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Lazygit - Autumn Dev Laziness

Good morning everyone and happy MonDEV☕

I hope you had a good weekend and are ready to get back to work!

And before anything else, it's worth reminding you that we have entered the period of Hacktoberfest, so if you are planning to participate this year, go to the website, register, and start looking for a project to contribute to (or if you prepared in September, then you already have some of the work done).

It's a great opportunity to work with many different repos and spend a lot of time using git, so let me introduce you to today's tool.

If you happen to be lazy and want to find the easiest and quickest way to do something, you may like today's tool.

Assuming you are not so lazy that you've written aliases like gp and GP to respectively execute git pull and git push, some common operations can become longer even just to remember or write when working from the command line.

That's why someone (aka jesseduffield on Github) invented Lazy Git.

What is it about?


As you can see, it is nothing but an executable GUI from the terminal (whichever it may be) that allows you to work comfortably and neatly with git.

Practically all operations related to git can be executed in a couple of keyboard strokes at most, allowing you to manage branching, stash, and history movements efficiently.

For those situations where you want a convenient interface to work with git without having to remember all the various commands or use a client, this is the ideal choice; or at least, for personal taste I found it a simple and practical tool; let me know if it's the same for you! 😁

Articles of the week

How to build an open source metrics dashboard: when you say "going big"; an article from GitHub's blog on how they built and organized a dashboard for Open Source metrics on behalf of the WHO (World Health Organization). In this article, some insights on the processes followed and the organization of an open source project created for a large organization.

Hacktoberfest Projects to Contribute to in 2024: want to find a project to contribute to during this hacktober fest but can't decide which one? In this article, you'll find some projects to contribute to!

I hope I have given you some interesting ideas again this week, I wish you a great start of the week

Happy Coding 0_1

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