Hi everyone! I'm Emma and I've joined DEV as an Associate Graphic Designer.
While my discipline is primarily in visual/digital design, my interests include ceramics, printmaking, karaoke, watching movies (and video essays about movies), learning (and relearning) programming, and lion dancing. More recently, I've been making slow but steady progress in learning more about fixing bikes, using peer to peer/distributed technologies, and propagating house plants.
I'm interested in the larger project of imagining an Internet that is run by and for people, maintained by principles of care instead of control, and where the tools to build and shape online communities are free, just, and widely accessible. As such, I'm excited that my entry into the tech ecosystem begins with DEV, especially in the midst of its transition towards Forem.
Looking forward to being a part of this community! 😊
Top comments (15)
Beautifully said! So excited that you're part of the team 🌱
Weekly karaoke YouTube videos from DEV incoming? 👀
Welcome to the team Emma, glad to have you onboard!
I wonder when the world will go back karaokeing the nights away :D
Welcome Emma! We're really excited that you're here 😁
Great to have you on board, Emma!! I think everyone is always learning and relearning how to program :)
So happy you are here! And I can't wait to talk movies and ceramics with you in addition to all the awesome tech projects we'll tackle here together
Welcome Emma! We are glad you are here. :)
Welcome Emma! Very cool bio. Love your philosophy!
Welcome Emma 💯🌟
Welcome 😊
congrats Emma and welcome
I am extremely pleased to see such a loooong username. It bodes well.
Welcome :) why so mmmmms :P dev.to/emmmmmmmmmmmma/