I've been fascinated with personal websites since I was a kid. Making my first personal website back in 1998 was the spark that started me down my programmer journey.
This is not my first posts about building/releasing my project daedalOS, but the aspect I had not yet covered was to discuss the motivation for the project, which was to replace my personal website with something unique.
Desktop environment in the browser
The experience I wanted for my current website (dustinbrett.com) was for a visitor to my website to feel as if they had logged into my computer and were looking through my files, such as blog posts, pictures & anything else I wanted to leave on this computer.
I've spent the last 13 months working on this site and it will be something I continue to evolve in the future. I am now doing monthly YouTube posts with new features and discussions about my website/project. Thanks for checking out my website and reading the article.
Website: https://dustinbrett.com/
Source Code: https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DustinBrett
Top comments (29)
Great !
I was also wiling to make something similar, this will help me a lot.
By the way, I made a windows loader animation using pure CSS.
Here's the link : prakhart111.github.io/windows_loader/
You can include it while the page is loading.
Here's the github : github.com/prakhart111/windows_loader
I saw your repository, it's awesome !!
hey bro yours is awesome too, can I also pick it up for practice purposes?
Ya sure.
And you can also checkout my articles on my profile, and you can connect with me here
I played around with the site, it looks cool, great work. All the best.
I was reminded of a similar work done two decades ago, following the Windows 95 launch if I remember right. It was the early days of (Oracle) NetPCs hype. A company in India I used to consult, was building an entire CloudPC on the web, that can run inside a browser, using Java Applets. And the UI mimicked Windows 95. Needless to say, the network was not supportive of this, the stack was not mature and after spending huge $$$ the project failed.
Thanks! One of these days this kinda project is gonna work, I hope.
great job. I'm just starting to work for react. So I have a bunch of questions. why, when I downloaded your code, did it give out a large number of errors?
Could you clarify the errors? Ideally there are no errors when it's all setup.
Where can I contact you?
I see you posted in my repo's discussions. I will respond there. :-)
Do you know how to get rid of these errors? Can you help me please. They occur when I run your code in the console
I was really impressed with your work Mr Dustin
Thank you!
Impressive stuff!
Thank you!
Nice Job!
Thank You!
Maybe fully functional is a little bit exaggerated. But I like how you can use this Windows 10 clone to start a Windows 10 clone.
Thanks! I did some intentional exaggeration on the hope of actually getting people to start telling me, it's not fully functional because you missed "x", and then I add x to my list of to do's. :-)
But indeed the word fully is tricky. It does do a lot though and my plan/hope is to keep adding more until eventually I've covered a ton of use cases. I'd like to eventually make it a PWA or standalone app that could be like a swiss army knife of things.
Very impressive! I'll check out some of the Youtube videos to see how you implemented the apps (especially Doom).
Cool thanks! For Doom I need to give credit to js-dos as the emulator that is doing the magic. js-dos.com/v7/build/
It's incredibly responsive and fluid, even on mobile. I got a bit lost though π
Awesome! I hope you didn't get lost in a bad way. The site doesn't have a specific destination so it's easy to get lost.