successfully contributed to my first open source project here
  • Reconnected with a considerable number of my friends.
  • Finished my first journal.
  • Wrote 15+ blog posts.
  • Created a tool for Perf Engineers with 3000+ views, being used by 70 people from Japan to South America. Details can be found here.

^ these were definitely some memorable ones!

EDIT: Adding more so I can look back next year to get an idea of the growth made.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


A kangaroo playing an electric guitar

turry profile image


najmulcse profile image
Md. M Najmul

Great job!

jh3y profile image
Jhey Tompkins • Edited

2021 was a tough year:

  • Processing a long term breakup
  • Loss of family
  • Getting diagnosed
  • Burnout
  • Loss of more family
  • Having Covid

But not writing this for a pity party 😅

Takes a lot for me to be negative about things. Big believer in "Out of the toughest times comes the biggest triumphs". I'm really looking forward to what happens in 2022 ✨

And 2021 wasn't all that bad 🚀

  • Still here!
  • Medication
  • Got back into the swing of things for content
  • Got back into work, Temporal, Kent C Dodds, Monzo, etc.
  • Got my dream car 🥺
  • Made progress on my house
  • Had a great Christmas! 🚀
  • Won the cup in football scoring in the last minute
  • Got to appear on various podcasts, etc. and the stream with DEV!

There's likely a lot I'm forgetting about too. It's so easy to remember the "negative" things but when you stand back and take a look, there's can be so much to be grateful for.

Well done everyone for making it through the year! And happy new year for 2022!

Stay Awesome! \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/

Leo Raising a Glass

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Sorry for your loss Jhey and the rough patches but like you said it wasn't all that bad. We're so lucky to have you in the community and I feel privileged that we got to hang twice together even if it was only virtual.

This deserves my rare Loki fried chicken GIF 😎

Loki holding KFC

jh3y profile image
Jhey Tompkins

Thanks Nick! 🙏

Yeah, I'm all good. I'm in a good place and looking forward to the New Year. And as you say, it's been great to hang twice 😎 Get something in the calendar for this year coming?

Haha – I've got to steer clear of the fried chicken Nick, come on! 😅

Polar bear doing the wave

lfosgett profile image
Lauren Fosgett

Sorry for your loss, but also congrats to pushing through and still being here. Sometimes life knocks us down but you're kicking ass. Best of luck in 2022!

jh3y profile image
Jhey Tompkins

Thank you Lauren! 🙏 I'll take that.

Yeah, too right. The toughest times often lead to the strongest growth. I'm real happy with how 2021 ended.

Best of luck in 2022 to you too! Happy New Year! 🎉

aernesto24 profile image
Ernesto Lopez

Awesome year, even the bad stuffs are part of our development. Congrats!

jh3y profile image
Jhey Tompkins

Very true! Thanks Ernesto. Happy New Year! 🎉

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Thank you for your vulnerability. So sorry to hear about the pain you experienced in 2022 but huge congrats on all of your amazing wins.

Glad to have you here, Jhey.

jh3y profile image
Jhey Tompkins

Hey Gracie!

No problem at all. I kinda learned to be a bit more open with all these things in 2021. If you don't speak up, who's going to know? 😅 It's good to talk. Not everything is a "Highlight reel". Saying that, 2021 will go down as a "highlight" in a strange sense in the fact that I learned a lot about myself and got through it.

Thank you! 🙏 It's easy to forget the things we get up to.

By the way. 2022 has been great so far, it was 2021 where I had some painful moments 😜 😅

Glad to be here! Keep up the awesome things you do with DEV && Happy New Year! 🎉

coderamrin profile image

This year was the best year ever.

  • I learned to code.
  • Started my blog and YouTube channel
  • earned my first $ online
  • also got admitted in Uni

many more but can't remember them. :)

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Jack Nicholson nodding yes

star_trooper profile image
Atharva Shirdhankar

This year I contributed to 20+ open source projects and still few pr are awaited for review🚀.
Started writing articles on Devto and sharing my knowledge and experience.
Won my first ever hackathon as a runner up organized by Devto + GitHub 🎉.

