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Ganesh Yadav
Ganesh Yadav

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Getting Started With GraphQL & Why it is Required (Part 1)

In this article, we will explore the most loved query language which resolves the most important problem statement in modern web app development

Although there are quite a lot of techniques to work with Graphql, for the sake of simplicity we will be going to use Apollo Server as your server for the Graphql

But before moving forward let us understand, why there is a need for Graphql.

Why Graphql?

Graphql was developed by Facebook in the year 2012, and it was open-sourced in the year 2015, it was developed to address some of the limitations and challenges that were associated with REST APIs, the challenges include

  1. Under-fetching: In REST, endpoints are fixed, and the server determines the structure of the response. This can lead to under-fetching (receiving less data than needed).

  2. Over-fetching: The REST also have an issue called Over-fetching(receiving more data than needed), where generally we get more data than is required which can affect the efficiency.

  3. Single Request for Multiple Resources: With GraphQL, clients can request multiple resources in a single query, reducing the number of HTTP requests needed to retrieve data. This can result in faster and more efficient communication between clients and servers.

  4. Flexible Schema and Strong Typing: GraphQL uses a flexible schema that allows clients to define the shape of the response they expect. It also enforces strong typing, providing clarity about the types of data that can be queried and reducing the chance of runtime errors.

let us now clearly, understand how Graphql reduces under-fetching and over-fetching, by taking the example of the user, in REST we have to create a different endpoint for getting with id /user/id, similarly for getting a post of a particular user /user/id/posts and for followers we have /user/id/followers.

Request for particular user with id

Request for particular user Post

Request for particular user Followers

With REST, you have to make three requests to different endpoints to fetch the required data. You’re also overfetching since the endpoints return additional information that’s not needed.

In GraphQL on the other hand, you’d simply send a single query to the GraphQL server that includes the concrete data requirements. The server then responds with a JSON object where these requirements are fulfilled.

query using Graphql

Now, let us head toward creating our first GraphQl server using Apollo Server

Creating Our First Server :

  1. Our First step includes creation of a new Project , you have to ensure that your system has node.js installed
 mkdir my-first-graphql-server
 cd my-first-graphql-server
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  1. Now, let's Initialize our project using npm(node package manager) and set our type in the package.json file as "module", so that we can use the import statement, the below command will create a package.json file inside your project directory
npm init --yes && npm pkg set type="module"
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  1. Install Dependencies, to use the graphql and Apollo server, we have to install the dependencies and also nodemon for running our server.
 npm install @apollo/server graphql nodemon
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  1. Now, here comes the most interesting part of creating the server in graphql, we have to define the Graphql Schema which typically represents the structure of our data present and the shape of the query, it is typically denoted with typeDefs, now create an index.js file inside our project directory and import the certain things and create the typeDefs as mentions which refers to ours schema,
 import { ApolloServer } from '@apollo/server';
 import { startStandaloneServer } from '@apollo/server/standalone';

 // A schema is a collection of type definitions (hence "typeDefs")
 // that together define the "shape" of queries that are executed against
 // your data.
 //Adding #graphql to the beginning of a template literal provides 
 //GraphQL syntax highlighting in supporting IDEs.
 const typeDefs = `#graphql
   type Book {
     title: String
     author: String
   type Query {
     books: [Book]

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  1. Again inside our index.js or in other files you can mention your data and export the data if required, again for a simple purpose we are just taking books which represent the array of objects with a particular book title and author.
 const books = [
     title: 'The Awakening',
     author: 'Kate Chopin',
     title: 'City of Glass',
     author: 'Paul Auster',

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  1. Define the resolvers inside index.js, now that we have created our data set we have to create our resolvers which are basically a function that tells the Apollo server how to fetch the particular data when a certain query is made and what the given query returns, below code snippets will return all the books from the array, when the books query is made.
 // Resolvers define how to fetch the types defined in your schema.
 // This resolver retrieves books from the "books" array above.
 const resolvers = {
   Query: {
     books: () => books,

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  1. Now we need to create our instance of ApolloServer, inside the index.js file which will take typeDefs and resolvers,We've defined our schema, data set, and resolver. Now, we need to provide this information to Apollo Server when we initialize it.
 // The ApolloServer constructor requires two parameters: your schema
 // definition and your set of resolvers.
 const server = new ApolloServer({

 // Passing an ApolloServer instance to the `startStandaloneServer` function:
 //  1. creates an Express app
 //  2. installs your ApolloServer instance as middleware
 //  3. prepares your app to handle incoming requests
 const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server, {
   listen: { port: 4000 },

 console.log(`🚀  Server ready at: ${url}`);

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  1. Now for running the server, we have to make some changes in our script object present inside the package.json file, since we have already installed nodemon,it is time we have to utilise it while running the server, add the below code snippet to our package.json files scripts object.
 "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "server":"nodemon index.js"  //this runs your index.js file

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//now open the terminal and write the start command this will
//start your Apollo server at port 4000 with the URL as http://localhost:4000/
npm run server

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Ahh we now have created our first Graphql server using Apollo Server, opened our localhost and make the query in the playground, provided by ApolloServer playground as shown in the the image.

Apollo Studio

Conclusion :

So, from this Article, we have learned how GraphQl is better than REST API and the benefits it provides over a conventional REST framework and we have also seen how it resolves the challenges of Under-fetching and Over-fetching by utilising the one-only query for different resources.

Further, we have created our first GraphQl server using Apollo server and utilised its querying capabilities, in the next article we will further explore some of the different techniques present in graphql for manipulating the data known as Mutation

I have learned a lot about this topic from the internet and also advise you the same for more exploring and deep diving, do reply and comment on this article for better sharing and good content creation.

Top comments (2)

olddutchcap profile image
Onorio Catenacci • Edited

Hi Ganesh,

I know that I'm pointing out a very minor issue but since it appears that you put a great deal of effort into writing a thorough, detailed explanation of this topic, I thought you might want to have this pointed out.

I see a few typos in your text. For example:

But Before moving forward let us understand, Why there is a need for Graphql.

Should read:

But before moving forward let us understand, why there is a need for Graphql.

And there are a few more. I don't want to be negative but when you've obviously tried to be careful to get the details correct small things like this really stand out--and not in a positive way.

ganeshyadav3142 profile image
Ganesh Yadav

Hi Onorio,

Thanks for pointing this out, working on our suggestions
Hope next time this will not be the case.