Node.js v22 is Live 🔥
Accoring to Openjs Foundation, Node.js 22 replaces Node.js 21 as the current release line. Node v22 will be the current release version atleast for next 6 months, that is until October 2024, when it will become Active. Here is our full Node.js release schedule.
“Node.js 22 improves a lot of small, important areas, and continues to make it easy in enterprise deployments to use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting,” said Rafael Gonzaga, Node.js Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Member. “The broad Node.js community is critical to the continued improvement of the software and a big part of this release. Many thanks to our open source contributors for putting in the time and effort and making Node.js better with each release. Thank you also to OpenSSF and Project Alpha Omega for helping us improve Node.js security.”
“Node.js demand among developers continues to grow as the need for reliable and scalable web applications rises. With Node.js 22, you are working with an even-numbered version that will be production-ready and add long-term support in 6 months. It’s the right time to test and get ready for deployment,” said Marco Ippolito, Node.js core collaborator. “Node.js continues to improve and deliver features that make it easy for enterprises to build out their back-end.
Some notable changes are:
1️⃣ WebSocket Client: Now included and enabled by default, making it easier than ever to establish WebSocket connections from your Node.js app.
2️⃣ Experimental ESM Support: You can now require ECMAScript Modules (ESM) graphs easiliy! Whether you're using CommonJS (CJS) or ESM, support for both require() and import statements is now available.
3️⃣ Node --watch Mode: Although, previously an experimental feature, it's now even more stable. Your servers can now automatically reload when changes occur in your files or paths, enhancing your development workflow.
4️⃣ Increased Default Highwater Marks for Streams: A significant performance boost with increased default highwater marks for streams. However, just be aware that this might lead to slightly higher memory usage. If you're working in memory-sensitive environments, keep an eye on the impact and adjust settings accordingly.
Happy Hacking 🙌🏻
Top comments (22)
ESM and CJS? Living in harmony?
Next up for the Nodejs team: world peace.
Like one big happy family 😄
Right?! I love it!
Node --watch Mode 👏👏👏
This could reduce much work on our good friend nodemon 😄
Yep 😍😍
Important note for the second change 2️⃣: To support ESM with
, you have to add the flag--experimental-require-module
Thats right @steeve thanks for the insight 👏
Also.. where is Node Docker v22 tag?
Should be in the pipeline. Currently, v20 appears to be the most recent tag.
yea they finally released v22 docker images now..
Sounds really good, I'm happy to hear 👏😍
Nice one
Finally! Npm bug is resolved with max socket count issues in CICD workflows.
Thank you for a great news!
You're most welcome Nurlan 👏
Thanks for the great work! 🙌
Thank you so much @noviadi 🙌🏻🩷
Bye nodemon we will miss you :(
Exactly 😄 our dear friend on Development server