And moreover learned lot many things this year.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

That's awesome! 🔥

Yes, that's awesome!

codewhiteweb profile image
Code White Dev • Edited

This year was good in my Programming journey and at the same time, it was worse.

I finally learned Node and python Django
Got my first freelancing project
Learned about crypto
Launched my first Portfolio site []
created bots for discord and telegrams
and many more...

and the worse part was that...
I lost my relatives and friends due to covid 😢

lfosgett profile image
Lauren Fosgett

Congrats on starting freelancing! Those are some big wins. Sorry for your losses as well <3

fidalmathew profile image
Fidal Mathew

This year, I got started with web development and open source.
I started blogging and made new connections.
Joining twitter was one of the best things I did.
It was a great year, wishing to grow more in 2022. 😄

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor


You did it!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

A crab dancing

__manucodes profile image
manu • Edited

let's take a look...

Take a look at the languages I learned since 2019:

  • Released my app, Smartlist.
  • Hit 1 million users on Smartlist :D
  • Have ~275 followers on!
  • Hit 18 followers on GitHub!
  • Halfway through 8th grade!
  • Worked on my other apps,
  • Redesigned my GitHub profile
  • Learned a new programming language!
  • Released EdPoll Beta -
  • Published my first NPM package!
  • Created a blog,
    • lol i have only one follower, please follow me 😔
  • played minecraft for some time
  • I have 6 A's and a B LOL

My record for staying up late this year:

  • 7:00 AM

My record for actually sleeping this year lol:

  • 6:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Other things I did:

  • Went with my friends to an escape room nearby.
    • didnt escape successfully lol
  • Watched netflix
  • Watched MrBeast and mark rober :)
lfosgett profile image
Lauren Fosgett

This year I started believing in myself and started learning to code again.

  • recovered from several health issues and two major procedures
  • started exercising again
  • paid off my credit card debt!!!!
  • started freelancing (product management services) which is helping me explore other skillsets I want to start growing
  • started learning javascript again and learning test automation
  • successfully launched a major feature at work this year (another big win)

I'm so pumped to keep learning and growing in 2022!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Hot Rod saying Cool beans!

berviantoleo profile image
Bervianto Leo Pratama
  • Achieved some certifications
  • More active to write blog post
  • Learned a new programing language
  • Learned more about DevOps

I wrote the summary in here. 😃

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

This was an amazing year!

  • Started a new job as a developer advocate @ Materialize
  • Won 3 hackathons
  • Bought a new home
  • Become a Co-founder of DevDojo
  • Wrote 5 open source eBooks and 150+ blog posts
  • Reached 1k subscribers on YouTube and Twitter
  • Reached 5500 total contributions on the DigitalOcean community forum

I'm truly grateful for all this!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Many wins:

  • Learned React Native
  • Made over 1.4k on eBay
  • Got hired and found permanent work
  • Went from 373 to 3.8k+ Twitter followers
  • Received lots of FREE gifts for putting out good content
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor



zachjonesnoel profile image
Jones Zachariah Noel • Edited

Just today I tweeted it.

And to add on,
🎖️Learnt a couple of new tech
🎖️Being part of GitHub Actions Hackathon and learning about workflows!
🎖️Hit 30k views with 444 reactions across all my blog posts on Dev.To within less than a year.
🎖️Networked with a lot of like minded folks.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek TNG saying Well done!

unitybuddy profile image
Mr. Unity Buddy • Edited

It's a wonderful year, It turned my my career and dev life upside down!

  • Dug depth in Python, especially GUI design.
  • Got into technical writing.
  • Crossed 140K+ Content views on both DEV and Hashnode.
  • Crossed 1K followers on DEV.
  • Worked in 2 Places.
  • 88+ blogposts.
  • Found amazing people.
  • Learnt Web Development, a bit actually.

That's all what I get on my mind right now 😋

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude

So many things! But if I had to choose one:

I've written a book to build a Mouseless Development Environment! I know it helped hundred of developers, I'm more than proud.

I want to write a book since I'm a kid, it's a dream coming true. I've already another one in the making, and many more ideas for new ones after that!