We all have our own utilities - dealing with date/time, validating common forms, etc, or maybe you use a third-party utility library like lodash or underscore. Either way, below is a collection of useful JavaScript functions that you can use to create or expand your utilities library! Enjoy and leave your own utility functions below in the comments.
1. Summarize Text w/ Ellipsis
* Accepts a string value and returns it back with an ellipsis if the string length
* is greater than the max length specified. Otherwise, return the original string.
function summarize(str, max) {
return str.length > max ? str.substring(0, max) + '...' : str;
Example use case (from Medium):
2. Add/remove classes on a collection of DOM objects
Extends NodeList by using prototype. It allows us to have jQuery-like functionality for adding and removing classes to multiple objects that have been selected on the DOM using querySelectorAll().
Disclaimer: Generally speaking, extending the core JS API is not recommended, but may be useful and convenient in some isolated use-cases.
NodeList.prototype.addClass = function(className) {
this.forEach(el => {
NodeList.prototype.removeClass = function(className) {
this.forEach(el => {
You can then use these like so:
// our way
// standard way
const menuItems = document.querySelectorAll('.menu-item');
menuItems.forEach(el => {
// jQuery way
3. Function Performance Tester
Test the performance of your functions using console.time(). Also works on async functions as long as you use async/await.
// outputs elapsed execution time of your method to your web console
function perfTest(name, method) {
console.time(`Method - ${name}`);
console.timeEnd(`Method - ${name}`);
// usage
// function to test
function square() {
for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
let square = i ** 2;
// test it
perfTest('square', square); // output -> Method - square: 3.966064453125ms
4. Dynamic div Generator
If you prefer creating DOM elements dynamically, this may be useful to you. It's a way to create div elements by passing in attributes as an object.
// creates a div, sets provided attributes, returns the div for doing whatever you want with it
function divMe(attr) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
for (let i in attr) {
div.setAttribute(i, attr[i]);
return div;
// usage
const div = divMe({
class : 'blue-button',
'data-id' : 'abc123',
'aria-label' : 'Close'
5. Group array by key
Returns a new array that is grouped by the key that you defined. Works similarly to GROUP BY operations in SQL.
function groupBy(arr, key) {
return arr.reduce((acc, i) => {
(acc[i[key]] = acc[i[key]] || []).push(i);
return acc;
}, {});
// raw data example
const roleModels = [
userId: 1,
name: 'John Williams',
type: 'Composer'
userId: 2,
name: 'Hans Zimmer',
type: 'Composer'
userId: 3,
name: 'Michael Jordan',
type: 'Athlete'
userId: 4,
name: 'J.K. Rowling',
type: 'Author'
const byType = groupBy(roleModels, 'type');
// results (derived):
Athlete: [{...}],
Author: [{...}],
Composer: [
userId: 1,
name: 'John Williams',
type: 'Composer'
userId: 2,
name: 'Hans Zimmer',
type: 'Composer'
Utilities are an excellent way to reuse miscellaneous functions like the above. You may even organize them into modules if you wish. It's up to you! What are some utility functions that you use all the time? Please share in the comments below!
Top comments (7)
Nice. My only comment would be that the ellipsis cut-off should probably subtract the length of the ellipsis, as typically you may want to conform to a database field size. I.e
you could end up with 103 chars including the ellipsis,so like:
Even better, it should split at the end of a word and not in the middle of one
Even better, use the unicode ellipsis (
).If you sprinkle a little "data last" with some partial application and you really got something on the groupBy.
Now you can have a factory of functions:
It's a neat trick, but it's a little YAGNI isn't it? I can't really think of a situation where I would use this
Is certainly not necessary. You can always wrap the thing in another function.
It does come handy when callbacks are involve.
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